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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Wow. It could have been 10-0

    They hit the post 3 times and missed a pk. Khalatbari was subbed out in the 2nd half and got pissed off. He needs a little kick in the butt.

    * در اين ديدار ذوبي*ها علاوه بر به ثمر رساندن 6 گل سه بار هم تيرك دروازه حريف آباداني را به لرزه دراورده و يك پنالتي را هم از دست دادند.

    I bet Neda/Ala is having a ball. LOL


      Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
      Agha Dame Zob garm. 6 tayee kard Sanate Naft roo. Granted Sanat players in protest to not being paid didn't participate in practice but still, 6-0 in Abadan!!!!?
      I havent followed navad lately, so this was the reason they lost this way.



        Sepahan and Zob will have a tough and busy schedule ahead, 6 games in span of 24 days or about one game every four days. The hardest part is traveling back and forth between Esfahan and the opponent's stadiums.

        Sepahan games:
        5 Esfand @ home: Esteghlal
        11 Esfand (away): Al-Helal

        16 Esfand (away): Shahrdari Tabriz
        20 Esfand @ home: Naft Tehran
        24 Esfand @ home: Al-Jazire UAE
        29 Esfand (away): Steel Azin

        5 Esfand (away): Saba Ghom
        11 Esfand @ home: Al Emarat
        14 Esfand @ home: Tractorsazi
        19 Esfand (away): Rahahan
        25 Esfand (away): Al Shabab KSA
        29 Esfand @ home: Shahin Bushehr
        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


          Al Helal and Al Shabab will play in Saudi Arabia's league tomorrow. These two teams are Sepahan and Zob's opponents in ACL. Good chance for GN and EZ to analyze the game.

          داربي رياض زير ذره بين قلعه نويي و ابراهيم زاده

          به گزارش ایمنا هفته هجدهم لیگ عربستان فردا آغاز خواهد شد و به نوعی مقامات فدراسیون فوتبال عربستان، گل سر سبد دیدارهای فصل را در شام فرخنده ولادت نبی اکرم(ص) جای داده اند.
          تیمهای الشباب و الهلال دو قطب فوتبال عربستان که اتفاقا حریفان ذوب آهن و سپاهان در دور گروهی رقابتهای لیگ قهرمانان عربستان خواهند بود در این دیدار به تقابل با یکدیگر خواهند پرداخت.
          در حال حاضر الهلال با کسب 38 امتیاز از 16 بازی صدرنشین امارات است و الشباب با کسب 31 امتیاز از همین تعداد بازی در جایگاه سوم قرار دارد.
          ناصر الشمرانی با 14 گل از الشباب صدرنشین جدول گلزنان و یاسر القحطانی از الهلال با 10 گل یکی از جدی ترین تعقیب کنندگان اوست.
          به نظر می رسد این دیدار برای امیر قلع نویی و منصور ابراهیم زاده هم از حساسیت ویژه ای برخوردار بوده و آنها حاضر نشوند تماشای زنده این دیدار را از دست بدهند.
          این دیدار ساعت 20:45 به وقت تهران به میزبانی الشباب برگزار می شود.
          الهلال چهارشنبه هفته آینده میزبان تیم سپاهان است و ذوب آهن 25 اسفند ماه میهمان تیم الشباب خواهد بود.
          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


            Damn! I was looking at the league tables of our ACL opponents and guess what, the teams in Sepahan group are 5-6 points clear on top of the tables

            We have a mountain to climb if we want to advance from the group.

            Al-Helal have 5 points more than Al-Ettehad with a game in hand!!


            Al-Jazire of UAE are on top, 7 points more than Benyas after only 13 weeks!!


            Al-Gharafe from Qatar are the only team that do not possess the top spot in their league, they are trailing the leader with only one point difference!

            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


              Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
              Damn! I was looking at the league tables of our ACL opponents and guess what, the teams in Sepahan group are 5-6 points clear on top of the tables

              We have a mountain to climb if we want to advance from the group.

              Al-Helal have 5 points more than Al-Ettehad with a game in hand!!


              Al-Jazire of UAE are on top, 7 points more than Benyas after only 13 weeks!!


              Al-Gharafe from Qatar are the only team that do not possess the top spot in their league, they are trailing the leader with only one point difference!

              I dont know about you but I love when my taem plays strong opponents, its a good measure of how good we are, the players should be pumped up for matches like this. i would be more worried of complacency when we play lower teams.
              Its gonna be a great ACL, we got a toughest group but I have hope

              GRACIAS PEP


                ^ Shayan jan, if we can advance from this hard group the joy will be double for sure, but the key word is "if"

                Despite the hard group, I think advancing from the group is doable. But we need to take every single game seriously. We need 10 points. 6 points from the home games against Qatari and UAE clubs is a MUST. We then need a draw at home against Al-Hilal at home and an away win against any of the three clubs.
                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                  To be honest, GN's teams have always played well in ACL, even away from home against strong opponents. Even though usually I don't believe in "bad luck", I must say that bad luck has played a big part in his team's results (note: not performances).

                  From all these games, I remember only one where Sepahan was the worst of the 2 teams (it was an away game against an UAE team if I'm not mistaken) and didn't create more chances than their opponents.

                  No one can deny that Sepahan and Esteghlal created dozens of 100% chances and it was mostly bad finishing that cost them (I'll never forget Tore, Emad Reza, Borhani, Alizadeh etc's open net missers ). If a team didn't create any chances and didn't get the desired results either, that would be something to worry about in the long term, but if Sepahan continues the way they played in previous season(s) and continue creating so many chances, I am sure they will advance.
                  Persian Pride running through my veins!

                  Esteghlal for life!!


                    ^ I agree Amin jan that both Esteghlal and Sepahan under GN deserved to advance from their groups.

                    But unfortunately, GN is infamous for his Asian results with TM, Esteghlal and Sepahan and if he wants to change it, this year is about the time!
                    2, 9, 10, 11 and 14



                      Rahmati, Bengar, Hosseini, Hajsafi, Heidari, Ebrahimi, Navidkia, Jaanvario, Jamshidian, Janosh, Toure
                      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                        Jamshidian was the best buy in the past 3 years.
                        damesh garm, he always performs consistently, a goal scoring midfielder!

                        Saba 0-0 ZZ at halftime.

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post

                          Rahmati, Bengar, Hosseini, Hajsafi, Heidari, Ebrahimi, Navidkia, Jaanvario, Jamshidian, Janosh, Toure
                          I think Beigzadeh is in and I didn't see Navidkia. Although I started watching at minute 20. Was NK subbed out?


                            ^ Agree Shayan jan, he is a very good and baa gheirat player with no hashieh.

                            I also think that selling Shahin Kheiri and buying Ebrahimi was a mistake. We don't have a decent defensive midfielder in our team which is not good at all!
                            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                              Yes Kia jan, Navidkia was subbed out in minute 10 I hope he recovers in time for the ACL game against Al-Helal
                              2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                                Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                                Yes Kia jan, Navidkia was subbed out in minute 10 I hope he recovers in time for the ACL game against Al-Helal
                                What happened?

