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Sepahan/Zobahan Fan Thread

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    sepahan didnt have januario, heydari, hosseini and i think evne toure when he went to sepahan and without these players sepahan would have been much weaker than wat they are now.
    so, there is no reason why ghalenoi cant bring some players back to esteghlal, specially khosrow heydari and hossein kazemi who were both players he liked. maybe januario wont come because of the better pay at sepahan and toure also remains to be seen although he is not top priority for us.
    plus maybe one or two players from sepahan or atleast their reserves who are equally good as their starters.

    u cant deny the mans heart is always esteghlal and with esteghlal not being in a very bad situation, he can or atleast he thinks he can come, bring few good players and again be the best team in iran. ghalenoi isnt someone who runs away from hashie, he has eaten and breathen hashie throughout his life in esteghlal as a player and as a coach and team melli and knowing his background and where he comes from, even during his childhood! so its not a problem for him. it just depends on the situatio in esteghlal in my opinion.
    Originally posted by siavasharian

    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


      ^ Yashar jan, Janvario and Heydari signed 2-year and 3-year contracts last year, and the situation in Sepahan is not "sales, 90% off" right now You might want to look for new players elsewhere! BTW can you please explain how you know what is happening in GN's heart?!


      On a related note, GN needs more appreciation in Sepahan. Some fans think that because we have good players, stable management and healthy financial situation, any coach can win us IPL title. The situation in Steel Azin this season proved otherwise (although they were not good in management department either). In football a coach is as important as players, management and financial situation. Although I don't like GN's persistance in using Enayati and Kazemian in favor of Sepahan's other reserve players, we should let the coach do his job which includes player selection. The critisizm must exist, but it should not be so harsh that people use disrespectful language towards the coach and the player. The fans should show that GN's good work in Sepahan is recognized and respected.
      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


        Yashar jan, this is for you

        بهترين سال*هاي ورزشي*ام را در سپاهان گذرانده*ام

        قلعه*نويي: فوتبال قانون دارد،* براي جذب بازيكن بايد تا پايان ليگ صبر كرد

        سرمربي تيم فوتبال سپاهان در مورد بيانيه صادر شده از سوي باشگاه اصفهاني و استقلال گفت: فوتبال قوانيني دارد، بنابراين براي مذاکره با يک بازيکن بايد تا پايان فصل صبر کرد.

        امير قلعه*نويي در نشست خبري پيش از بازي با الهلال اظهار داشت:* براي هر دو تيم شرايط سختي است و الهلال و سپاهان براي سرگروهي مبارزه مي*کنند . ما در رياض سعي کرديم با پرسي که ايجاد مي*شود ارتباط بين خطوط الهلال را قطع کنيم. اين روش را بايد در بازي فردا انجام دهيم و بازيکنان خط دفاعي ما بابت اين مسئله توجيه شدند.
        سرمربي سپاهان درباره هواداران اين تيم عنوان کرد: جا دارد از هواداران تشکر کنم. شنيده*ايم که 5، 6 ساعت در فرودگاه معطل ما شدند تا از آبادان باز گرديم اميدوارم فردا با همين روحيه در ورزشگاه حضور پيدا کنند و تيم را حمايت کنند.

        قلعه*نويي در پاسخ به اين سؤال که آيا اين تيم همچنان استرس دارد، گفت: ما دو نوع استرس داريم. استرس با بار منفي و استرس با بار مثبت. ما چون قدم*هاي نهايي را براي قهرماني در ليگ برتر برداشته*ايم اکنون استرس مثبت داريم و فشار از روي بچه*ها برداشته شده است، در نتيجه فردا با بار مثبت با الهلال بازي مي*کنيم و البته جا دارد به تيم الهلال بابت قهرماني زودهنگام*شان در ليگ عربستان تبريک بگويم.
        وي درباره مصدومان سپاهان اظهار داشت:*به دليل اينکه در ابتداي ليگ بي*جهت مسابقات به خاطر تيم ملي تعطيل مي*شود اکنون در اواخر فصل به طور فشرده مسابقات برگزار مي*شود و بازيکنان ما در فشار هستند. از طرفي به خاطر نوع جغرافيايي کشورمان تهيه بليت هواپيما در اصفهان براي دو تيم سپاهان و ذوب آهن مشکلاتي دارد و ما مجبوريم گاهي براي يک سفر دو بار هواپيما عوض کنيم. اکنون مسابقات به قدري فشرده است که حتي سرمربي تيم ملي هم مجبور شده يکي از بازي*هاي تدارکاتي تيم ملي را که در روز فيفا است لغو کند. در هر صورت ما يانوش و جمشيديان را بعنوان بازيکن مصدوم داريم و قرار است جمشيديان براي ادامه درمان خود راهي مونيخ آلمان شود.

        قلعه*نويي در پاسخ به اين سؤال که آيا قصد دارد براي فصل آينده هم در سپاهان بماند يا نه، گفت: هر مربي دوست دارد با مجموعه خوب سپاهان کار کند، چرا که به حق اين باشگاه بهترين باشگاه دهه اخير ايران بوده و تيم فوتبالش هم عملکرد مناسبي داشته است. اين همه موفقيت به دليل برنامه*ريزي خوب ساکت است. اين*ها حرف*هاي دل من است و من نمي*خواهم از کسي تعريف کنم. هماهنگي خوبي بين مسئولان استاني و ورزشي اصفهان وجود دارد و باعث شده وتبال در اين استان به اين سطح برسد.

        وي افزود: من بهترين سال*هاي فوتبالي خودم را در اين دو سال در اصفهان گذراندم با توجه به مديريت خوب ساکت و تماشاگران خونگرم اصفهاني و حتي پرسنل زحمت*کش کارخانه قاعدتا علاقمند به همکاري با اين باشگاه هستم.
        قلعه*نويي با بيان اينکه قبل از حضورش در سپاهان از تيم ديگري پيشنهاد داشته، ادامه داد: مي*توانستم قبل از حضور در سپاهان به تيمي بروم که دو برابر سپاهان پول مي*دادند اما به خاطر وجود ثبات مديريت به سپاهان آمدم.

        سرمربي سپاهان در ادامه صحبت*هايش با انتقاد از عملکرد کانون هواداران سپاهان گفت:*گلايه من از کانون هواداران اين است که چطور نمي*توانند جلوي 4 نفر را بگيرند که مي*آيند درهتل محل اقامت تيم و عليه بازيکن شعار مي*دهند. در بازي با صباي قم هواداران خيلي خوب تيم را تشويق مي*کردند اما نمي*دانم چه اتفاقي افتاد که بعد از بازي عده*اي به خود اجازه دادند وارد هتل محل اقامت تيم شدند و عليه بازيکن شعار دادند. آنها با برنامه اين کار را کردند، اين داستان*ها چيست؟ من وقتي به سپاهان آمدم اين تيم چهارم بود اما اکنون تيم اول ايران است.

        قلعه*نويي تصريح کرد: به گفته خود ساکت زماني که من به باشگاه سپاهان آمدم تا قرارداد امضا کنم، بودجه اين باشگاه بين 20 تا 25 درصد کم شده بود. من خطاب به شما خبرنگاران مي*گويم اين داستان*ها چيست؟ واقعا خنده*دار است ما آمده*ايم 9،8 بازيکن را جابه*جا کرده*ايم و 5 بازيکن باکيفيت آورديم. اينکه تيمي توانسته مديريت هزينه کند، خوب نيست؟
        سرمربي سپاهان اضافه کرد: خيلي از دوستانم به من گفتند با صراحت حرف نزنم. اما اعلام مي*کنم خيلي دوست دارم سال بعد در سپاهان بمانم در صورتي که شرايط جذب بازيکن و آرامش حاکم باشد. مگر بارسلونا چطور قهرمان مي*شود؟ آنها بازيکن خوب مي*گيرند تا کيفيت داشته باشند. به من مي*گويند چرا سپاهان اين همه مهره و ستاره مي*گيرد. اين براي اصفهان افتخار است که بازيکنان بزرگ به تيم سپاهان مي*آيند. در صورتي که 4 تيم بالاي جدول تمايل داشته باشند، ما هم حاضريم که تمام هزينه*هاي ريز خود را اعلام کنيم. سپاهان فقط بازيکن گران قيمت ندارد بلکه بازيکن 12 و 30 ميليوني هم دارد برويد ببينيد سپاهان چه فوتبالي بازي مي*کند که حتي در تبريز و آبادان با وجود باخت تيم*هايشان ما را تشويق مي*کنند.

        پس از اتمام نشست خبري خبرنگاران از امير قلعه*نويي درباره بيانيه*هاي دو باشگاه سپاهان و استقلال عليه هم سؤال پرسيدند که او در جواب گفت: در اين زمينه بايد باشگاه پاسخگو باشد. تمام تمرکز من روي مسابقات ليگ، جام حذفي و ليگ قهرمانان آسيا است. فوتبال قوانيني دارد. باشگاهي که مي*خواهد با بازيکن طرف قرارداد صحبت کند بايد منتظر شود ليگ تمام شود و سپس با باشگاه وارد مذاکره شود نه بازيکن.
        قلعه*نويي همچنين در پاسخ به اين سؤال که قبول دارد جدال فوتبال ايران و عربستان است، گفت:*فردا ما شاهد يک مسابقه جوانمردانه خواهيم بود و من اين مسئله را از منظر فوتبال نگاه مي*کنم نه جدال و مطمئن هستم فردا يکي از بهترين مسابقه*هاي آسيا برگزار مي*شود.

        2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


          Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
          He must be crazy to come to SS right now. Sepahan has the best players, stable board, not Hashiyeh that SS has. With fans not filling the stadium, I believe we will see the further demise of SS and PP. In 4-5 years SS and PP will have a hard time to attract quality players (unless their financial situation changes).
          He seems to win regardless. Plus, like Yashar, I think he'll bring back a few players. Most probably Heydari, Kazemi, maybe even Rahmati and Januario. Contracts don't mean a whole lot in Iran. They seem to be more on a year by year rolling basis.


            Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
            sepahan didnt have januario, heydari, hosseini and i think evne toure when he went to sepahan and without these players sepahan would have been much weaker than wat they are now.
            so, there is no reason why ghalenoi cant bring some players back to esteghlal, specially khosrow heydari and hossein kazemi who were both players he liked. maybe januario wont come because of the better pay at sepahan and toure also remains to be seen although he is not top priority for us.
            plus maybe one or two players from sepahan or atleast their reserves who are equally good as their starters.
            u cant deny the mans heart is always esteghlal and with esteghlal not being in a very bad situation, he can or atleast he thinks he can come, bring few good players and again be the best team in iran. ghalenoi isnt someone who runs away from hashie, he has eaten and breathen hashie throughout his life in esteghlal as a player and as a coach and team melli and knowing his background and where he comes from, even during his childhood! so its not a problem for him. it just depends on the situatio in esteghlal in my opinion.
            That is a possibility too of course. In unpredictable Iranian football anything goes, but I doubt it. This GN is one of the most street smart people I have seen. He loves success and with sepahan, he can make a name.
            When I met him in Turkey, he even expressed coaching outside Iran at that time even in US. He loves SS for sure, but I think GN loves himself and making the best for himself the most. I don't mean this in a negative way. With all the respect for Fattollahzadeh I have (specially how this season he came at 90th minute and put SS together again), he is not Saket. If I were GN I would have stayed in Sepahan and build a dynasty in Iranian football.
            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


              Originally posted by kaz View Post
              Contracts don't mean a whole lot in Iran. They seem to be more on a year by year rolling basis.
              How did you come up with that? Contracts are contracts. Karim Ansarifard couldn't leave Saipa because of his contract with Saipa although he had lots of offers and he loved to join Daei and his hamshahri in PP.
              2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                He must be crazy to come to SS right now. Sepahan has the best players, stable board, not Hashiyeh that SS has. With fans not filling the stadium, I believe we will see the further demise of SS and PP. In 4-5 years SS and PP will have a hard time to attract quality players (unless their financial situation changes).
                i doubt that, Esteghlal and Perspolis will always be Esteghlal and Perspolis.
                Bookmark the PFDC Calendar for TM & WCQ games
                [Click on a game to see detailed description including time]
                Villa + Messi =


                  TM-Fan, dont be so naive man.
                  Interviews, specially iranian ones are,
                  1) half the time twisted,
                  2) said only at some point of time and dont have to really be the words of heart of a person for a long term
                  3) can be denied anytime by the person himself like we see on a daily business in iran
                  4) can be used as a leverage for increasing salaries, for khaye malli, for naz kardan, for tikeh parundan at others, for hashie sazi, for a lot of things.
                  how many interviews have the likes of parvin, mayellikohan, daei, marfavi, ghalenoi done about them not returning to perspolis or esteghlal, them not caring anymore, but they always end up somehow connecting back. this connection will always be there, be sure of this. if not for love, it will be for power to coach these 2 clubs! thats why such a mafia exists in these 2 clubs in teh first place, band bazi, and every group trying to bring in their own members!

                  ghalenoi is a blue and will always remain one, just like estili will always be red, and lots of other players like mansourian, zarinche, poarvin, bagheri, etc...
                  i still remember when GN first took TM job, he came on navad, ferdosipour said ur inviting too many esteghlalis, he said, i am a true blue an will always remain one, but i swear by god i am choosing players who i feel benefit TM best. he even said he is benching the likes of talebloo, kazemi and akbarpour for roudbarian, maziar zare/kianoush rahmati and khatibi respectively.

                  yes, he will coach other clubs and he aims for progress by coaching the national team and maybe even abroad but u cant deny the fact that esteghlal has huge potential to become a top team in asia. if it was rah ahan or say naft tehran we are talking about., u could have a point. he could go against his heart and coach big clubs like sepahan, but since its esteghlal who is nt any less than sepahan and has much more potential and history, so he will always want to come to esteghlal. time will tell but anyone who cant see the attachment of ghalenoi, mansouroian, zarinche, estili, tartar, peyrovani, daei, bagheri to esteghlal and perspolis is being a bit too naive.

                  yes, the recent players of esteghlal and perspolis might not have a lot of emotional attachment. players like kianoush rahmati, javad shirzad, arifi, hashemian, may not have a lot of attachment to esteghlal and perspolis cos its mroe about money and opportunities nowadays in iranian football but back then, when the likes of estili and ghalenoi were playing, it was a lot of passion for just playing for esteghlal and perspolis.
                  Originally posted by siavasharian

                  بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                  بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                    Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                    How did you come up with that? Contracts are contracts. Karim Ansarifard couldn't leave Saipa because of his contract with Saipa although he had lots of offers and he loved to join Daei and his hamshahri in PP.
                    Because there have been far too many instances of players leaving and arriving through the years to the point where I don't think the consideration of contracts alone are going to stop a transfer.


                      ^ Your information about the subject is not complete. Most players in IPL have 1 year contracts that is why they leave their clubs easily. If a player/coach is contracted to a club, he cannot leave without mutual agreement.

                      As for Sepahan, Janjus, Janvario, Heydari and Ebrahimi are among the players who are contracted to Sepahan and cannot leave, unless the club let them go. Aghili, Rahmati, Hosseini, Enayati, Kazemian are free agent.
                      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                        God save us, Enayati is starting the game I feel something bad is going to happen

                        GRACIAS PEP


                          Originally posted by TM-Fan View Post
                          ^ Your information about the subject is not complete. Most players in IPL have 1 year contracts that is why they leave their clubs easily. If a player/coach is contracted to a club, he cannot leave without mutual agreement.

                          As for Sepahan, Janjus, Janvario, Heydari and Ebrahimi are among the players who are contracted to Sepahan and cannot leave, unless the club let them go. Aghili, Rahmati, Hosseini, Enayati, Kazemian are free agent.
                          I just told you in the previous post that most players have rolling on contracts (1 year extensions) and you just repeated what I said. I doubt there is an official contract for 3-4 years for these players as you claimed - it's not the norm. More to the point, a club won't keep a player who is unhappy and wants to leave.
                          Last edited by kaz; 05-04-2011, 09:49 AM.


                            ^ I didn't repeat what you said, because what you said was wrong.
                            2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                              Congrats guys, both Esfehani teams secured their top 2 spots in their group stages. I hope not to see Enayati start any more ACL matches!


                                ^ Thanks Keano jan, and I agree with you on Enayati. Signing a good striker next season is a MUST for Sepahan.
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