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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    مهاجم ملي پوش تيم فوتبال ذوب آهن اصفهان گفت: وقتي باشگاه براي جذب بازيكنان جديد كسري بودجه را بهانه مي كند، بايد انتظار چنين نتايجي را هم داشته باشيم.
    محمدرضا خلعتبري پس از پايان بازي ذوب آهن و سپاهان در گفت وگو با خبرنگار خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا) منطقه اصفهان، اظهار كرد: هواداران نبايد به اين دو شكست پي در پي ذوب آهن نگاه كنند چون اين تنها يك اتفاق بود و رخ دادن اتفاق در فوتبال طبيعي است و مطمئن باشيد ذوب آهن قهرمان مي شود.

    وي افزود: وقتي ابراهيم زاده ليست بازيكنان درخواستي خود را به باشگاه مي دهد تا جذب ذوب آهن شوند و باشگاه كسري بودجه را بهانه مي كند بايد انتظار چنين نتايجي را هم داشته باشيم و ديگر نبايد سرمربي و بازيكنان را مقصر بدانيم.
    خلعتبري در رابطه با باخت دو برصفر تيمش مقابل طلايي پوشان سپاهان گفت: قبل ازهر چيز به سپاهان تبريك مي گويم چون در اين بازي آنها بهتر از ما بودند ولي ذوب آهن هم مقداري بدشانس بود كه موقعيت هايش تبديل به گل نشد و بايد بگويم اتفاق خاصي نيفتاده است، ما 4 سال پياپي از سپاهان برديم و امروز بازنده بوديم.
    وي در پاسخ به اين پرسش كه چه مطلبي را در هنگام زدن ضربه پنالتي سپاهان به سيد مهدي رحمتي گفته است؟ افزود: چيز خاصي نگفتم و اين يك موضوع خصوصي بود بين من و رحمتي و اصلا چيز بدي نبود، چون رحمتي هم خيلي از اين مطلب خوشش آمد.
    خلعتبري با بيان اينكه با اين باخت چيزي از ارزش هاي ذوب آهن كم نمي شود، گفت: اگر به جدول ليگ نگاه كنيم هنوز ذوب آهن صدرنشين است و اميدواريم كه اين صدرنشيني تداوم يابد.
    وي درباره بازي هفته آينده ذوب آهن مقابل تيم نفت آبادان خاطرنشان كرد: در طول هفته تمرينات بسيار خوبي را پشت سر مي گذاريم و در اصفهان اين تيم جنوبي را با شكست بدرقه مي كنيم.

    LOL at Khalatbari.. is he just confused. Or is he talking out of his arss?
    first he down plays the losses and says they are normal in football, then he says we should expect them...

    interesting that he Promises his team will be champion....
    he must be doing "Bazar Garmi", or maybe he is a Chrlatan.
    oh and according to him it is NOT the players or the Coach's fault, losing these IPL games.


      1- First of all, when Khalatbari says Zob will win the IPL, already 22 of 34 weeks or roughly two third of the season has been passed and Zob are on top of the table, so it is a different situation. They have a very good and realistic chance to win it. Ghotbi promised we will win the AC even before the games started and when we were maybe the 5th chance in the tournament to win the cup. It is like Kamalvand or Marfavi promise championship at the beginning of the IPL season, everybody will laugh at them. Ghotbi situation was this much ridiculous. He also promised he will take us to the WC when we were 4th in a table of 5 after 5 rounds with only three rounds left!!

      2- Khalatbari is just a player in Zob so his interview is not taken as seriously as the head coach by anybody.

      3- Enghadr ke to baraaye Ghotbi mimaali, dige poostesh raft, bi khiaal sho!
      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


        full match of esfahan derby is available on thanks to Shirfarhad. damet garm dada



          Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
          1- First of all, when Khalatbari says Zob will win the IPL, already 22 of 34 weeks or roughly two third of the season has been passed and Zob are on top of the table, so it is a different situation. They have a very good and realistic chance to win it. Ghotbi promised we will win the AC even before the games started and when we were maybe the 5th chance in the tournament to win the cup. It is like Kamalvand or Marfavi promise championship at the beginning of the IPL season, everybody will laugh at them. Ghotbi situation was this much ridiculous. He also promised he will take us to the WC when we were 4th in a table of 5 after 5 rounds with only three rounds left!!

          2- Khalatbari is just a player in Zob so his interview is not taken as seriously as the head coach by anybody.

          3- Enghadr ke to baraaye Ghotbi mimaali, dige poostesh raft, bi khiaal sho!

          1. Khalatbari contradicted himself in that interview, first saying it's normal to lose these games and then saying "it's not the players or the coaches fault. It's the club who didn't give us money to hire better players".. what a loser he is!! that was my point, which you obviously didn't get.

          2. Ghotbi never promised AC title.

          3. Ghotbi promised IPL title for perspolis from the beginning of the season and we know how that went.. lol

          96th yadet nareh


            1. 99% of the time these papers manipulate the interviews and its not EXACTLY what the player said. unless you watch the video of him saying those things dont believe it!

            2. Ghotbi did say "we will win the AC" he said it in one of the Navads I remember.

            3. yeah we know exactly how it went...

            GRACIAS PEP


              Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
              1. 99% of the time these papers manipulate the interviews and its not EXACTLY what the player said. unless you watch the video of him saying those things dont believe it!

              2. Ghotbi did say "we will win the AC" he said it in one of the Navads I remember.

              3. yeah we know exactly how it went...

              1. So you say that these are not Khalatbari's words? Why? You think he said something wrong? (by the way this is from ISNA , and as far as I know ISNA uses quotation mark and is first and only news source that does this. I am not saying they are %100 true all the time, but ISNA would be the last Iranian source I would questions it's validity)

              2. Gotbi did not promise any titles. He repeatedly said (when asked if he is promising it, again), said NO, But we "CAN" and we "Will". I guess we are used to coaches who always say things like "be oomid-e khoda va emam zaman va doaye mardom inshalah ke betoonim movafagh bashim".. Even if he had promised a title, I wouldn't see anything wrong with it, I just do'nt get your infatuation about him "promising a title". Khalatbari is promising a championship this year in that interview, even though the race is very tight and many games still left. I don't have a problem with him saying that. I actually think that is the best thing he has said in that Interview. It shows will and determination. It doesn't matter if they don't make it. I wouldn't hold it against him.

              4. how can you forget. Of course you know exactly how it went.


                Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                1- First of all, when Khalatbari says Zob will win the IPL, already 22 of 34 weeks or roughly two third of the season has been passed and Zob are on top of the table, so it is a different situation. They have a very good and realistic chance to win it. Ghotbi promised we will win the AC even before the games started and when we were maybe the 5th chance in the tournament to win the cup. It is like Kamalvand or Marfavi promise championship at the beginning of the IPL season, everybody will laugh at them. Ghotbi situation was this much ridiculous. He also promised he will take us to the WC when we were 4th in a table of 5 after 5 rounds with only three rounds left!!

                2- Khalatbari is just a player in Zob so his interview is not taken as seriously as the head coach by anybody.

                3- Enghadr ke to baraaye Ghotbi mimaali, dige poostesh raft, bi khiaal sho!
                The system didn't let me rep you hamshahri. To the others leave your Ghotbi loving posts to other threads since there are so many of them. This is for Sepahan & Zob Ahan.


                  Did Zob Ahan and Mes replay their match?
                  because the ref ****ed up

                  I think Zob Ahan has a good chance of winning the IPL because they have an easier schedule than Sepahan and Esteghlal


                    Originally posted by NFL View Post
                    1. So you say that these are not Khalatbari's words? Why? You think he said something wrong? (by the way this is from ISNA , and as far as I know ISNA uses quotation mark and is first and only news source that does this. I am not saying they are %100 true all the time, but ISNA would be the last Iranian source I would questions it's validity)

                    2. Gotbi did not promise any titles. He repeatedly said (when asked if he is promising it, again), said NO, But we "CAN" and we "Will". I guess we are used to coaches who always say things like "be oomid-e khoda va emam zaman va doaye mardom inshalah ke betoonim movafagh bashim".. Even if he had promised a title, I wouldn't see anything wrong with it, I just do'nt get your infatuation about him "promising a title". Khalatbari is promising a championship this year in that interview, even though the race is very tight and many games still left. I don't have a problem with him saying that. I actually think that is the best thing he has said in that Interview. It shows will and determination. It doesn't matter if they don't make it. I wouldn't hold it against him.

                    4. how can you forget. Of course you know exactly how it went.
                    1. I don't say they are not his words, cause I haven't seen the video interview, you can't be sure. Plus what he said is normal, big woop. no big deal?

                    2. maybe he didn't use the word promise, but when you say we WILL win the AC, its like a promise, much different to saying we CAN win it like most coaches say.

                    3. what happened to point 3?

                    GRACIAS PEP


                      Thanks Kia jan!


                      Navidkia, Toure and Janvario are suspended for the game against Pas.

                      The positive note is that they will definitely be eligible to play against SS the week after. I can't wait to put SS into the "ghooti" on Feb 24th
                      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                        I can't believe we beat Pas in their ground with all those 3 starters missing!
                        Damesh Garm Hajsafi.
                        Also well done Zobahan scoring 6 against Naft, they are getting close to our goal difference to gain that advantage.
                        now lets hope Ss lose points.

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          ^ Yes, it was a good win Shayan jan

                          I am very happy for Hajsafi, he is regaining his good old form and we will definitely need him at top level to win the IPL this season and also in the ACL games. I hope he can continue his progress and can go to Europe next season, off course if his military service issue is solved.

                          Zob also destroyed NA today They really needed this moral boosting win to completely forget the last two losses.
                          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                            Agha Dame Zob garm. 6 tayee kard Sanate Naft roo. Granted Sanat players in protest to not being paid didn't participate in practice but still, 6-0 in Abadan!!!!?
                            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                              ^ Thanks Ali jan, it was a win at a very good time for Zob. Also I think the game was in Foolad Shahr-e Esfahan.
                              2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                                Yeah Zob ahan was playing at home.
                                Persian Pride running through my veins!

                                Esteghlal for life!!

