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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Sepahan will have a camp on 25th of June in Austria and Turkey.

    سپاهان در ترکیه یا اتریش اردو می زند / پنجم تیرماه آغاز تمرینات زردپوشان
    تیم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان اردوی آماده سازی خود را پیش از آغاز رقابت های هشتمین دوره لیگ برتر در یکی از کشورهای ترکیه و اتریش برگزار می کند.

    به گزارش خبرنگار مهر، طبق برنامه آماده سازی تیم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان برای حضور در هشتمین دوره رقابت های لیگ برتر، این تیم قرار است اردویی را در یکی از دو کشور اتریش و یا ترکیه برگزار کند.

    بر پایه این گزارش، مجید بصیرت سرپرست تیم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان به عنوان نماینده این باشگاه شب گذشته به ترکیه سفر کرد تا از امکانات موجود در کمپ های این کشور بازدید کند.

    همچنین این تیم دعوت نامه ای هم از یکی از کمپ های معتبر کشور اتریش دارد که در صورت توافق نهایی مسئولان این باشگاه، اردوی این تیم دراین کشور برگزار می شود.

    قرار است تمرینات تیم فوتبال سپاهان برای حضور در لیگ هشتم، از روز پنجم تیرماه آغاز شود



      Seyed Salehi:
      I can no longer stay with Sepahan.
      During my 7 years in Sepahan, I did a lot of good for the team and the fans.
      But even Saket knows that It's better for me to leave.
      Although I don't want to play for Sepahan anymore but I still say They are the best team in the league. (ghorbonet)

      سید مهدی سید صالحی در گفتگو با ایسکانیوز:
      دیگر تحمل ماندن در سپاهان را ندارم!!
      تهران – خبرگزاری ایسکانیوز: مهاجم تیم سپاهان اصفهان با اشاره به وضعیت خود گفت: با اتفاقات اخیر رخ داده در باشگاه سپاهان کاسه صبرم لبریز شده و دیگر تحمل ماندن در این تیم را ندارم.

      سید مهدی سید صالحی روز دوشنبه در گفتگو با خبرنگار ورزشی باشگاه خبرنگاران دانشجویی ایران" ایسکانیوز" افزود: درهفتمین دوره لیگ در تیم سپاهان برای من اتفاقاتی رخ داد که علی رغم داشتن قرار داد یک ساله با این باشگاه دیگر دوست ندارم با پیراهن تیم سپاهان بازی کنم.
      وی تصریح کرد: البته فکر می کنم که در این هفت ساله حضورم در این تیم دینم را به مردم اصفهان و مسئولان این باشگاه ادا کرده ام و خود ساکت هم می داند که برای دوری از تنش بهتر است من از تیم جدا شوم.
      مهاجم سپاهان در خصوص مسائلی که وی را مجاب به بازی نکردن برای این تیم کرده است حاضر به صحبت نشد و گفت: فقط بدانید که یک سری صحبت های بر علیه من صورت گرفته که انگیزه ام را به ماندن در سپاهان از بین برده است .
      سید صالحی اضافه کرد: با وجودی که دیگر نمی خواهم در سپاهان بازی کنم ولیکن هنوز معتقدم که این تیم بهترین باشگاه ایران است .
      وی در پاسخ به این سئوال که آیا پیشنهادی از تیم های دیگر لیگ دارید یا خیر بیان کرد: در شرایطی که به تازگی این تصمیم را گرفته ام هیچ پیشنهادی از تیم های دیگر حاضر در لیگ برتر ندارم.
      وی در خصوص عدم دعوتش به تیم ملی گفت: همیشه اقتدار دایی را الگوی خودم در فوتبال و تصمیم گیری هایم قرار داده ام و به هیچ وجه از این تصمیم دایی گله مند نیستم اما تلاشم را برای رسیدن به تیم ملی دو برابر خواهم کرد.



        Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
        Seyed Salehi:
        I can no longer stay with Sepahan.
        During my 7 years in Sepahan, I did a lot of good for the team and the fans.
        But even Saket knows that It's better for me to leave.
        Although I don't want to play for Sepahan anymore but I still say They are the best team in the league. (ghorbonet)
        U can only see him going to Esteghlal Tehran or UAE...Really

        But i guess with the signings of Jamshidian and Haghi His departure was expected.....I think Sepahan will keep a hold of Emad Reza...


          I think Salehi and Emad will leave. Emad going to Qatar and SAlehi to Sepahane Novin.

          And Aqari will come to Sepahan.

          GRACIAS PEP


            Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
            I think Salehi and Emad will leave. Emad going to Qatar and SAlehi to Sepahane Novin.

            And Aqari will come to Sepahan.
            Sepahan Novin

            Common man you pull the joke of a lifetime sometimes....
            When Sepahan Novin's YEARLY spending was 400Million Toman for their WHOLE Squad

            Seyed Salehi's yearly wage will probably be exeeding that amount.....

            Look out for Saipa..They will be on their guard to snatch up any kind of players like Seyed Salehi ahead of their big AFC CL Campaign...

            Sepahan Novin...Am still laughing

            If Sepahan sells Emad Reza AND Salehi, I think they need to sign atleast 1 more striker

            Even with Jamshidian and Haghi there, They need 1 more striker...Maybe even 2


              Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View Post
              Sepahan Novin
              Common man you pull the joke of a lifetime sometimes....
              When Sepahan Novin's YEARLY spending was 400Million Toman for their WHOLE Squad

              Seyed Salehi's yearly wage will probably be exeeding that amount.....

              Look out for Saipa..They will be on their guard to snatch up any kind of players like Seyed Salehi ahead of their big AFC CL Campaign...

              Sepahan Novin...Am still laughing

              If Sepahan sells Emad Reza AND Salehi, I think they need to sign atleast 1 more striker

              Even with Jamshidian and Haghi there, They need 1 more striker...Maybe even 2
              lol I'm serious, He probably has problems with the Coaching staff or players. he can go to Novin where they need experienced players like him.

              GRACIAS PEP


                Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                I think Salehi and Emad will leave. Emad going to Qatar and SAlehi to Sepahane Novin.

                And Aqari will come to Sepahan.
                I don't understand the benefit of having two teams in the IPL. It makes more sense for Foolad Mobarake to sell Sepahan Novin and then use the money to improve Sepahan's squad and also start a new team in a lower devision league.

                Having a team in a lower devision league is very beneficial to Sepahan, as they can train lots of young players like Hajsafi for the first team.
                2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                  Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                  I don't understand the benefit of having two teams in the IPL. It makes more sense for Foolad Mobarake to sell Sepahan Novin and then use the money to improve Sepahan's squad and also start a new team in a lower devision league.
                  Having a team in a lower devision league is very beneficial to Sepahan, as they can train lots of young players like Hajsafi for the first team.
                  Hopefully they find the best solution, i personally want to see two Sepahans in IPL and 3 teams from Esfahan.

                  GRACIAS PEP


                    Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                    lol I'm serious, He probably has problems with the Coaching staff or players. he can go to Novin where they need experienced players like him.

                    Did u even understand me?...

                    When a Teams Yearly outflow of cash is 400Million Toman, Do you really belive they will sign a 400Million Toman player? Where are they going to get that kind of money from?...Sepahan Novin is a team dependent on the Youth System in Isfahan and Its team

                    No way, It doesnt even make sense man.....

                    Its like Real Murcia signing Sergio Ramos


                      Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View Post

                      Did u even understand me?...

                      When a Teams Yearly outflow of cash is 400Million Toman, Do you really belive they will sign a 400Million Toman player? Where are they going to get that kind of money from?...Sepahan Novin is a team dependent on the Youth System in Isfahan and Its team

                      No way, It doesnt even make sense man.....

                      Its like Real Murcia signing Sergio Ramos
                      True, But when Novin is in IPL, Foolad Mobarake will assign them more shares like they do to Sepahan. I'm sure they will buy some good players as promised by the coach.

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                        True, But when Novin is in IPL, Foolad Mobarake will assign them more shares like they do to Sepahan. I'm sure they will buy some good players as promised by the coach.

                        the problem is:
                        Foolad Mobarakeh and no interest in running yet another club in IPL
                        it is going to cost them a hefty bunch of money with absolutely no benefits for them



                          Originally posted by Ala View Post
                          the problem is:
                          Foolad Mobarakeh and no interest in running yet another club in IPL
                          it is going to cost them a hefty bunch of money with absolutely no benefits for them
                          who knows maybe Sepahan wins the league and Novin the hazfi.

                          GRACIAS PEP


                            Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                            who knows maybe Sepahan wins the league and Novin the hazfi.
                            Shayan, have you heard anything about Zobahan. I know they sacked Dr. Z, but have they hired a new head coach?
                            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                              Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                              Shayan, have you heard anything about Zobahan. I know they sacked Dr. Z, but have they hired a new head coach?

                              Ebrahimzadeh, Bonanic's former assistant in Sepahan has been appointed as Zobahan's new headcoach


                                GRACIAS PEP

