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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Nothing is final yet, Hajsafi still exploring his other options if any abroad, he will most likely play for Sepahan if he cant find a decent offer.


      What's the latest on dan Norouzi's injury status, will he play tomorrow?
      Team Meli Iran
      Perspolis FC
      Malavan Bandar Anzali

      "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


        I hope he stays in Europe. we cant count of friendly game or camps for TM. At least with players in Europe we can be hopefully that they can carry us through to get to WC 2018! otherwise with IPL we will be saying "if" and "but" til the last game of the qualifications!
        IRI = FAILED


          he's gonna play with this

          Originally posted by Ghermez Agha View Post
          What's the latest on dan Norouzi's injury status, will he play tomorrow?


            Just compare Veisi with Faraki

            د خبر: 1343861/4 زمان: 20:37 1395/05/04 بازدید: 16,748

            ویسی با سپاهان قرارداد ندارد؟
            گواردیولا برای سپاهان خانه می فروشد!

            عبدالله ویسی که در این فصل هدایت زردپوشان اصفهانی را برعهده گرفته خبر از عدم قرارداد خود با سپاهان داد.
            گواردیولا برای سپاهان خانه می فروشد!
            به گزارش "ورزش سه"، در حالی که سپاهانی*ها فردا به دیدار پدیده خواهند رفت، عبدالله ویسی در اولین نشست خود در لیگ شانزدهم خبر از عدم عقد قراردادش با زردپوشان اصفهانی داد. برترین مربی سال در حالی که با سوالی درباره رقم قراردادش مواجه شده بود اعلام کرد: من هنوز با سپاهان قرارداد نبسته*ام.

            این پاسخ عجیب ویسی با واکنش خبرنگاران حاضر همراه شد تا آنها در مورد قراردادی که این مربی در هیات فوتبال اصفهان امضا کرده بود بپرسند و او در این باره پاسخ داد: به من گفتند قرارداد را بعداً برایت می*فرستیم و مبلغ قرارداد من هنوز مشخص نیست. زمانی، باشگاه سپاهان برای من دوچرخه فروخت چون من نیاز مالی داشتم و الان اگر نیاز باشد خانه خود را می*فروشم تا به باشگاه سپاهان کمک کنم.

            عبدالله ویسی (سرمربی) فولادمبارکه سپاهان


              Gordan saved a penalty for Padideh against Sepahan! He is a fine fine keeper! Sepahan shouldn't have let him go.


                Heyf, we could have easily won if Mohammadi scored the penalty. We didn't play too well. Chemistry is not there, but that is normal considering we have 9 new starters. Sepahan still with similar defensive problems, one ball one goal.



                    Ehsan is a done deal. Joining on Saturday.


                      Originally posted by kia View Post
                      Ehsan is a done deal. Joining on Saturday.
                      has he signed?


                        Originally posted by MR.S View Post
                        has he signed?


                          Good news Ehsan is back. The bad news is Norouzi doesn't have a moaafi and he might have to go to the moftkhor team Teraktor. What a fucked up league. When Fereidoon Zandi played for Esteghlal it was Ok but for Sepahan Norouzi needs sarbazi.


                            Originally posted by kia View Post


                              Ehsan Fabregas!!!!!!


                                Good game today. We played pretty well. Mohammad and Karimi look good. Oliviera had a good game, he looks like a decent keeper, he just needs to lose some weight. We will get better each game especially with the return of hajsafi and pedro

