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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Milad Sarlak Sepahan's 19 year old midfielder is going to join Kazagh team FC Aktobe. They will be in the CL next year. He is on his way to Turket for a physical.


      Originally posted by kia View Post
      Milad Sarlak Sepahan's 19 year old midfielder is going to join Kazagh team FC Aktobe. They will be in the CL next year. He is on his way to Turket for a physical.
      Uzbek international Timur Kapadze plays there, Geynrikh (ex Uzbekistan international) also played for them. Not bad really, hope he gets a call up on our WCQ


        Good move! Sarlak is a real talent. He never got a chance to play for Sepahan with the traffic we have in midfield.


          Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

          Slow down there ZandiJoon. He hasn't shown anything yet to be considered for a TM call up.

          We've got to make it harder for players to get called up, not just because they moved to the Kazakh League.


            Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

            Let's clear things up aswell. FC Aktope haven't qualified for UEFA CL group stage yet, they're just in the qualifying rounds.

            Looking at their qualifying record for European completions, it doesn't look very good. In 13 attempts, they have never been able to qualify for the group stages.


              Originally posted by littlepersia17 View Post
              Slow down there ZandiJoon. He hasn't shown anything yet to be considered for a TM call up.
              We've got to make it harder for players to get called up, not just because they moved to the Kazakh League.
              He's a good young player that played alongside Ezzatollahi with the youth team. That's the point of WCQ, test new young players and build a younger team, especially in the second round vs Asian minnows. If he did not prove anything at club level then Saeid Ezzatollahi didn't prove much either, yet many are even speaking about him being our key player for our squad in 2018.

              These are the guys that are looked at to build the future.


                I like how you guys kept the original fan thread, this way you guys kept a history, eels good to go back and read some stuff from 2007 etc. In one thread you can read through 7 years of history, rather than keep searching for old stuff. I wish both Esteghlal and Perspolis would have done the same.


                  Kind of sad that an iranian youngster has to start from the bottom like the kazakh league where as undeserving korean, japanese, and australian players of the same talent level have teams from top european leagues lining up for them


                    Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

                    ^^atleast it's in Europe. That's a start.


                      He's going on loan btw I think


                        Originally posted by ZandiJoon View Post
                        He's going on loan btw I think


                          I wonder why our Omid TM can play friendlies like TM of Albania.
                          Fazeli is scoring for Omid team:

                          به گزارش پایگاه خبری سپاهانپیروزی امیدهای ایران بر آلبانی با گل فاضلی
                          پیروزی امیدهای ایران بر آلبانی با گل فاضلی
                          تیم ملی امید ایران که در ترکیه به سر می برد در نخستن دیدار دوستانه خود از ساعت ۱۶ به وقت محلی به مصاف تیم ملی آلبانی رفت که این دیدار در نهایت با پیروزی ۲ بر یک تیم ملی امید ایران به پایان رسید.
                          در این دیدار تیم ملی امید با ترکیب امیر عابدزاده، محمد حسین مرادمند، ایمان سلیمی، جلال عبدی (۷۴ محبی) وحید حیدریه (۷۰ فرشید اسماعیلی) احمدنورالهی (۷۴ روزبه چشمی) علی کریمی (۵۹ میلاد کمندانی) علیرضا نقی زاده، شاهین ثاقبی، بهنام برزای (۵۵ حسین فاضلی) و محمدرضا نجات (۷۰ میلاد محمدی) به میدان رفت.
                          تیم ملی آلبانی با گلی که در دقیقه ۴۵ به ثمر رساند نیمه اول را با پیروزی یک بر صفر به نفع خود به پایان رساند اما با اخراج بکی از بازیکنانش ۱۰ نفره شد. در نیمه دوم تیم ملی امید برای جبران نتیجه بازی حملات زیادی انجام دادند و آلبانی ها در این نیمه با ۲ تغییر وارد میدان شدند که از نحوه بازی این تیم مشخص بود که مربی این تیم در پی حفظ نتیجه است.
                          در نهایت حملات ایران در این نیمه در دقیقه ۵۱ نتیجه داد و محمد رضا نجات با یک ضربه بغل پا روی پاس در عرض شاهین ثاقبی دروازه تیم ملی آلبانی را باز کرد. همچنین دقیقه ۶۹ پاس احسان پهلوان ملی پوش ذوب آهن به فاضلی ملی پوش سپاهان رسید که این بازیکن دروازه آلبانی را برای بار دوم باز کرد.


                            Vouria and Ehsan had a a great tournament. time to gear up for sepahan and esteghlal in azadi now


                              Good match coming up vs Esteghlal on Friday


                                Originally posted by ZandiJoon View Post
                                Good match coming up vs Esteghlal on Friday
                                Esteghlalis already finding an excuse for their loss

