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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by kia View Post
    No. For the last 4 games he played as playmaker.
    Ohhh, I like that. He has the passing ability, strength and the vision to be a strong playmaker


      Originally posted by babak_iran View Post
      Sepahan has signed Amir Hossein Karimi on a 3 year deal from the U-17 team, he was the one to score against Canada and was Navad's guest last week. However, apparently none of the teams agreed to ship away Karimian,Seyed Salehi and Norouzi to Sepahan and looks like they wont be signing anyone for the 2nd half of the season.
      This will lead to disaster.


        Originally posted by sorkh View Post
        This will lead to disaster.
        Which one? Signing Karimi & Amini (GK) or the not signing of S Salehi & Karimian & Noroozi? I am happy about Noroozi & Seyed Salehi not coming because they are the same type of player as Gholami & we don't need another one but Karimian would have been a good addition. Losing him was stupid to begin with. He loved Sepahan & was a great player. These type of players should retire in the club.


          If sepahan doesnt sign any good players, n it will lead to disaster.


            Reza Norouzi and Seyyed Salehi are far better than Mohammad Gholami. Sepahan have lost many players and this winter transfer is the last chance to rejuvenate the team.


              What the hell is going on with the club. Not only are we making any moves to get better, we're losing all of our players. Gholami to Persepolis.... Personally I don't care if he leaves, he's not that good but what the fuck is wrong with the management.


                Pictures of Sepahan academy:


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                  هافبک- مهاجم برزیلی**؛ خرید جدید سپاهان

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                  میانگین امتیار کاربران: / 0

                  منتشر شده توسط کاربر2 | 06 آذر 1392

                  با فسخ قرارداد رادومیر یالوویچ و جدایی این بازیکن مونته*نگرویی از جمع سپاهانی*ها مسئولان این باشگاه بنا به درخواست زلاتکو کرانچار به فکر جذب یک بازیکن خارجی دیگر افتادند تا به این شکل ضعف*های خود در میانه میدان و همچنین خط حمله را برطرف کنند.

                  در شرایطی که جواهیر سوکای مهاجم آلبانیایی و مصدوم سپاهان بعد از یک غیبت طولانی*مدت قرار است از اواخر ماه جاری دوباره به میادین فوتبال برگردد مربی کروات سپاهان در نشستی که با مدیران باشگاه داشت از آنها درخواست جذب یک بازیکن برزیلی که قابلیت بازی در خط هافبک و حمله را داشته باشد، کرد که پیرو این درخواست کرانچار، اصفهانی*ها رایزنی با چند آژانس نقل و انتقال بازیکن در اروپا و آمریکای جنوبی را آغاز کردند تا در فرصت نقل و انتقالات نیم*فصل تیم خود را تقویت کنند که دیروز شنیدیم این بازیکن برزیلی به توافق اولیه با سپاهان رسیده و هیچ بعید نیست تا هفته آینده حضورش در جمع زردپوشان نهایی شود.

                  سپاهان که آروین بولکو و جواهیر سوکای را در لیست بازیکنان خود دارد تنها مجاز به عقد قرارداد با یک بازیکن خارجی غیرآسیایی است و در این راه هافبک- مهاجم برزیلی در اولویت برنامه*های کرانچار و سپاهان قرار دارد ضمن اینکه یک مدافع آسیایی هم که گفته می*شود ازبکستانی خواهد بود به احتمال فراوان سپاهانی خواهد شد


                    Hopefully the Brazilian is solid player and we sign him.


                      Good move, Djalovic should have left at the beginning of the season.
                      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                        Sepahans defensive half with Ali Karimi is almost perfect. The attacking half is horrible.


                          no creative midfielder leads to terrible offence. Papi was playing in the middle today, where he is useless, he is best on the wing. Although I kind of like the lineup in general missing most of our key players like Hamoudi, Bulku and Jahan Alian. We played Ali Ahmadi at right back, Hajsafi as left back, with Ebrahimi and Ali Karimi as defensive mids, with Afshin and Y.Karimi on the wings. The only bad thing about this formation was putting papi in the middle as playmaker. Regardless not a bad result in Ahvaz. Hopefully with a win against Esteghlal we can turn the table in our favour, with a little help from ZobAhan.


                            Time to shit on the sorkhabis!


                              Time to kick some ass!
                              2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                                less than 3 hours to the game, go Sepahan!
                                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14

