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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
    obviously he was pas's best player and stopped most of our attacks. i can see iran having another young talented defender.
    i hope he plays like that against perspolis.
    Yeah,i hope so.
    I cannot believe that Daei didn't call him for TM.
    My favorite Duo:Karimi & Kavianpour


      Originally posted by mehdy View Post
      Yeah,i hope so.
      I cannot believe that Daei didn't call him for TM.
      maybe because we already have aghili, bengar and seyed in that position.



        Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
        maybe because we already have aghili, bengar and seyed in that position.
        Sure,but Omranzadeh still 23 years old.
        Daei should use more Young talented defender like him for WC 2010.
        My favorite Duo:Karimi & Kavianpour


          Originally posted by mehdy View Post
          Sure,but Omranzadeh still 23 years old.
          Daei should use more Young talented defender like him for WC 2010.
          Daei better invite him now for the wcq to get used into the team if he is to play in WC2010. Although I believe the main 3 defenders we have are very solid but it depends if Omranzadeh has a good season and maybe bengar or aghili or seyed don't then Daei will probably invited him instead.

          GRACIAS PEP


            GRACIAS PEP


              well in that case, there is a chance ur game against us might get cancelled as well unless WAFF is over by then??
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
                well in that case, there is a chance ur game against us might get cancelled as well unless WAFF is over by then??
                jemidonam vala. faghat midonam ke hanooz lig shoro nashode daran ride mali dar miyaran.


                Sepahan is the main title contender this season.
                we played better than Pas during the whole 90 minutes even with 9 players.

                thank god he says he will be back in 2-3 weeks.

                هادى اصغرى: سپاهان بخت اول قهرمانى است

                تهران IranSport.Net - مهاجم تيم سپاهان گفت: با ارائه يك فوتبال كاملا برتر در مقابل پاس توانايى كسب ۳ امتياز در همدان را داشتيم اما به دليل بى دقتى و از دست دادن فرصتهاى بوجود آمده در نهايت به تساوى رسيديم. هادى اصغرى همچنين اظهار داشت : با توجه به اردو هاى خوب و منظمى كه قبل از آغاز رقابت هاى ليگ پشت سر گذاشته بوديم از هر لحاظ براى شكست تيم پاس با وجودى كه شناختى نسبت به اين تيم نداشتيم آماده بوديم اما تقدير با ما يار نبود. وى تصريح كرد : البته اخراج بهادرانى در ۱۰ دقيقه ابتدايى نيمه دوم كار را برايمان بسيار سخت كرد تا اينكه با احتياط بيشترى براى باز كردن دروازه پاسى ها حمله كنيم.اصغرى گفت: يكى ازدلايل ديگرى كه مانع از پيروزى ما در اين ديدار شد مصدوميتم در دقيقه ۸۰ بازى بود و از آن به بعد تيم ما با ۹ بازيكن چاره اى جزحفظ تساوى و دفاع منطقى نداشت.وى با اشاره به وضعيت خود گفت: متاسفانه از ابتداى ليگ بدشانسى گريبانم را گرفت و از ناحيه مچ پاى چپ شديدا احساس درد مى كنم و به احتمال زياد با اين اوضاع ۲ الى ۳ هفته از حضور در ميادين دور خواهم بود.مهاجم تيم سپاهان تساوى درنخستين گام ليگ هشتم را هم براى اين تيم اميدوار كننده عنوان كرد و گفت: در شرايطى كه اكثر تيم ها هنوز به تركيب ايده آل خود نرسيده اند بايد منتظر گذشت چند هفته از آغاز ليگ بود اما اين يك امتياز خارج از خانه هم براى ما با ارزش بود.وى گفت: با نظم و انسجام تيمى اى كه فيرات درتركيب تيم ايجاد كرده مطمئنم كه سپاهان را بايد بخت اول قهرمانى دانست چرا كه هم تجربه بين المللى دارد هم حرفه اى ترين باشگاه ايرانى محسوب مى شود.

                GRACIAS PEP


                  Tahmasebi didn't play against pas due to his military issues but he will play against the blues in week3.

                  بهمن طهماسبى به استقلال مى رسد

                  ايران ورزشى - ليست ۱۸ نفره سپاهانى ها براى بازى پاس يك غايب بزرگ داشت. بهمن طهماسبى مهاجم تازه وارد اصفهانى ها به خاطر نداشتن كارت پايان خدمت مجوز بازى مقابل همدانى ها را نداشت. طهماسبى روزهاى پايانى دوره آموزش خود را پشت سر مى گذارد و تا گرفتن كارت پايان خدمت راه زيادى ندارد. به گفته مجيد بصيرت سرپرست سپاهان، طهماسبى براى بازى مقابل استقلال تهران مشكلى ندارد و مى تواند در آزادى بازى كند. با توجه به احتمال نرسيدن هادى اصغرى و مصدوميت او اين بهترين فرصت براى طهماسبى و سپاهانى است

                  GRACIAS PEP


                    Good news except how the games are getting cancelled already


                      Guys i watched 90 last night on IRIB and Sepahan played better than Pas in the first game however i think a draw was a fair result and being it the first game things can only get better


                        Originally posted by Bobbyrider View Post
                        Guys i watched 90 last night on IRIB and Sepahan played better than Pas in the first game however i think a draw was a fair result and being it the first game things can only get better
                        cool , i still haven't watched 90. but from the reports and interviews it was evident that Sepahan had better chances to win. But anyway next game against Payam shouldn't be too difficult, we should easily put 3-4 past them.

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          ^ Yeah from what i saw Sepahan did have the better chances and i think our game with payam will be later since its cancelled so our next game will probably be against esteghlal next week but im not sure


                            17 august - next sunday
                            Esteghlal - Sepahan (19:15 local time).

                            i'm looking forward to this one.

                            GRACIAS PEP


                              ^ Are the TM players available for the match?
                              2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                                Yes WAFF will be done by then i believe Azadi or Fooladshahr?

