so that's the reason daei let him go
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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread
Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post^^ I am not very happy with the appointmentDo you have a resume from him? I just found a couple of lines in the Wikipedia:
Engin Firat (born 11 June 1970) is a German (Turkish-born) football coach. He is now assistant coach of Iran national football team appointed by Ali Daei.
He was assistant coach of Sivasspor, Kayseri Erciyesspor and Saipa F.C. alongside German coach Werner Lorant.
But who knows, Qotbi was also assistant coach. Firat has worked with some big coaches like Lorant as you said. I just hope he can answer the fans' expectations: Nothing other than IPL champs.
Originally posted by shayan20 View PostEngin Firat announced Sepahan coach.
I hope he will succeed but I was hoping for a better one.
"انگين فيرات" سرمربي تيم فوتبال سپاهان شد
يك مربي از تركيه،"رالف" و "آنتونيو" اعضاي كادر فني
"انگين فيرات" مربي تركيه*اي امروز با عقد قراردادي يك ساله، به طور رسمي سرمربي تيم فوتبال فولاد مباركه سپاهان شد.
به گزارش ، محمدرضا ساكت، مدير عامل باشگاه فولاد مباركه سپاهان با اعلام اين خبر گفت: پس از بحث و رايزني*هاي متعدد پيرامون انتخاب سرمربي و با توجه به برگزاري 3 جلسه هيات مديره باشگاه با "انگين فيرات"، در نهايت با اجماع هيات مديره اين مربي 40 ساله براي فصل آينده، هدايت طلايي پوشان اصفهان را عهده دار شد.
وي با بيان اين كه آشنايي كامل به فوتبال ايران، شناخت از فرهنگ و ظرفيت بازيكنان ايراني و تجارب قابل توجه در تيم*هاي اروپايي از دلايل انتخاب انگين فيرات است، افزود: قرارداد وي براي يك فصل است و طبق قرارداد در صورت توافق طرفين تا سه سال قابل تمديد است.
مدير عامل باشگاه فولاد مباركه سپاهان ادامه داد: يك دستيار از كشور تركيه نيز وي را در كادر رهبري تيم همراهي مي*كند و "رالف" و "آنتونيو" مربيان برزيلي تيم نيز با نظر وي همكاري*شان را ادامه خواهند داد.
وي با تشكر از همكاري و تعامل سازنده*ي سرمربي تيم ملي با باشگاه فولاد مباركه سپاهان گفت: پس از مذاكرات تلفني با علي دايي، وي پس از هماهنگي*هاي لازم با فدراسيون فوتبال، با نگاهي مثبت همراهي قابل توجهي را با ما انجام داد كه لازم است به طور ويژه از وي سپاسگزاري كنيم.
مدير عامل باشگاه فولاد مباركه سپاهان در پايان يادآور شد: انگين فيرات از امروز (پنجشنبه) كار خود را آغاز مي*كند و تيم را مهياي حضور در اردوي تركيه در 15 تيرماه خواهد كرد.
I cant judge Firat, He must be a coach with good experience,
But with such a great squad now, You would of expected a more well known headcoach...
But i guess thats why Firat was leaving Team Melli then,
I wish him all the best
And i hope that expectations are extremely high currently in Sepahan
He needs to deliver, But i think he is a humble man, Who will click well with the players and even that by itself will help him achieve good results...
Sepahan needs well a big coach but most of all a coach who will get results..., They are 1 of the favourites to win the AFC CL, Clear IPL and Hafzi Favourites too
Engin Firat is 38 years old, If he has a good season with Sepahan there is alot of hope that he could be a man for a long term project with Sepahan, a coach Sepahan could hold on to for a good 5-6 years...
But this season is make or break for the Turkish/German coach
Originally posted by shayan20 View PostIf Firat wants to stay for a couple of years in Sepahan then he must and I emphasize HE MUST win at least one cup in his first year with the taem, looking at the squad, It shouldn't be far from reality.
He has 1 of the best Squads in his disposal, You cant go wrong with that...
They are favourites in every tournament they are in next season
Engin Firat better know he has alot of expectations on him and Saket better know what he is doing with Appointing Firat as a headcoach
Lets hope his Turkish Assistant is a good assistant also and helps towards bringing experience
To the staff..Because Sepahan i think this season needs to be worried about pulling off the results...
Under Viera they didnt do that until later in the season, Hopefully now Firat has alot of time to work with Sepahan, and its players,
For all we know behind the scenes it was Firat who was pulling the strings and telling Saket who to sign, It could very easily be the case
Firat's Turkish assistant who will join the team very soon has also been Firat's assistant and friend when he coached one of the teams in Turkey. Everything sounds to be going smoothly. We just have to wait and see what they can really do.
Hamidi left Sepahan for Pas Hamedan for military purposes.
Mehdi Jafarpoor (ex sepahan player who left Sepahan for Pas due to the same reason) will return to Sepahan.
حمیدی به پاس همدان می رود / بازگشت جعفرپور به سپاهان اصفهان
محسن حمیدی بازیکن تیم فوتبال سپاهان اصفهان برای انجام خدمت مقدس سربازی به تیم فوتبال پاس همدان می پیوندد.
به گزارش خبرنگار مهر، با توجه به اینکه محسن حمیدی و حامد رسولی این فصل باید خدمت مقدس سربازی را پشت سربگذارند، به همین دلیل آنها فصل آینده می بایست فوتبال خود را در تیمی نظامی ادامه دهند.
برپایه این گزارش، طبق هماهنگی های انجام شده قرار است محسن حمیدی به تیم فوتبال پاس همدان می رود اما هنوز وضعیت حامد رسولی مشخص نیست.
همچنین مهدی جعفرپور که دوران مقدس سربازی اش را در تیم پاس همدان به پایان رسانده، به تیم سپاهان اصفهان بازگشت و فصل آینده با پیراهن این تیم در مسابقات به میدان می رود.
Originally posted by shayan20 View Postlol Nothing certain yet, I'm reading reports saying Sepahan Novin will stay in Esfahan
I guess we just have to wait and see.
yes, i read the same news about local authorities trying to keep novin in esfahan province,
however, there is no way novin can play in esfahan city due to lack of facilities
and i don't think foolad industry will allow novin to be transfered to different industries
in kashan.
Originally posted by Ala View Postyes, i read the same news about local authorities trying to keep novin in esfahan province,
however, there is no way novin can play in esfahan city due to lack of facilities
and i don't think foolad industry will allow novin to be transfered to different industries
in kashan.
Taleblou in Mes or Sepahan?
It seems like Hemami is going to Esteghlal and We might get Taleblou.
طالبلو در سپاهان يا مس
وحيد طالبلو دروازه بان فصل گذشته استقلال تهران که قراردادش با اين باشگاه به پايان رسيده است،درخصوص تمديد قرارداد هنوز با مسئولان استقلال به توافق نرسيده است.
"به گزارش سرويس ورزشي برنا" طالبلو درخواست مالي اش را به نماينده باشگاه استقلال در امور نقل و انتقالات اعلام کرده و منتظر تماس آبي پوشان است.
از سوي ديگر بحث حضور احتمالي مهدي رحمتي و يا ابراهيم ميرزاپور در جمع آبي پوشان موجب شده است تا طالبلو به پيشنهادات ديگر هم چشم داشته باشد.
سپاهان اصفهان و مس کرمان دو مشتري طالبلو هستند که البته هنوز مذاکرات جدي ميان طرفين صورت نگرفته است.
دروازه بان استقلال به خبرنگار ورزشي برنا مي گويد:هنوز با فتح الله زاده صحبت نکرده ام،اما درخواست مالي ام را به آنها گفته ام و تا مشخص شدن وضعيتم در استقلال با هيچ باشگاه ديگري مذاکره نخواهم کرد.
Mes Kerman?...Ok they might of lost Rahmati, But they signed Sosha Makani..
I dont think Mes Kerman needs Talebloo..
I dont even think Sepahan needs Talebloo...
Homami in Esteghlal would be a good move.....
As Esteghlal dont have any good goalkeepers other then Talebloo..
But Sepahan has Abbas Mohammadi.....
Who is a fine goalkeeper.....
But i think that if Talebloo goes to Sepahan,
Mohammadi should join Esteghlal and young Homami should stay in Sepahan
Abbas Mohammadi and Talebloo are both waste if they are benched..
On top of that Sepahan also has Savari, Another young goalkeeper who has done well..
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