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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    ^ Yashasin Iran jan, thanks for your comments. I am just a Sepahan fan and by no means a Sepahan expert

    About your question, I also read that piece of news at the time in Varzesh3, but nobody mentioned it in Sepahan's websites and forums, so I can't comment on that really.
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      Good win for Sepahan today. 4th straight win for us with clean sheets. It is more than 400 minutes that we have not conceded any goals in the PGL which is awesome Kranjcar record is 4-1-1 so far in the second half of the season which is definitely an improvement from the first half. Dame Kranjcar va bache haa garm
      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


        ^Kashani needs to be kicked in the ass as much as possible for letting such a great coach go to sign Daei instead. That Kashani **** destroyed everything, he is one of the main reasons why we are in such a mess now. First he brought Daei, did not let him to do his job at the end, and then a worse one like Estili started to rape us, **********

        Good luck to Sepahan, I can't wait to see them in ACL. They are the most consistent Iranian team of the past years.
        Last edited by Nariman; 01-30-2012, 01:12 AM.
        Formerly known as Persianking!
        Follow me @


          Originally posted by Persianking View Post
          ^Kashani needs to be kicked in the ass as much as possible for letting such a great coach go to sign Daei instead. That **** destroyed everything, he is one of the main reasons why we are in such a mess now. Daei and then a worse one like Estili, **********

          Good luck to Sepahan, I can't wait to see them in ACL. They are the most consistent Iranian team of the past years.
          Agha lotfan too thread Sepahan kamtar fosh bedid inja makane farhangie.


            I really feel bad for Zob Ahan They are doing so bad right now. A lot of it has to do with financial problems in the club. When I saw Mohammad Ghazi on Navad last week, I felt bad for him. He busts his ass for Zob Ahan and the fans treat him like crap. Although he did a disresectful thing, he still doesn't deserve what the fans were calling him and some other Zobi players.


    نو سزار كورئا:گلزنی هایم را ادامه می دهم
              برونو سزار كورئا در بازي هفته گذشته سپاهان مقابل نفت آبادان دو گل براي تيمش به ثمر رساند تا در نخستين بازي براي تيمش روزي رويايي را پشت سر گذاشته باشد.

              شايد روزي كه برونو همراه خوروش وارد ايران شد، هيچ كس فكر نمي كرد كه او در مدت كوتاهي پس از حضورش در ايران تبديل به يكي از چهره هاي محبوب سپاهان شود و در بازي اول تيمش دو گل به ثمر برساند. او پس از دوراني موفق در ليگ ارمنستان راهي ايران شده تا دوران خوبي را در ليگ ايران آغاز كند.اين مهاجم برزيلي در اولين مصاحبه خود پس از حضور در ايران و در گفتگويي كه فابيو جانواريو در نقش مترجم آن ظاهر شد در مورد دلايل حضور در سپاهان، شرايط تيم اصفهاني، گلزني*اش در بازي قبل و ديگر مسائل اين تيم سخن گفت:
              چه شد كه به سپاهان پيوستي؟
              من از طريق يك آژانس رسمي نقل و انتقال بازيكن با آژانس*هاي ايران وارد مذاكره شدم و پس از اينكه DVD بازي من توسط مسئولان سپاهان مشاهده شد، سرمربي و مدیر تيم از من درخواست كردند كه به ايران بيايم و پس از تست و تاييد از سوي زلاتکو كرانچار، به اين تيم پيوستم. بايد بگويم از وضعيت خودم در سپاهان خيلي خوشحالم و خشنودم كه به اين تيم پيوستم.
              پيش از آمدن به ايران هم شناختي از سپاهان داشتي؟
              راستش را بگويم نه. من شناختي از فوتبال ايران نداشتم اما پس از اينكه پيشنهاد اين باشگاه مطرح شد، تلاش كردم كه با منابع خبري ايران ارتباط برقرار كنم و از طريق اينترنت، تلفن و دوستاني كه در ايران داشتم، از وضعيت سپاهان و فوتبال ایران مطلع شدم و اكنون اطلاعات نسبی از اين تيم و ليگ ايران دارم
              تو در نخستين حضورت در سپاهان رويايي ظاهر شدي و حتي ۲ گل به ثمر رساندي. در اين مورد بگو.
              خيلي خوشحالم كه در اين بازي گل زده*ام و مطمئن باشيد كه دوست دارم اين روند را ادامه دهم. نمي*توانم احساسم از گلزني در مسابقه قبلي را بيان كنم اما مهم اين است كه تيم ما در اين مسابقه به پيروزي رسيد و ۳ امتياز ارزشمند را كسب كرد. من از قبل براي اين مسابقه انگيزه خاصي داشتم و در اين بازي همه تلاشم را به كار بستم. به هواداران سپاهان قول مي*دهم كه در بازي*هاي آينده براي تيمم گلزني كنم و تعداد گل*هايم را بالا ببرم تا با اين كار شانس سپاهان را براي رسيدن به قهرماني افزايش دهم.

              بازي با شهرداري تبريز را چگونه ارزيابي مي*كني؟
              من شناخت چنداني از تيم شهرداري و ساير تيم*هاي ايران ندارم . در اين مسابقه هم براي كسب ۳ امتيازي بازي به ميدان مي*روم و تلاش مي*كنيم كه با پيروزي در اين ديدار، امتيازات خود را افزايش دهيم و به قهرمانی نزدیک و نزدیک تر شویم.
              مهم ترين چيزي كه پس از حضور در ايران برايت جالب توجه بود را چه مي*داني؟
              در واقع من وقتي به ايران آمدم سورپرايز شدم چون نمي*دانستم اين همه برزيلي در ايران وجود دارد؛ فكر نمي*كردم در شهر اصفهان اين همه برزيلي زندگي مي*كنند اما وقتي به اين شهر آمدم با تعداد زيادي از هم*وطنانم مواجه شدم كه با توجه به اين مسئله در ايران اصلاً احساس غربت نمي*كنم. من شرايط خوبي در ايران دارم كه اميدوارم اين شرايط باعث پيشرفتم در فوتبال ايران شود.

              ارسال شده در مورخه : پنجشنبه، 29 دي ماه ، 1390


                The game between Damash and Sepahan will be played in empty stadium in Rasht tomorrow. This is the penalty for the fan's behavior during Damash games with both SS and PP.
                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                  Sepahan vs Damash

                  Sepahan will be missing two of their player due to being 3 carded and damash will miss their star against mes.

                  Sepahan: Seyed Salehi , and omid ebrahimi,
                  Damash: Mohsen Chavoshi


                    What is going on with Ahmad Jamshidian? I heard he might not be back until next season. He was slowly becoming Sepahan's most consistent player.


                      ^ True Kia jan, his back injury has become complicated and apparently the doctors have not announced a specific date for his return to football. I wouldn't be surprised if he cannot play in the current PGL season. He is becoming another Navidkia for us, a very good player but so often injured
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                        AND, we can go on top of the PGL table with a win tomorrow
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                          PP did us a great favor today, now its up to Sepahan to make it count with 3 points tomorrow.
                          We got a better goal difference than SS too so hopefully once we get the top spot we won't lose it.
                          Zende baad Sepahan!

                          GRACIAS PEP


                            Salam Shayan jan welcome back, hope all is good with you in life and studies Ghadamet khoob bood, PP bord, SS baakht, I hope as you mentioned Sepahan can go on top with a win tomorrow

                            Zende baad Sepahan
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                              Hehe Merci Jamshid jan, everything is going well, although I'm upset I can't find more free time to watch IPL and to visit PFDC more often.
                              don't know why but I woke up 2 in the morning here, and couldn't go back sleep so I saw the game is on and started watching it. Maybe somewhere inside I knew something special was going to happen in 2nd half Haha
                              With SS losing the derby like this, it will be a huge mental blow for them, they shall go on to lose more points from here on
                              Can't underestimate Tiraxtor with GN though, they are well in the title race too.
                              Visca el Sepahan! lol

                              GRACIAS PEP


                                ^ I agree, the way they lost tonight can prove to be a bad mental blow to Esteghlal team and can effect them till the end of the season. They have only picked up 7 points out of their 6 games in the second half of the season. Tractor on the other hand are on fire and will be a serious contender for the PGL title this season.

                                But don't forget that we are Sepahan, we have good players and a good coach and I am positive we can complete our consecutive hat-trick this season
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