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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by kia View Post
    What is the source TM jan?
    here bro
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    In asia:
    1Adnan Hamad Majeed Iraq 11
    2Takeshi Okada Japan
    3Jong-Hun Kim Korea DPR
    4Manour Ebrahimzadeh Iran


      So has this Albanian player played for Sepahan yet?


        ^ Yes, he played 30 minutes against Damash.
        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


          ^ Ahh I see. Thanks.


            In the Albanian media it was written a few days ago that Sukaj had said that if his hometeam put together a good squad for next season and challenge for the title, he would consider moving back to Albania in the summer. Not sure how possible that is though, since he has a 18 month contract with Sepahan.


              Originally posted by AlbanianFan View Post
              In the Albanian media it was written a few days ago that Sukaj had said that if his hometeam put together a good squad for next season and challenge for the title, he would consider moving back to Albania in the summer. Not sure how possible that is though, since he has a 18 month contract with Sepahan.
              i don't think he can , i know that only sepahan can end the contract.


                Originally posted by Kamal0098 View Post
                i don't think he can , i know that only sepahan can end the contract.
                That's what i was thinking too. Unless thy both agree to end it if he can't break in the first team.

                Did Sukaj play today?


                  ^ Sukaj was subbed in at the 72nd minute.
                  2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                    ورزشگاه: فولادشهر
                    تماشاگر: ۴ هزار نفر
                    گل: محسن بنگر(۳)، سیدمهدی سید صالحی(۲۵ و ۴۲)، برونو سزار کوریا(۵۳) برای سپاهان
                    سپاهان: رحمان احمدی، هاشم بیگ زاده(۸۲- رضا ناصحی)، محسن بنگر سید جلال حسینی، مهدی جعفرپور، حسن اشجاری، امید ابراهیمی، مهدی کریمیان، فابیو جانواریو(۷۲- ژاویر سوکاچ)، سید مهدی سیدصالحی، برونو سزار کوریا(۷۸- عمادمحمد رضا).
                    سرمربی: زلاتکو کرانچار
                    مس کرمان: ارشاد یوسفی- شجاع خلیل آزاد- سپهر حیدری- فرهاد سالار پور- قاسم دهنوی- محسن خلیلی- فرزاد حسین خانی- احمد حسن*زاده(۶۹- مهرداد قباخ لو)- الخوزا واجنویچ(۸۵- جلال کرمی)- محمد وحید اسماعیل بیگی- عادل کلاه کج(۵۲- قاسم دهنوی).
                    سرمربی: میروسلاو بلاژویچ
                    داور: جمشید دانش مهر- کمک اول:حسین طالقانی- کمک دوم: سجاد طوری- داور چهارم: رسول رهبر فام-ناظر داوری:اسماعیل صفیری
                    اخطار: مهدی جعفرپور(۳۸) از سپاهان و قاسم دهنوی (۴۵) از مس کرمان
                    2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                      saipa will be missing : Morteza Ebrahimi , Mehdi , Kheiri Mir, Ebrahim , Sadeghi (not sure).
                      Sepahan will be missing : Mehdi Jafarpour Sorkhi .
                      TM Fan can you please check this , i don't trust persianleague any more.


                        Kamal jan, I think as you said, Jafarpour is suspended for the game against Saipa. I am not sure about Saipa players though.

                        Also Navidkia and Jamshidian are still injured. Navidkia will be recovered in time to play in the ACL games, but Jamshidian will probably miss the whole season
                        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                          Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                          Kamal jan, I think as you said, Jafarpour is suspended for the game against Saipa. I am not sure about Saipa players though.

                          Also Navidkia and Jamshidian are still injured. Navidkia will be recovered in time to play in the ACL games, but Jamshidian will probably miss the whole season
                          As long as we have navidkia back for acl then it okay. We can do without jamshidian.


                            why is shahab gordan benched?


                              ^Gordan conceded three goals in the game against Saipa and Ebrahimzadeh thought he was in fault in conceding those goals. He has been benched since then...
                              2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                                Originally posted by Kamal0098 View Post
                                why is shahab gordan benched?
                                That's what I was wondering, is it a disciplinary issue or just tactical stance?

                                Zobahan is just a mess and painful to watch this year (Comparing them to last few years of brilliant display) but again I believe the system can and will do everything it can with the teams with small fan base, whereas teams with large fans often receive the luxury and benefits these smaller clubs lack/miss.

                                Sepahan on the other hand seems on a great rise and improvement pathway, ever since appointment of Kranjar, week after week they've been performing better and better, outclassing their opponents in style. Gotta love this club, they're my biggest hope for the upcoming edition of ACL!

