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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    This is a bad sign. I know from our experience with these saudis changing coaches in their clubs and national teams tend to give a boost to their players. They fire their coaches because of their players disobedience. They have used this trick so many times and Sepahan officials should be careful.


      Sepahan Lose karimi

      ISFAHAN: Iran’s AFC Champions League strugglers Sepahan received a jolt two days ahead of their Group A match against Saudi Arabia’s Al Ittihad when their star striker Mahmoud Karimi was ruled out for the rest of the season due to an eye injury.

      Karimi, who scored in the first leg of their AFC Champions League 2007 final against Urawa Reds, was injured during an Iran Pro League match against Mes on Friday when a Rasoul Mirtoroghi shot from close range hit his face and seriously injured his left eye capillary.

      Sepahan’s physician Rabiee told the Mehr news agency: “His eye was intensively injured and he will undergo a surgery but he needs a recovery period which would take until the end of the season.”

      Sepahan coach Jorvan Vieira will have to look for another option before flying out to Jeddah for the return fixture against the Saudi Arabian giants Al Ittihad on April 23.

      The Isfahan-based side is languishing at the bottom of the group with three points, three less than Uzbekistan’s Kuruvchi and Saudi Arabia’s Al Ittihad.



        Also I believe the new iraqi NT player joining Sepahan, his full name is Haitham Kadhim Jasim, he wears number 14 jersey in his club (Air Force of Iraq).
        Apparently he is an active midfielder who will fulfill Navidkia's spot in the team.



          Sepahan should sell Emad Reza, There's a close by and better replacement in him just in Shiraz in the name of Shakroon, That guy is fantastic upfront..

          He has done wonders for Bargh this season


            I think it's the guy wearing number 19 in the national team here in this picture.

            GRACIAS PEP


              Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View Post
              Sepahan should sell Emad Reza, There's a close by and better replacement in him just in Shiraz in the name of Shakroon, That guy is fantastic upfront..

              He has done wonders for Bargh this season
              bah bah, agha Arash,
              where were you man?we missed you here in PFDC.

              I haven't seen any games from Shakroon but I think we will most likely buy a striker because karimi is done and Emad reza is not on his form.

              GRACIAS PEP


                Confirmation from the coach: Haitham will join Sepahan.

                مربي تيم فوتبال نيروي هوايي عراق گفت : هيثم كاظم بازيكن ملي پوش اين تيم به تيم فوتبال سپاهان ايران خواهد
                پيوست .

                مهدي جاسم كه به همراه اين تيم در اردوي امادگي در شهر قم بسر مي*برد، به*خبرنگارايرناافزود:مذاك رات اين بازيكن با تيم سپاهان در اصفهان درجريان است ووي بعد از قرارداد با سپاهان براي بازي به ما مي*پيوندد.
                وي بااشاره به قرارداد اين بازيكن با تيم نيروي هوايي عراق ادامه داد:
                درصورت توافق باشگاه سپاهان و"هيثم كاظم"، اين بازيكن بايد تمام مبلغي كه نيروي هوايي عراق به اين بازيكن پرداخت كرده به باشگاه عودت دهد.
                اين بازيكن چندي پيش درتمرينات تيم مس كرمان شركت*كردولي با اين باشگاه به توافق نرسيد.
                تيم نيروي هوايي عراق براي ديدار با تيم سايپاي تهران در مسابقات جام باشگاههاي آسيا از روز يكشنبه اردوي خود را در هتل صفا قم برپا كرده است.
                "جاسم"اظهار داشت: به دليل نبود امكانات ورزشي مناسب در عراق، چهار روز زودتر از موعد مقرر وارد ايران شديم واز روز دوشنبه ميهمان تيم سايپا خواهيم بود.
                وي گفت: در قم علاوه بر چند جلسه تمرين در ورزشگاه يادگار امام (ره)، از نظر معنوي نيز بازيكنان خود را آماده كرديم.
                ديدار رفت اين دو تيم دركويت با پيروزي يك بر صفر سايپا به پايان رسيد.
                اين تيم در جام قهرمانان آسيا باالكويت،الوصل امارات و سايپاي كرج هم گروه است كه تاكنون تيم سايپا با ‪ ۷‬امتياز صدرنشين است.
                گفتني است مديرعامل باشگاه ميلادي قم ازمسوولان استان به دليل عدم استقبال ازتيم فوتبال نيروي هوايي عراق انتقاد كرد.
                حسين بيتاگفت: تيم نيروي هوايي عراق يكي از تيم*هاي خوب آسياست و حضور تيم*هاي بزرگ آسيايي در قم و برگزاري مسابقات تداركاتي در پيشرفت فوتبال قم موثراست به همين دليل مسوولان استان در برگزاري مسابقه تداركاتي دو تيم*ميلادي و نيروي هوايي عراق همكاري نكرده و در ورزشگاه نيز حاضرنشدند و اين مسائل باعث پسرفت فوتبال قم خواهد شد.
                ديدار تداركاتي تيم فوتبال نيروي هوايي عراق و ميلادي قم با نتيجه ‪ ۶‬بر ‪۱‬ به نفع تيم عراقي پايان يافت.

                GRACIAS PEP


                  Thats good transfer...These injuries are hurting Sepahan and its good to see they added a international player to their squad...Well needed...

                  Seyed Salehi is in good form which is Viera's Good News if u ask me...

                  But Sepahan needs to strenghten their squad further...
                  Haitham is not enough


                    I said this last year, and say it again, We need a good striker, Seyed isn't good enough for the team, Emad Reza is too selfish and isn't as good as he was when he joined, Karimi was the only good striker we had but he is now injured because a Mes player hit the ball to his eyes from .5 mt.

                    But the good news is that it's not too serious and he will do a surgery which should be fine.

                    I have no doubt that Saket and his fellow partners will find the best option and do their best to get a quality striker.

                    GRACIAS PEP


                      Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                      I said this last year, and say it again, We need a good striker, Seyed isn't good enough for the team, Emad Reza is too selfish and isn't as good as he was when he joined, Karimi was the only good striker we had but he is now injured because a Mes player hit the ball to his eyes from .5 mt.
                      But the good news is that it's not too serious and he will do a surgery which should be fine.
                      I have no doubt that Saket and his fellow partners will find the best option and do their best to get a quality striker.
                      Seyed Salehi at his best form is the best striker Sepahan can Hope for...
                      He has been scoring like no 2moro in the past 4-5 weeks in the League aswell as Champions League...

                      His cracker of a goal against Esteghlal Ahvaz should show u what he is capable of

                      But Emad Reza needs to be sold....Someone like Nasser Shokro, Oleroom, Pimenta..Are all good options..
                      Kabir Bello is neither anywhere to be seen ?


                        Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View Post
                        Seyed Salehi at his best form is the best striker Sepahan can Hope for...
                        He has been scoring like no 2moro in the past 4-5 weeks in the League aswell as Champions League...

                        His cracker of a goal against Esteghlal Ahvaz should show u what he is capable of

                        But Emad Reza needs to be sold....Someone like Nasser Shokro, Oleroom, Pimenta..Are all good options..
                        Kabir Bello is neither anywhere to be seen ?
                        good you said at his best form, I don't think Salehi can be the one we can rely on when it comes to finishing in important matches. Although his goal against est ahvaz was all his own work and the use of his creativity but still I prefer a more lethal striker who uses chances more effectively.

                        kabir Belo is in Sepahan Novin now. He isn't anywhere close to what I want as a striker.

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                          Also I believe the new iraqi NT player joining Sepahan, his full name is Haitham Kadhim Jasim, he wears number 14 jersey in his club (Air Force of Iraq).
                          Apparently he is an active midfielder who will fulfill Navidkia's spot in the team.
                          Can he play for Sepahan in the remaining IPL games? What about Asian Champions League?
                          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                            Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                            Can he play for Sepahan in the remaining IPL games? What about Asian Champions League?
                            I'm not sure about the remaining Cl matches but he should be able to play the last 4-5 matches in IPL.

                            GRACIAS PEP


                              Fans can come to stadium from now on.

                              با انجام جلسه هيئت رئيسه فدراسيون، تيم فوتبال سپاهان مورد بخشش قرار گرفت و مسابقاتش را با حضور تماشاگران برگزار خواهد كرد.

                              به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس، نشست هيئت رئيسه روز گذشته در فدراسيون چندين ساعت برگزار شد و تصميمات جديدي گرفته شد.
                              تصميات اتخاذ شده از سوي فدراسيون به شرح زير است:
                              1- بنا به پيشنهاد Afc به سازمان ليگ در جلسه هفته گذشته، تعداد بازيكنان حرفه*اي هر تيم در ليگ برتر بايد 16 نفر باشد كه در بين 18 تيم موجود در اين ليگ، فقط 3 تيم داراي 10 بازيكن حرفه اي هستند. بنا به تصميم هيئت رئيسه، مصوبه 16 نفر شدن آنها تاييد شده و ابلاغ خواهد شد.
                              2- تعداد اعضاي شوراي استنياف از 4 نفر به 5 نفر افزايش يافت. علي محمد مرتضوي به عضويت جديد اين شورا منصوب شدند.
                              3- در جلسه هيئت مديره و پس از بررسي، تيم سپاهان مورد بخشودگي قرار گرفت و در بازي آينده مي تواند مسابقه خود را با تماشاگر برگزار كند.

                              GRACIAS PEP


                                Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                                I think it's the guy wearing number 19 in the national team here in this picture.

                                agha chera piranhaye gona gon daran ? chon ke baziashoun Sunni va baghiye Shia .. fekr konam baraye hamine!

                                dar internet khandam ke kheili dar giri dashtan ghablaz Cup va saranjam hamahang shodan oo va jorvan viera baeesze bord shod

