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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    The game against Fener is tomorrow. I hope we don't lose big time like we did to Lazio 11 years ago:
    Lazio overpowers Sepahan in friendly
    Thursday, 07 August 2003 03:30
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    Rome - Italy's first division Lazio outclassed Iran's Sepahan 4-1 in a warm-up at home late Wednesday.

    The game was held in Norca, about 180km from the capital Rome.

    Lazio super stars stepped into the pitch, taking lead from Iran's fledgeling champion with four scores in the half.

    Iran's top striker Vahid Karami's free kick touched the net seven minutes into the end of the half.

    'The Italian side grounded us in the first half thanks to its high technics', Abbas Ramazani, Sepahan's caretaker told reporters.

    Iran's Sepahan have made way through legendary blue-red-clad defending champions to win the title in the Iran's pro League championship.


      Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

      WOW, Sepahan is extremely stacked this year. Looking forward to watching their games even though I'm an Esteghlal fan!

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        Fenerbahçe SK Resmi Dailymotion Kanalı Official Dailymotion Channel of Fenerbahçe SK


          Pics of the friendly:


            EDIT. Nevermind. Found the answer to my question.


              Guys how come moharam navidkia and hamoudi raghame gharardad not published ? is it just sepahan and foolad (bakhtiar rahmani)


                Originally posted by unique football View Post
                Guys how come moharam navidkia and hamoudi raghame gharardad not published ? is it just sepahan and foolad (bakhtiar rahmani)
                HAmoudi is going to Malavan for sarbazi & Moharram signed blank.


                  Originally posted by kia View Post
                  HAmoudi is going to Malavan for sarbazi & Moharram signed blank.
                  According to this he does get a salary just dont know why its blank
                  به نقل از ورزش ۳
                  تابش: رقم قرارداد حمودي و نويدکيا پايين است
                  قائم مقام باشگاه سپاهان مي*گويد که بازيکن اين تيم اعلام کرده کارت پايان خدمتش مشکلي ندارد و قراردادش هم با زردپوشان اصفهاني تمديد شده است.
                  تابش: رقم قرارداد حمودي و نويدکيا پايين است
                  مسعود تابش در خصوص اعلام نشدن رقم قرارداد علي حمودي و محرم نويدکيا در ليست منتشر شده توسط باشگاه سپاهان عنوان کرد: مبلغ قرارداد حمودي نسبت به سال گذشته کاهش چشمگيري داشته و به همين دليل مبلغ قراردادش منتشر نشده، اما هيچ شک و شبهه*اي در قرارداد او وجود ندارد.
                  به گزارش تسنيم، وي افزود: تمام رقم قراردادهاي بازيکنان*مان را به صورت دقيق اعلام کرده*ايم اما مي*بينيم که برخي رقم*هاي اعلام شده از سوي برخي ديگر از باشگاه*ها دور از واقعيت است.
                  قائم مقام باشگاه سپاهان در خصوص اينکه گفته مي*شود کارت پايان خدمت علي حمودي مشکل دارد و به همين دليل هم هنوز وضعيتش مشخص نيست، گفت: فکر نمي*کنم چنين چيزي دست باشد و او به ما گفت کارت پايان خدمتش مشکلي ندارد. اين موضوعي است که اين بازيکن به ما اعلام کرده و در مصاحبه*اي گفته بود کارت پايان خدمتش مشکلي ندارد.
                  تابش درباره دليل اعلام نشدن رقم قرارداد محرم نويدکيا اظهار داشت: دليل اين موضوع را نمي*دانم اما قرارداد نويدکيا با باشگاه سپاهان مشکلي ندارد و همه چيز مشخص است. حتي رقم قرارداد اين بازيکن نيز مبلغ کمي است.


                    Good news guys, Jahan Alian is back in training


                      Go Sepahan! Hope to have a strong start to the season!
                      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                        guys is it just me who thinks sukajs goal was offside ?


                          ^It was close. It is not possible to say it for sure from the available videos, but it is possible that it was offside.

                          2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                            This was the line up, also Sharifi hit the bar at 2nd minute. Very good start to the new season

                            Gordan, Shoja, Aghili, Karami, Ehsan, Rasoul NK, Ghafoori, Papi (90 Ghaedi), KB, Sharifi (69 Sukaj), Pereira (77 Amir Hossein Karimi)
                            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                              true i kept pausing the video to see if it was or not but it was really difficult but im guessing he was 1 cm offside which was a very hard call for the linesman.


                                Why does Gordan start over Ahmadi?

