reason for azadi grass is so messed up
came out.
Problem was the people in charge of watering the grass were lazy to fill up the water tankers with
clean they been using azadi lake water to water the grass that's why grass has gone yellow and bald.....
No one knew this was happening
until the tm GHAYEGRANI which practice there
start complaining about water going down in the lake...then they investigated and found out what has been happening....this been going on for months....
came out.
Problem was the people in charge of watering the grass were lazy to fill up the water tankers with
clean they been using azadi lake water to water the grass that's why grass has gone yellow and bald.....
No one knew this was happening
until the tm GHAYEGRANI which practice there
start complaining about water going down in the lake...then they investigated and found out what has been happening....this been going on for months....