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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    unfortunately too busy to follow IPL closely, so only watching Navad show now.
    Looks like our main competitions will be Teraktor and SS.



      Salam Shayan jan, hope you are doing good with your studies

      I agree with you. Although it might be too early to comment, based on the past three weeks performances and also the teams' squad depth, I also think that four teams have the chance to win the PGL title this year: Esteghlal, Sepahan, Zob and Tractor.
      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


        im in esfahan atm , ppl are talking about saket alot here , they say he resigned so he can take part in IFF elections


          btw saket and kaffashian, i prefer saket as IFF president.
          IRI = FAILED


            Originally posted by unique football View Post
            im in esfahan atm , ppl are talking about saket alot here , they say he resigned so he can take part in IFF elections
            I wish it was like that UF jan, but I have inside information that Saket was fired by Hosseini.
            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


              hey guys, im not sure if we have talked about this before or not but i'm gonna give it a try....In my opinion Rahman Ahmadi is horrible for Sepahan!! is it just me or you guys feel the same way? i'm a pp fan and i was scared to death every time he played instead of Haghighi...specially with sepahan going to finish up the rest of the asian games, i wish rahmati stayed in sepahan or i wish at least they got mohammadi from esteghlal.


                Originally posted by TheAce View Post
                hey guys, im not sure if we have talked about this before or not but i'm gonna give it a try....In my opinion Rahman Ahmadi is horrible for Sepahan!! is it just me or you guys feel the same way? i'm a pp fan and i was scared to death every time he played instead of Haghighi...specially with sepahan going to finish up the rest of the asian games, i wish rahmati stayed in sepahan or i wish at least they got mohammadi from esteghlal.
                Actually Ahmadi has been one of the best players of Sepahan so far. He made some amazing saves, especially this week against Shahrdari.

                He is a good GK IMO, but sometimes makes stupid mistakes.
                Formerly known as Persianking!
                Follow me @


                  ^ I agree.


                    Originally posted by TheAce View Post
                    hey guys, im not sure if we have talked about this before or not but i'm gonna give it a try....In my opinion Rahman Ahmadi is horrible for Sepahan!! is it just me or you guys feel the same way? i'm a pp fan and i was scared to death every time he played instead of Haghighi...specially with sepahan going to finish up the rest of the asian games, i wish rahmati stayed in sepahan or i wish at least they got mohammadi from esteghlal.
                    rahman ahmadi has definately been one of the top goalkeepers this season in the IPL. not even debateable. go look at sepahan's highlights and you'll see

                    i agree with you though at pp he wasn't great. i always wanted to see haghighi over him....but now ahmadi is playing great. he has made a few crucial saves for them...again, go look at sepahans highlights. he is probably the biggest surprise of the season for me.
                    Team Meli Iran
                    Perspolis FC
                    Malavan Bandar Anzali

                    "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


                      I only watched one of Sepahan's games this season so I cannot comment on Rahman Ahmadi's form, but last season he looked very shaky in PP's goal. I am very worried about his performance in the upcoming ACL games. On the positive side, I heard that he had a good performance in the game against Shahrdari in Tabriz which is good news.


                      Also here is the line up against Shahrdari:

                      سپاهان: رحمان احمدی، سیدجلال حسینی، محسن بنگر، هاشم بیک زاده (۷۰-ناصحی)، مهدی نصیری، امید ابراهیمی، محمد حسن رجب زاده (۸۹- ابوالحسن جعفری)، سید مهدی سیدصالحی، عماد محمدرضا (۷۵-مهدی جعفرپور)، محرم نویدکیا، فابیو جانواریو
                      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                        A bit of info about Rahimi the new Sepahan managing director:

                        آشنائی بیشتر با علیرضا رحیمی، ورزشی ترین مدیر ورزش
                        در روزهایی که هواداران سپاهان خبر جدایی ساکت را می شنوند و از این خبر ناراحت بودند از اینکه یک سپاهانی اصیل جای او را گرفته است ابراز رضایت و خوشحالی می کنند.
                        به گزارش سپاهان نیوز، علیرضا رحیمی فوتبالیستی که یک از نامهای تالار افتخارات سپاهان است و سالها در این تیم توپ زده است از معدود مدیران ورزشی است که به معنی واقعی کلمه ورزشکار بوده و سالها با پیراهن سپاهان به میدان رفته است.

                        رحیمی در ۱۲ سال حضور خود در تیم بزرگسالان سپاهان در حد فاصل سالهای( ۵۲ تا ۶۴) در ۳۵۹ بازی که برای این تیم به میدان رفت، ۹۸ گل برای سپاهان به ثمر رساند و همانگونه که در تصاویر زیر می بینید از خاطرات شیرینش با سپاهان و در استادیوم تختی دل نمی کند.
                        رحیمی همچنین پس از دوران فوتبال خود در دو پست حساس مدیریت یعنی مدیرکلی تربیت بدنی استان اصفهان و رییس فدراسیون هندبال کارنامه خوبی را به یادگار گذاشت. رحیمی حالا جانشین ساکت شده است و همه امیدوارند تا افتخارات سپاهان را تداوم و افزایش بخشد.
                        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                          Seyed Salehi and Beikzadeh are injured and will not play this weekend. Here is the likely line-up:

                          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                            Zobahan managing director, Dalili, resigned today.
                            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                              Zobahan offered the position to saket,
                              Saket rejected the offer,
                              Now zobahan is saying we never offered him the job
                              I was an atheist until I realized I am GOD.


                                ^ It is just a rumor created probably by Sorkhabi fans.

                                Saket would never go to Zob after being in Sepahan for 9 years and being the fan's icon. Zob management are not also that stupid to offer the position to Saket and create Hashie for themselves.
                                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14

