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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by OsaBlue View Post
    man kari nadaram shoma longiaro che kar kardid, man faghat midoonam teamet too azadi soosk shod raft peye karesh (ya ferestatimesh hamoon aalame haparoot )
    shoma sepahaniha ham mesle nadid padida dige vase ma yeki asia asia nakonid ke un moghe ke Sepahan be lavashak migoft lahaf doshak ma tu asia dashtim jam miovordim
    In jaryaane movaffaghiate shomaa too asia ham ke albatte maale ahde daghiaanoose, mano yaade poz daadane longiaa be borde 6-0 jelo esteghlal mindaaze ke vel kon nistan.

    baba chand saal? gozasht baba, tamoom shod! be ghole maroof mamaro looloo bord. dige alaan esteghlal kheili honar kone bozorgtarin movaffaghiatesh too asia in boode ke parsaal list-esh ro be moghe ferestaad be AFC
    2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


      A breakthrough in the construction of Naghshe Jahan stadium. The construction has been delegated to Ostandaari Esfahan. I hope the Esfahani's can now finish it soon. The construction started in 1371, about 18 years ago and the progress is probably less than 20%!

      ساخت ورزشگاه نقش جهان به استانداري اصفهان واگذار شد

      رئيس هيات مديره شرکت توسعه و نگهداري اماکن ورزشي گفت: کار ساخت و احداث ورزشگاه نقش جهان به استانداري اصفهان واگذار شد.

      ساخت ورزشگاه نقش جهان اصفهان از سال 1371 آغاز شد و مسئولان در زمان*هاي متعدد قول اتمام آن را دادند، اما تاکنون هيچ يک از اين وعده*ها تحقق نيافته است.
      سعيدرضا عاصمي زواره، رئيس هيات مديره شرکت توسعه و نگهداري اماکن ورزشي با اشاره به برگزاري جلسه با ذاکر، استاندار اصفهان گفت: طبق پيشنهادهاي ارائه شده تصميم گرفته شد کار ساخت ورزشگاه نقش جهان و محوطه پيرامون آن از شرکت توسعه به استانداري اصفهان واگذار شود.
      وي ادامه داد: در جلسه*اي که با علي سعيدلو، رئيس سازمان تربيت بدني داشتيم موافقت شد استانداري را به عنوان دستگاه اجرايي ورزشگاه معرفي کنيم. براي امسال و سال آينده دو هزينه 6 ميلياردي براي اين ورزشگاه اختصاص يافته و استانداري با اين بودجه ورزشگاه را تحويل خواهد داد.
      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


        Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
        In jaryaane movaffaghiate shomaa too asia ham ke albatte maale ahde daghiaanoose, mano yaade poz daadane longiaa be borde 6-0 jelo esteghlal mindaaze ke vel kon nistan.
        baba chand saal? gozasht baba, tamoom shod! be ghole maroof mamaro looloo bord. dige alaan esteghlal kheili honar kone bozorgtarin movaffaghiatesh too asia in boode ke parsaal list-esh ro be moghe ferestaad be AFC
        man aslan hanuz Sepahano dar haddi nemibinam ke bekham bahashun kal kal konamo korkori bekhunam, mage Sepahan baraye football iran tu asia chekar karde ke fekr kardid khabarie? mage faghat har sal raftan asia soorakh shodanam mishe eftekhar? ya nakone mikhay begi ma ham ye bar raftim final?
        hanuz taze be doran resideid, kheyli munde ta Esteghlal/Perspolis bekhan hesabetun konan dadashe man


          ^ Man hich moshkeli nadaaram baa in mozoo ke tarafdaaraaye Esteghlal va Persepolis Sepahan ro tahvil nagiran, vali be sharti ke aakhare fasl zire Sepahan baashan too jadval (ke be nazar miaad emsaal ham mesle paarsaal in ettefaagh miofte, hadde aghal taa haalaash ke hamintor boode)
          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


            ^joojaro akhare payeez mishmoran


              Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
              ^ Man hich moshkeli nadaaram baa in mozoo ke tarafdaaraaye Esteghlal va Persepolis Sepahan ro tahvil nagiran, vali be sharti ke aakhare fasl zire Sepahan baashan too jadval (ke be nazar miaad emsaal ham mesle paarsaal in ettefaagh miofte, hadde aghal taa haalaash ke hamintor boode)


                Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                So busy these days, havnt had time to watch any ipl games or even navad! but I follow the results all the time. Great week for both clubs, dramatic win by sepahan, I hope to see this weeks navad at least for highlights and maybe last weeks one to see sorkhabi owned by 4goals each lol
                the winner of Esfahan derby will probably will the league.
                Sent from my Nokia N8.
                Good days for Isfehanies but not Tehranis and Khozestanies. So congrats to both ZA and Sepahan.


                  No comments!

                  2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                    Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                    No comments!

                    too sad that sepahan now hires a dirty coach that resorts to the same dirty tactics
                    that it once suffered from (just like the sepahan/pp game)

                    خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - تهران
                    سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال

                    مدير عامل باشگاه فولاد مبارکه سپاهان در تماس تلفني با رئيس کميته انضباطي از اين کميته به جهت عدم دقت در درج اخبار خود گلايه كرد.

                    به گزارش ايسنا، محمدرضا ساکت در تماس تلفني با شريفي با اظهار تاسف از اعلام خبر احضار مديران باشگاه هاي فولاد مبارکه سپاهان و فولاد خوزستان به رئيس کميته انضباطي اعلام نمود که کلمه احضار که عموما براي متهمان به کار مي رود لغتي نيست که کميته انضباطي بخواهد در مواجه با مديران عامل باشگاه ها از آن استفاده نمايد و بهتر است تا اين کميته حرمت مديران باشگاه ها را حفظ نمايد.

                    شريفي نيز در اين تماس اين مسئله را اشتباه مسلم کارمند کميته انضباطي خواند و اعلام کرد که اين اشتباه باعث درج خبر احضار مديران عامل دو باشگاه به کميته انضباطي در رسانه ها شده است.

                    وي حضور مديران دوباشگاه فولاد مبارکه سپاهان و فولاد خوزستان در اين کميته را مذاکره و سخنان رو در روي دو مدير عامل در باب موضوعات اخير پيش آمده بين دو باشگاه دانست که مسئله احضار در اين بين محلي از اعراب ندارد.
                    Down With the Dictator ... Neda's Pictorial Story 25 بهمن روز تقدیر ملی از پایداری رهبران جنبش سبز ذز برابر استبداد دینی


                      Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                      No comments!

                      Can you provide a context for this please? Is this somehow related to GN (at least the suspicion?)
                      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                        Can you provide a context for this please? Is this somehow related to GN (at least the suspicion?)
                        No Ali jan, at least as far as I know it does not have anything with GN. It just says that Dadkan confirms that during his reign as the head of IFF, Esteghlal Ahvaz once tried to bribe the referee to influence his judgment in their Hazfi cup game against Sepahan.
                        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                          Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                          No Ali jan, at least as far as I know it does not have anything with GN. It just says that Dadkan confirms that during his reign as the head of IFF, Esteghlal Ahvaz once tried to bribe the referee to influence his judgment in their Hazfi cup game against Sepahan.
                          Thank you for taking time and reply to my post. Therefore Neda/Ala/Nakhl post after you (his reference to "Sepahan hired a dirty coach.....") which suggests GN was pure manipulation and had nothing to do with your post. It was a mere figment of his imagination (as most of his posts are anyways). Just wanted to clarify.
                          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                            Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                            Can you provide a context for this please? Is this somehow related to GN (at least the suspicion?)
                            1- This has nothing to do with any coach
                            2- Date of incident is 2005 ( DadKan Signiture). . GN was Esteghlal Tehran coach for 2003-2006 then TM , Mes, Esteghlal & Sepahan


                              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                              1- This has nothing to do with any coach
                              2- Date of incident is 2005 ( DadKan Signiture). . GN was Esteghlal Tehran coach for 2003-2006 then TM , Mes, Esteghlal & Sepahan
                              Merci for the verification. I knew it doesn't have anything to do with GN, but if you see Neda indirectly brought him up in his post. So I wanted TM-FAN kindly veriy that.
                              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                                Bengar was added to the TM roster instead of Rahimi from Rahahan. Good for him!

                                Among the 23 TM players 6 players are from Sepahan, 4 from Zobahan. So 10 out of 23 or 43% of the team are from the two Esfahani teams.
                                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14

