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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    ^^sorry my bad. It's Vinganda. Still dont know who it is. maybe they mean Ziganda (osasuna's coach).

    not sure about Firat too, don't think it's the same Firat as in team melli assistant.



      Vingada is the former Saudi Arabia head coach. He is Portuguese and I think he was also the Portugal's assistant coach at some point.

      We played against the Saudi team at his time a few times and he is a good coach. I think he was their coach when the Saudi's won the 1996 AC.
      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


        Wow just found Viganda's resume...
        I think if he gets the job it would be even better then Haji...
        He seems like a good coach looking at his CV

        Nelo Viganda...

        He has coached, Saudi Arabia, Boavista, El-Zamalek of Eqypt, Eqypts Olympic Team and is currently the headcoach of Jordan National Team who managed to pull a couple of great results against S.Korea coming back from a 2-0 down to 2-2...

        I hope Saket goes through with a Foreign coach, Because his coaching decision will decide if he wins 3 Trofies this year...Or ZERO


          Leno Viganda took the Saudis to the next round of WC94 and made them Champions of Asia in 96. Impressive record indeed but can he do that at club level??

          How can we get him while he's in the middle of coaching Jordan? maybe if Jordan doesn't go through to the next stage which is highly possible since South and North korea are in front then we can get him.

          GRACIAS PEP


            Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
            Leno Viganda took the Saudis to the next round of WC94 and made them Champions of Asia in 96. Impressive record indeed but can he do that at club level??

            How can we get him while he's in the middle of coaching Jordan? maybe if Jordan doesn't go through to the next stage which is highly possible since South and North korea are in front then we can get him.
            Jordan are out already...North Korea and S.Korea have made it through..

            So i doubt Viganda will stay with Jordan...and would be very intrested in joining Sepahan


              Originally posted by Arashi_Washi View Post
              Jordan are out already...North Korea and S.Korea have made it through..
              So i doubt Viganda will stay with Jordan...and would be very intrested in joining Sepahan
              Sometimes those coaches who are successful with national Teams fail miserably with coaching a club, hopefully that won't be the case if Viganda gets the job.

              GRACIAS PEP


                I didn't come to terms with Saket.
                The chances of me staying in Sepahan and going to SS is 50-50.

                ايران ورزشى - هافبك استقلالى سپاهانى ها هنوز تصميم نهايى اش را براى ماندن در اين تيم يا بازگشت به استقلال نگرفته. او روز چهارشنبه به همراه طالب لو به ديدن ساكت رفت.
                حرف هايش را هم با مديرعامل زد اما مثل اينكه هنوز به نتيجه اى نرسيده.
                صحبت با ساكت به كجا رسيد
                * من مبلغى بابت سال قبل از سپاهان طلبكار بودم. رفته بودم در اين باره صحبت كنم.
                يعنى درباره تمديد قرارداد حرفى با مديرعامل نزدى
                * چرا در اين باره هم صحبت كرديم اما به نتيجه اى نرسيديم.
                گفته مى شود حسين كاظمى به خاطر ترافيكى كه در خط هافبك سپاهان وجود دارد در آمدن داود حقى براى تمديد با سپاهان مردد است.
                * نه چنين چيزى نيست. من جايگاه خودم را دارم و اصلا به اين موضوع فكر نمى كنم.
                پس چرا تمديد نمى كنيد
                * سعى مى كنم در دو سه روز آينده تصميم نهايى را بگيرم. فعلا مى خواهم شرايط پيشنهاد ديگرم را هم بررسى كنم.
                مشكل مساله مالى است
                * به هر حال مساله مالى هم يك بخشى از كار است كه اهميت هم دارد. مى خواهم درست تصميم بگيرم و جايى بروم كه موفق تر باشم.
                يعنى در سپاهان اين شرايط را نداشتى
                * اصلا چنين بحثى نيست. من از اين مدت كه در سپاهان بودم راضى ام. فقط مى خواهم بعد از بررسى تمام جوانب تصميم بگيرم. رفتن به استقلال و ماندن در سپاهان ۵۰ - ۵۰ است.
                اما گفته مى شود به جز استقلال پيشنهادهاى ديگرى هم از تهرانى ها داريد
                * بله همين طور است. اما اسم شان بايد محفوظ بماند فعلا پيشنهادها را بررسى مى كنم و بعد تصميم آخر را مى گيرم.

                GRACIAS PEP


                  We'll beat kuwait comfortably.
                  In Iran, Sepahan is the best team.


                  GRACIAS PEP


                    Comprehensive interview with Saket


                    GRACIAS PEP


                      According to IRINN Urugayan Julio Cesar Ribas is 1 of the likely candidates to take over Sepahan

                      Any Idea who this man is?


                        Okey did a bit of a research,

                        His most recent position was Oman National Team which was in 2008

                        He has mostly been in charge of Clubs in the Urugayan League but has also coached Venezia a club in Italian Serie C


                          He is deffinatly not big enough for Sepahan.....
                          I think Viganda was actually a good option....

                          i like the fact that Saket is going for S.American and Western European Coaches..Its great


                            Saket said they won't name any Possible coaches until they choose one in order not to create hashiye for the team.

                            GRACIAS PEP


                              at the end of Tir, Al Arabi of kuwait will come to Esfahan to play two games.

                              GRACIAS PEP


                                Davood Haghi says he will officially sign with Sepahan on Tuesday and he will try to play at his best when he's in the team.
                                He says he also had offer from PP but it was too little too low.

                                داود حقى: تا سه شنبه وضعيتم مشخص مى شود
                                اين روزها ۳ - ۲ تيم خواهان داود حقى بازيكن استقلال اهواز مى باشند. گفت وگوى او را با ابرار ورزشى بخوانيد:
                                • چند تيم مدعى هستند با شما قرارداد بسته اند. قضيه از چه قرار است؟
                                - من فقط با سپاهان مذاكرات جدى داشتم شما كدام تيم ها را مى گوييد. من سه شنبه با سپاهان قرارداد امضا مى كنم.
                                • بحث پرسپوليس و استقلال اهواز هم مطرح است.
                                - استقلال اهواز كه مديرعاملش مدام در مسافرت است. خودم از استقلال اهواز ۲۰ ميليون طلب دارم. پرسپوليس هم كه پيشنهاد مالى اش پايين است.
                                • راستى طلبتان را از راه آهن گرفتيد؟
                                - نه هنوز .يك سال و نيم است كه پولم مانده است. نمى دانم به چه كسى بگويم.
                                • آينده خود را در سپاهان چطور مى بينيد؟
                                - سعى مى كنم بهترين بازى هاى چند سال خود را در اين تيم انجام بدهم.

                                GRACIAS PEP

