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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    There are two Haithem Kadhum's playing for Air Force. One is a DM (Haithem Kadhum Tahir) and played in the Asian Cup (before getting injured), and the other is an AM (Haithem Kadhum Jassim). From what I understand Vieira signed the DM Haithem Kadhum.
    Previously known as "IraqiFootball"


      Originally posted by Siavash View Post
      Aghili has to grew up. It sad to see such potential player acting like stupied kid. GO SEPAHAN, WE LOVE YOU.
      Aghili and bengar both need to control their tempers, when the refree gave a yellow to Hemami i think, then Bengar and Aghili ran up to the referee, each receiving a yellow for protesting which didn't change anything, i thought someone was going to get red carded but hopefully it didn't happen. I expect much more from these two as leaders.



        ^ the coach or someone should show them the video and ask them to cool it down and when a ref make a decision its final


          ^There is really no point in protesting against a ref when he has made his decision, that's the final as you said.

          GRACIAS PEP


            Done with three, seven more to go. The schedule looks really scary

            Sepahan IPL & ACL schedule
            April 18 vs Mes
            April 23 @ AlIttehad KSR
            April 27 @ Shirin Faraz

            April 30 vs. Saipa
            May 3 @ Bargh
            May 7 @ Alittehad SYR
            May 11 vs. Saba
            May 14 vs. SanatNaft
            May 17 @ Perspolis
            May 21 vs. Kuruvchi
            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


              If you ask me Sepahan will need to look to their Sepahan Novin team for players or sign atleast 2-3 New Players capable of keeping the current standards to keep fatigue and more injuries out of the way...This new Iraqi player is just one good step towards the right direction

              I think they are forgetting Mujiri, Navidkia and Karimi now are seriously injured and their squad is deplated

              3 seasons now Sepahan FC have been playing Hafzi, IPL and AFC need a big squad for that


                Intresting news from IRIB,

                If Sepahan Advances from their AFC CL Group, Mr Saket has confirmed the arrival of 2 Iranian's based in the UAE League to the Sepahan Giants that he is currently undergoing negotiations with.

                Not mentioning who, But we can assume from a wild guess it might be

                Mehdi Rajabzadeh And Rasoul Khatibi who will be Sepahan FC Targets.

                They have scored 18 goals between them in the UAE League so far this season and probably would give Sepahan that extra comfort they need in times such as injuries to Navidkia and Karimi etc.

                Despite the link up for a return of Khatibi to Sepahan he did turn speculations down a few months ago when he said he does not wish to return to Isfahan.

                So we will have to wait and see who Sepahans new Recruits will be


                  Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View Post
                  3 seasons now Sepahan FC have been playing Hafzi, IPL and AFC need a big squad for that
                  they are already using Novin as their backup for the last couple of years now, this team is awesome by our standards
                  IRI = FAILED


                    ^^^ SEp needs better Wingers and they have a shot at winning at the CL .

                    Until then, they can keep dreaming.


                      Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View Post
                      Intresting news from IRIB,

                      If Sepahan Advances from their AFC CL Group, Mr Saket has confirmed the arrival of 2 Iranian's based in the UAE League to the Sepahan Giants that he is currently undergoing negotiations with.

                      Not mentioning who, But we can assume from a wild guess it might be

                      Mehdi Rajabzadeh And Rasoul Khatibi who will be Sepahan FC Targets.

                      They have scored 18 goals between them in the UAE League so far this season and probably would give Sepahan that extra comfort they need in times such as injuries to Navidkia and Karimi etc.

                      Despite the link up for a return of Khatibi to Sepahan he did turn speculations down a few months ago when he said he does not wish to return to Isfahan.

                      So we will have to wait and see who Sepahans new Recruits will be
                      Thanks for the news, i think even if Sepahan don't go through the group stages Saket should still get one or both of them because Sepahan will always make it to ACL and will compete in a couple of competitions for a long time.

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        As we all know, Reported a few days back i belive, Saket is preparing a great financial offer to bring Jabbari to Sepahan...So i wouldnt be suprised if i saw Jabbari in a yellow shirt next season,

                        So dont underestimate Sepahan, They are 1 of Asia's Best Clubs without a doubt...

                        Wingers, I belive they have good wingers, Akbari and Hossein Papi are good in respective right and left wing...Not to forget Hajsafi who is coming along extremely well in every area.

                        Jaba Mujiri is a great left defender/Midfielder aswell, but is currently struggling with injury seems to be on his way back.

                        Emad Reza can play right attacking midfield, And so can Seyed Salehi on the left side.

                        But Rajabzadeh would be a better signing for Sepahan then Khatibi...

                        I do belive if they keep their intensity in the last 2 matches of AFC CL we will see them in the Quarterfinals once again


                          Seyed Salehi: We won't let the championship be decided by the last match.

                          سید مهدی سید صالحی در گفت و گو با ایسکانیوز:
                          اجازه نمی دهیم قهرمانی مان به روز آخر بکشد//خستگی زیاد برای مان مشکل ساز خواهد شد
                          تهران- خبرگزاری ایسکانیوز: مهاجم تیم سپاهان اصفهان با تاکید بر قهرمانی تیمش در لیگ امسال گفت: به هیچ وجه اجازه نخواهیم داد قهرمانی مان به اما و اگر کشیده شود.
                          سید مهدی سید صالحی روز دوشنبه در گفت و گو با خبرنگار باشگاه خبرنگاران دانشجویی ایران "ایسکانیوز"، افزود: درست است که ما در سه جام درگیر هستیم و خستگی زیادی را تحمل می کنیم ولی من و دیگر بازیکنان سپاهان با غیرت در همه بازی ها حضور خواهیم یافت و اجازه نخواهیم داد کار به آخرین بازی مقابل پرسپولیس کشیده شود.
                          وی با اشاره به دیدار تیمش مقابل شیرین فراز گفت: البته من در این بازی به علت سه اخطاره بودن نتوانستنم به کرمانشاه سفر کنم ولی بازیکنان ما با غیرت به تمام معنا در عین حالی که بسیار خسته بودند، توانستند سه امتیاز حساس این دیدار را به نفع خودشان کسب کنند.
                          سید صالحی با اشاره به جام باشگاه های آسیا تصریح کرد: تیم ما با توجه به دو نتیجه عجیبی که در ابتدای این مسابقات کسب کرد، برای اعاده حیثیت مقابل الاتحاد قرار گرفتیم و نشان دادیم که ما لیاقت نایب قهرمانی آسیا را داریم و به راحتی در دور قبل این رقابت ها دوم نشده ایم.
                          مهاجم سپاهان درخصوص خستگی بازیکنان سپاهان به ایسکانیوز گفت: درگیری ما در سه جام بازیکنان را بسیار خسته کرده است و فکر می کنم در آینده نزدیک این خستگی برای ما مشکل ساز بشود.

                          GRACIAS PEP


                            Viera: We played without 6 starters and that was the reason shirin could put pressure on us. Shirin played with bravely. we controlled the first half very well.

                            سرمربي تيم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان پس از پيروزي تيمش مقابل شيرين فراز كرمانشاه گفت:تيم شيرين فراز خيلي خوب
                            و شجاعانه مقابل تيم ما بازي كرد.

                            به گزارش خبرنگار ايرنا، " ژوروان ويرا " روز يكشنبه در ورزشگاه آزادي كرمانشاه به خبرنگاران گفت:در اين بازي توانستيم نيمه اول را بخوبي كنترل كنيم و بازي را در دست داشته باشيم.

                            وي افزود: در آغاز نيمه دوم بازيكنان شيرين فراز كرمانشاه با زدن گل تساوي توانستند تيم ما را آشفته و عصبي كنند كه باز هم توانستيم با بدست آوردن بازي و زمين نتيجه نيمه دوم را نيز به نفع خود برگردانيم.

                            وي گفت:يكي ازدلايلي كه تيم شيرين فرازكرمانشاه توانست در بعضي از دقايق بر تيم ما فشار وارد كند اين بود كه ما شش بازيكن اصلي خود را در اين بازي نداشتيم.

                            وي افزود:تيم سپاهان با توجه به بازيهاي متعددي كه داشته و پيش رو دارد و بخاطر فشردگي اين بازيها بازيكنان تيم مجبور بودند بعضي از تمرينات خود را در هواپيما و حين سفر انجام دهند.

                            GRACIAS PEP


                              Bahadorrani is the only player who will miss the ACL game with the syrian club.

                              GRACIAS PEP


                                Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                                Bahadorrani is the only player who will miss the ACL game with the syrian club.
                                Besides Karimi and Navidkia

                                What about Abbas Mohammadi?
                                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14

