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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Sergio was in Sepahan's practice today.


      Originally posted by SeZaAhan View Post
      Sepahan needs a good goal scorer . If you watch sepahan games they create good number of chances but there is no one to put it in . I hope this guy + Sukaj can do it.
      Actually sepahan can rarely create a good number of chances this year compared to the offensive firepower they always had. Hopefully the new signing can help, with Navidkia and Sukaj coming back in 2-3 weeks.


        With Sobhani becoming the CEO of Foolad e Mobarekeh there is a great chance of Saket returning to head the club. That would be awesome news. Anyone would be better than Torabian.


          Khoda be dad bereseh sepahan will be the laughing stock of AFC this year with this team. We have the toughest group, Al Sadd, Al Hilal and Al Ahli are all good teams


            Originally posted by babak_iran View Post
            Khoda be dad bereseh sepahan will be the laughing stock of AFC this year with this team. We have the toughest group, Al Sadd, Al Hilal and Al Ahli are all good teams
            The team has improved quite a bit. I watched the Es game twice & if Sergio is as good as his vids we will have no problem winning every game. Our defence is already great & we are buying a Brazilian MF. Sukay & Moharram will be good to go for the ACL games & the management is bound to change. Things can only get better.


              Originally posted by kia View Post
              The team has improved quite a bit. I watched the Es game twice & if Sergio is as good as his vids we will have no problem winning every game. Our defence is already great & we are buying a Brazilian MF. Sukay & Moharram will be good to go for the ACL games & the management is bound to change. Things can only get better.
              Hopefully you are right. Sepahan has been very unlucky this season with injuries and other hashiye surrounding the team. I wonder who the Brazilian is the club is after. I wish we could use Sergio immediately as we could really use him right now in IPL. We have to wait another month to have Sepahan at full strength. I cant wait for Navidkia and Sukaj to return. We cant drop points in IPL anymore if we want to have a shot at the title.


                I hope we destroy Al Sadd and take them out of the competition.


                  بازگشت سوکاي به تمرينات

                  جواهير سوکاي که هواداران سپاهان براي بازگشت او لحظه شماري مي*کنند ديروز در سالن بدنسازي مجموعه باغ فردوس اصفهان همراه با رادومير جالوويچ به تمرينات بدنسازي مشغول بود.
                  بازگشت سوکاي به تمرينات
                  اينطور که به نظر مي*رسد سوکاي تا 3 هفته ديگر مي*تواند در تمرينات گروهي سپاهان شرکت کند همچنين وضعيت جالوويچ در اواسط دي و زمان نقل و انتقالات ژانويه مشخص خواهد شد اما چيزي که مشخص است جدايي او از سپاهان قطعي است.

                  Sukaj will be playing in about a month, Moharram probably sooner. So hopefully, we will have both of them for the ACL games.
                  2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                    ^ i tought Djalovich was released ,he is still with sepahan?


                      Thank you management for the worst season ever. No longer contending for the title. If things don't change Sepahan will miss AFC next year after 11 years.


                        Sepahan hasn't won for 7 weeks, and hasn't scored in 3 weeks. Krancjar and Torabian should both resign.


                          Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

                          Th entire club management must be fired and replace with a competent team with Saket or Rahimi being the head of the board.

                          I don't think Kranjar could have done much with this selection of players in hand. His 2 key players have been injured the entire season so far, lack of a goal scorer is the biggest flaw, coaches don't buy players, club does, the only thing a coach can do is to suggest purchasing the players he has in mind, the rest is up to the club management.


                            جوانان سپاهان در آینده حرف*های زیادی برای گفتن خواهند داشت

                            کرانچار:* عدم گلزنی مشکل تکراری ماست/از بازی راضی*ام؛ از نتیجه نه

                            سرمربی تیم فوتبال سپاهان گفت:* عدم گلزنی در بازی*ها مشکل تکراریمان است.

                            ، زلاتکو کرانچار پس از تساوی بدون گل سپاهان مقابل گسترش فولاد اظهار داشت: در چند مسابقه است که پیروز نمی*شویم و مشکل تکراری ما که گل نزدن است همچنان ادامه دارد. از بازی بازیکنان راضی اما از نتیجه ناراضی هستم. نیمه دوم سعی کردیم رو به بازی مستقیم بیاوریم و فشارمان را افزایش دهیم اما نتوانستیم نتیجه بگیریم.

                            وی در پاسخ به سؤالی در خصوص اینکه شما هادی عقیلی را به خط حمله آوردید و کاری که علی پروین باب کرده بود را انجام دادید، گفت: بهتر است سؤال*تان اصلاح شود این شیوه زمانی اتفاق افتاد که من از روش*های مختلفی برای گلزنی استفاده کردم اما به دلیل عدم تمرکز نتوانستیم به گل برسیم به همین دلیل عقیلی را به خط حمله فرستادیم او هم دو موقعیت گلزنی داشت که به ثمر نرسید.
                            سرمربی تیم فوتبال سپاهان در مورد اینکه ترکیب تیمش جوان شده است، گفت: اگر دقت کنید ما در دو بازی قبلی هم جوان*ها را آزمایش کردیم آنها انگیزه زیادی دارند که خودشان را نشان دهند این بازیکنان محصول آکادمی سپاهان هستند که قطعاً در آینده حرفی برای گفتن خواهند داشت. مقابل تراکتور هم از این بازیکنان استفاده می*کنیم.
                            کرانچار در خصوص عملکرد تیم داوری گفت: چند صحنه برای من مبهم بود، برخی صحنه*ها خطای مسلم روی یار ما انجام شد، من خودم یک صحنه را ندیدم اما برخی می*گفتند که پنالتی بود البته داور تصمیم نهایی را می*گیرد و باید مطیع آن باشیم.
                            وی در پاسخ به این سؤال که به نظر شما چرا تعداد تماشاگران سپاهان کم شده است، گفت:* این موضوع دلایل مختلفی می*تواند داشته باشد، شرایط آب و هوایی و دور بودن ورزشگاه از شهر تأثیرگذار است و علت دیگر می*تواند عدم گلزنی ما باشد، امیدوارم این مشکل هم به زودی برطرف شود


                              Honestly, being a Sepahan fan, this was going to happen sooner or later. Sepahan remains to have the best management Iran but suffers the same shortcoming as other clubs and that's holding onto our main assets. Since the beginning of our 3-peat championship, we've lost players each season to Persepolis and Esteghlal (as has Zob Ahan) and it became worse once Ghalenoei left. Luckily, the management managed to fill the gap for some time but now we're facing the end result.

                              Last season, we had one of the most dynamic offenses in the league but one of the worst defenses (due to the departure of Hosseini, Bengar, and Ahmadi). This season, we managed to fix our defense and now have the second best record in that regard. However, the loss of Khalatbari as well as the absense of Navidkia and Sukaj has been felt immensely.

                              We don't have the luxury of Persepolis either who seems to function on an unlimited budget. That being said, we ourselves have one of the larger budgets. My problem is that the Sorkhabi teams buy the hottest assets of the moment, don't pay them, and repeat the process during the next open window. Half the time, their purchases aren't even aligned with their needs. Following Omid Nazari's first or second call-up to Team Melli, Royanian came out and said that he's going to bring Nazari and another Swedish player to PP. LOL

                              Despite buying up top players for seasons, PP continued to underperform until this season where they finally have a 'complete set'. Despite this, they'll be back in the market next season looking for the asset of the moment.

                              Sepahan has to start the rebuilding process now. They need to sign their young assets (i.e. Khalilzadeh) to long term contracts with clauses for European offers. They need to start integrating a new generation of youth players from their academy and lastly, they need to bring in more effective foreign players who improve the standard of the team.


                                Am I the only one who isn't too worried about Sepahan? We're being ungrateful
                                and spoiled if you ask me.

                                My two cents: There is absolutely nothing wrong with Sepahan having a relatively
                                bad year and not winning a title. Nothing.

                                If you're a true Sepahan fan, you must tolerate losing. Kranjcar is a very good
                                coach and will hopefully stay in Sepahan for much longer. Sepahan's players are fine
                                players as well. They have a good squad.

                                I reiterate: there is absolutely nothing wrong with Sepahan not winning anything
                                this year.

                                They've had a management change and are shedding skin (introducing younger
                                players). If you merely want another championship, then sign a major coach, buy up
                                half the Team Melli players, get your championship, party for a week, and then watch
                                your team lose its one-season players and coaches again. Plus you'll be left with a
                                crushing debt.

                                Ye kami ensaaf dashte bashim

