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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    The defense was "excellent".
    We played professionally by conserving energy and getting the required result.
    perspolis-saba result isn't important because we will defeat perspolis in azadi anyway!
    If I stay in Iran, I will only play for Sepahan.

    I don't know if anyone heard it or not but the fans chanted something like "Hadi ye Canavara" in the naft gamehe had a great game.

    عقیلی : با یک سطل آب سرد جهنم سرخ را خاموش می کنیم !

    هادی عقیلی مدافع تیم سپاهان بعد از بازی امروز تیمش در جمع خبرنگاران حاضر شد و به سوالات آن ها پاسخ داد . عقیلی عملکرد دفاعی سپاهان در این بازی را عالی توصیف کرد و بیان کرد امروز بسیار حرفه ای عمل کردیم و توانستیم بدون اینکه خودمان را خسته کنیم یک نتیجه ی قابل قبول بگیریم . عقیلی در مورد نتیجه ی بازی پیروزی صبا گفت : نتیجه ی آن بازی اصلا مهم نیست چون در هر حال ما پیروزی را شکست خواهیم داد . وی که سابقه ی گلزنی به پیروزی در جام حذفی را دارد در مورد میزبانی پیروزی در دیدار شنبه به شوخی گفت : با یک سطل آب سرد جهنم سرخ را خاموش می کنیم ! وی همچنین خاطر نشان کرد در ایران تنها در سپاهان بازی می کنم .



      Naft was a dangerous team because they came to get a results and they attacked a lot but we were the better side.
      I will arrange the team in a way that will assure us of a victory against PP. i have no doubt about it that we will celebrate Championship in Azadi.

      سرمربي برزيلي تيم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان گفت: صنعت نفت تيم فوق*العاده خطرناكي بود؛ آن*ها براي امتياز آمده بودند و بازي بسيار تهاجمي به نمايش گذاشتند.

      ويرا خاطر نشان كرد: تيم صنعت نفت با يك مساوي هم به آنچه كه مي*خواست مي*رسيد. بازي هفته*ي آينده آن*ها در خانه*شان است و كافي بود با يك تساوي هم كار خودشان را براي ماندن در ليگ برتر آسان كنند. با اين حال اين تيم من بود كه موفق به پيروزي در اين بازي شد.

      سرمربي سپاهان با بي*اهميت خواندن نتيجه امروز پرسپوليس در مقابل صباباتري، گفت: هر بازي شرايط خاص خودش را دارد و به هيچ عنوان از نتيجه*يي كه پرسپوليس در مقابل صبا به دست آورد، تعجب نكردم.

      وي با بيان اينكه براي شكست دادن پرسپوليس به تهران مي*رويم، گفت: هواداران سپاهان و پرسپوليس اين را بدانند كه تركيب تيم را طوري خواهم چيد كه برد با سپاهان باشد. شك ندارم كه جشن قهرماني را در ورزشگاه آزادي خواهيم گرفت.



        LOL at comments from Sepahan players and officials.

        Shoma shanbe biayn Azadi ma karetoon darim. Enough is enough. We are going to take our revenge on saturday.

        This is very personal to me and other red fans. Sepahan will be defeated badly this saturday. The red army wont even make it close.

        Haghe on Sarbazi ro ham ke cheshmesh koor shod mizarim kafe daste Sepahan va aghaye Saket.


          Go Sepahan


            I was very impressed by Sepahan's perfromance against Naft.
            The defense was as solid as it can get. Aghili and Bengar didn't let the ball go past them which was very nice.
            Azizadeh and jafari didn't have a good game.
            Azizadeh played as left back where Akbari used to play but is now injured. so it was obvious he couldn't do well.

            We scored 2 goals, one by Abolheil and one by Emad reza but the referee said it was offside. I'm not quiet sure about Abolheil's goal though, he seemed to be onside.

            Anyway, looking forward to the game on Saturday, I can't remember anything like this happen in any league. (first team against the second team, last match, for championship).

            GRACIAS PEP


              ^ where did u see the game. I am also looking forward to saturday's game.


                Originally posted by footballeirani View Post
                LOL at comments from Sepahan players and officials.

                Shoma shanbe biayn Azadi ma karetoon darim. Enough is enough. We are going to take our revenge on saturday.

                This is very personal to me and other red fans. Sepahan will be defeated badly this saturday. The red army wont even make it close.

                Haghe on Sarbazi ro ham ke cheshmesh koor shod mizarim kafe daste Sepahan va aghaye Saket.
                shotor dar khab binad panbedane


                  Originally posted by Siavash View Post
                  ^ where did u see the game. I am also looking forward to saturday's game.
                  You can always watch Sepahan's matches in Isfahan from the local channel.

                  GRACIAS PEP


                    عقیلی : با یک سطل آب سرد جهنم سرخ را خاموش می کنیم

                    GRACIAS PEP


                      The poor guy is still sore because Persepolise did not sign him having come up the Perspolise youth ranks. Ah God bless him


                        Originally posted by hadi_ak View Post
                        The poor guy is still sore because Persepolise did not sign him having come up the Perspolise youth ranks. Ah God bless him
                        LOL, this shows PP management have made the wrong decision. Aghili is now a TM member as one of Iran's best defenders along with Hoseini, while PP choices(Nosrati, Heidari and Bagheriha) are not.
                        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                          Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                          LOL, this shows PP management have made the wrong decision. Aghili is now a TM member as one of Iran's best defenders along with Hoseini, while PP choices(Nosrati, Heidari and Bagheriha) are not.


                            One thing for sure Aghili is not consistan.


                              Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                              LOL, this shows PP management have made the wrong decision. Aghili is now a TM member as one of Iran's best defenders along with Hoseini, while PP choices(Nosrati, Heidari and Bagheriha) are not.
                              I hope your not serious about Aghili.


                                Originally posted by Siavash View Post
                                One thing for sure Aghili is not consistan.
                                If he didn't make any sooties at all, then he would be the best defender in the world

                                GRACIAS PEP

