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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Mohsen Iran Nejhad^^ Yea i have no idea why sepahan would want him . He Plays for Shahin DF and I don't think he is that good compared to Hadi Aghili ? we need someone like Aghili . e.g. Ahmad Alenemeh , Pouladi , strong players like them. Sepahan should buy Mohsen Mosalman or Payam Sadeghian.


      Originally posted by Behboad View Post
      Mohsen Iran Nejhad^^ Yea i have no idea why sepahan would want him . He Plays for Shahin DF and I don't think he is that good compared to Hadi Aghili ? we need someone like Aghili . e.g. Ahmad Alenemeh , Pouladi , strong players like them. Sepahan should buy Mohsen Mosalman or Payam Sadeghian.
      I think he is a left back. Why compare him to Aghili. Besides it looks like this is an inexpensive buy and it is not considered an IPL buy since Shahin is already relegated.


        Esfahan Derby :

        Formerly known as Persianking!
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          Originally posted by Behboad View Post
          Mohsen Iran Nejhad^^ Yea i have no idea why sepahan would want him . He Plays for Shahin DF and I don't think he is that good compared to Hadi Aghili ? we need someone like Aghili . e.g. Ahmad Alenemeh , Pouladi , strong players like them. Sepahan should buy Mohsen Mosalman or Payam Sadeghian.
          He plays as left back where Ashjari and Beikzadeh play. This is the area where we need new players the most, Beikzadeh was very weak and I don't think he will play at Sepahan next season, Ashjari did not impress either.
          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


            Good news: Krancjar will stay with us next season

            برنامه تمريني کرانچار براي فصل آينده سپاهان

            سرمربي سپاهان برنامه*هاي تمريني اين تيم براي فصل آينده را به باشگاه ارائه کرد.
            [برنامه تمريني کرانچار براي فصل آينده سپاهان]

            زلاتکو کرانچار يک سال ديگر با سپاهان قرارداد دارد و به همين دليل برنامه هاي خود براي فصل آينده را به مسئولان اين باشگاه داده است.

            کرانچار که گفته شايعه پيشنهاد فدراسيون کرواسي صحت ندارد، طبق برنامه اي که به باشگاه داده اعلام کرده تمرينات تيم بعد از پايان فصل تا دو هفته تعطيل خواهد بود.

            وي از مسئولان باشگاه درخواست اردوي 14 روزه در يک کشور اروپايي را کرده و احتمالا اين اردو در ترکيه برگزار مي شود. کشورهاي آلمان، مجارستان و استراليا هم به باشگاه سپاهان پيشنهاد برگزاري اردو داده اند.

            کرانچار هنوز ليست بازيکنان مورد نياز خود براي فصل بعدي را به باشگاه نداده است.

            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


              My friend took this yesterday at the derby

              راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                when kranjcar was a footballer and niko was a kid



                  حواشی بازی ذوب آهن و سپاهان



                    3pahan is slowly making a football tradition in isfahan. good for them and the people of isfahan.
                    IRI = FAILED


                      Originally posted by persian-eagle-13 View Post
                      3pahan is slowly making a football tradition in isfahan. good for them and the people of isfahan.
                      lol us esfahanis love football cuz only one ball is given out between 22 people and they chase after it for 90 min .lol its a cheap game (even cheaper with toop Pelastiki va 4 ajoor) . ) lol jksssss


                        Originally posted by Nicky Santoro View Post
                        حواشی بازی ذوب آهن و سپاهان

                        i just wish they would finish the stadium in isfahan so the fans can enjoy the game. every week is same same problems in stadiums across iran, people can't find ticket, they can't go into the stadium etc...... the arab persian gulf nations only wish they could have 1/10th of the fans we have to fill their beautiful stadiums.
                        IRI = FAILED


                          Originally posted by Behboad View Post
                          lol us esfahanis love football cuz only one ball is given out between 22 people and they chase after it for 90 min .lol its a cheap game (even cheaper with toop Pelastiki va 4 ajoor) . ) lol jksssss
                          Last time i visited Esfehan I was surprised at how much better they drive than Tehranis. They actually wait for you to pass instead of turning in front of you.

                          I asked my Esfehani friend why, he said it's because no one wants to risk any damage to their car and have to pay for it!
                          راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                            Originally posted by rugsnotbombs View Post
                            Last time i visited Esfehan I was surprised at how much better they drive than Tehranis. They actually wait for you to pass instead of turning in front of you.

                            I asked my Esfehani friend why, he said it's because no one wants to risk any damage to their car and have to pay for it!

                            zobahan have a 28milliard toman debt!!!!!!!!!



                              another first by sepahan, their own radio station, coming soon
                              IRI = FAILED


                                heard bengar is moving out of sepahan . We need Aghili .

