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      I think that’s good. Not a good time to find a new manager. CQ also has shown that he’s willing to bring new talent into the squad. We need that early in the 4 year cycle given how Skocic killed our depth by playing the same 14 players for 2 years


        Originally posted by Gol Bezan View Post
        Its the right choice. He should then transition to a advisor role and work on our youth teams.


          I am all for him staying, he is by far our best alternative atm.

          The only thing that would make him sit on our bench for WC 2026 is if we win the Asian cup, nothing less.


            That is great news, I know alot on the forum blame him for bad tactics but as another member mentioned, Japan, SK and Aus used the same tactic but had that edge of luck and will power from their players (who have a major handicapp compared to ours).

            Football aside from skill, needs a bit of luck, which sadly was not on our side. I believe Carlos staying for AC is the correct choice.


              Carlos staying is the best choice.. As much as I'd like for a fresh start with a new manager, there's nobody touching Iran right now with the situation we are in. CQ can build on this World Cup, test out some new players and build a plan for the Asian Cup. Hopefully by the time Asian Cup starts, the situation and pressure on these players will die down and they can solely focus on football again in hopes of winning the title.


                Originally posted by Dubxl152 View Post

                Its the right choice. He should then transition to a advisor role and work on our youth teams.
                Agree with this. We need to fix things bottom up from the grassroots.


                  Originally posted by Dubxl152 View Post

                  Its the right choice. He should then transition to a advisor role and work on our youth teams.
                  I disagree.
                  we need to start planning for 2026 and the Asian Cup should preparation for that. Letting CQ stay in charge for AC is just wasting time.

                  Whoever is the new coach needs to start planning immediately.


                    Nobody in the right mind would want to coach TM right now, given the social, political and economic climate of Iran currently. I am happy we won't be coachless

                    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                      Originally posted by Gol Bezan View Post
                      If true, this is the wisest decision the federation has made in a long time. Even though Iran's performance in the WC did not really meet expectations--understandable, considering overwhelming pressure on the team-- the players are still on the right track. They had a few costly injuries but nevertheless came close to eking out a draw with the U.S. Another important element to consider is that the players, and Queiroz, want to redeem themselves for their failure to advance to the knockout stage. The federation should give them the chance to prove themselves in the Asian Cup. A lot of passionate fans are living with the illusion of seeing an elite foreign coach leading the team. Yet they do not realize that conditions for a coach of the caliber they're dreaming of do not exist and they may have to be content with an Iranian coach. But throughout the last decade, Iran has had numerous Iranian coaches in charge, and while someday an Iranian manager will most likely surpass Heshmat Mohajerani's success at the international level, no domestic coach is quite able or willing to take on the huge responsibility of leading this team at this critical juncture.

                      Queiroz, on the other hand, is a near-perfect choice for Iran considering the precarious environment in which the team finds itself. He's a well-known tactician and a very good motivator. He has great rapport with most of the players. He's strong, and has an exceptional sense of justice. He also loves Iran and is willing to defend his players and their honor. At this critical juncture, Iran will not be able to find anyone equal or better than this man. Many are throwing around names of accomplished figures who have had success across many continents without realizing that these coaches simply have no incentive to work in Iran when they can earn far more money working in far less strenuous environments. Queiroz, on the other hand, would be doing it not just for the money. He'll be doing it because he made a pact with the people of Iran, one that he has yet to accomplish. And I believe he won't rest until the plan has come to fruition.


                        Originally posted by arvin_guzoo View Post
                        That is great news, I know alot on the forum blame him for bad tactics but as another member mentioned, Japan, SK and Aus used the same tactic but had that edge of luck and will power from their players (who have a major handicapp compared to ours).

                        Football aside from skill, needs a bit of luck, which sadly was not on our side. I believe Carlos staying for AC is the correct choice.

                        Japan had 16 percent possession, they didn't play tiki taka against Spain - people should be under no illusions that they had some luck. We had no luck going for us in this tournament unfortunately.


                          Originally posted by Dubxl152 View Post

                          Its the right choice. He should then transition to a advisor role and work on our youth teams.
                          He'd revel in any sorta organizational bossing and general operational management and long term plannings but the modern game of football has long passed him and after his utter miserable failure at wc on most all coaching fronts, to keep as TM coach would be a huge insult to its fans and a yet another waste of time and disservice to future of the game in our country...!!
                          he'd make an ideal IFF Boss, and as mentioned for years, i'd gladly welcome such a role but we are badly in need of a Fresh (more balanced) approach to how we are playing the game and he is as stubborn and old school defensive as they come thus can offer next to zilch to help us on that front..!!
                          if he is kept in charge watch for another narrow, supposedly unlucky loss in KO rounds and another premature exit from AC ... with even more aging and for most part played-out left over squad this time to pick up the pieces from ..!

                          get me Carlos Carvahal for half the cost and cope with his rather moody personality and give the man a min year to work his magic.... watch us truly back to the pinnacles of Asian football.... rather the current FAR FAR FROM reality number1 asian ranking on paper..!

                          i'd be highly disappointed if carlos is kept on as our coach after his TM's utter embarrassing gohkari at wc..!


                            Originally posted by BacheLot View Post

                            He'd revel in any sorta organizational bossing and general operational management and long term plannings but the modern game of football has long passed him and after his utter miserable failure at wc on most all coaching fronts, to keep as TM coach would be a huge insult to its fans and a yet another waste of time and disservice to future of the game in our country...!!
                            he'd make an ideal IFF Boss, and as mentioned for years, i'd gladly welcome such a role but we are badly in need of a Fresh (more balanced) approach to how we are playing the game and he is as stubborn and old school defensive as they come thus can offer next to zilch to help us on that front..!!
                            if he is kept in charge watch for another narrow, supposedly unlucky loss in KO rounds and another premature exit from AC ... with even more aging and for most part played-out left over squad this time to pick up the pieces from ..!

                            get me Carlos Carvahal for half the cost and cope with his rather moody personality and give the man a min year to work his magic.... watch us truly back to the pinnacles of Asian football.... rather the current FAR FAR FROM reality number1 asian ranking on paper..!

                            i'd be highly disappointed if carlos is kept on as our coach after his TM's utter embarrassing gohkari at wc..!
                            You make some good points and your frustration with lack of tangible progress is understandable. But under present circumstances, I believe, this is as good as it gets. What people sometimes fail to realize is that, in Iran, everything seems to be entangled with politics. Just look at the number of foreign coaches we've had over the years. With the exception of one, every single one of them has failed. And its not just the coaching. A confluence of events has always banded together to impede progress: low player morale, stagnation and stonewalling, lack of adequate resources, stringent restrictions, etc. Most coaches will not even last enough time to make a difference. At this point, for Iran, reaching the pinnacle of success must be a gradual and patient process, and I believe, everything taken into consideration, for now Queiroz is the best choice until the political and economic climate improves.


                              Originally posted by BacheLot View Post

                              He'd revel in any sorta organizational bossing and general operational management and long term plannings but the modern game of football has long passed him and after his utter miserable failure at wc on most all coaching fronts, to keep as TM coach would be a huge insult to its fans and a yet another waste of time and disservice to future of the game in our country...!!
                              he'd make an ideal IFF Boss, and as mentioned for years, i'd gladly welcome such a role but we are badly in need of a Fresh (more balanced) approach to how we are playing the game and he is as stubborn and old school defensive as they come thus can offer next to zilch to help us on that front..!!
                              if he is kept in charge watch for another narrow, supposedly unlucky loss in KO rounds and another premature exit from AC ... with even more aging and for most part played-out left over squad this time to pick up the pieces from ..!

                              get me Carlos Carvahal for half the cost and cope with his rather moody personality and give the man a min year to work his magic.... watch us truly back to the pinnacles of Asian football.... rather the current FAR FAR FROM reality number1 asian ranking on paper..!

                              i'd be highly disappointed if carlos is kept on as our coach after his TM's utter embarrassing gohkari at wc..!
                              I agree completely but I don't think anyone in their right mind would want to live in IR right now to coach TM. And that's what we need a legit coach that isn't phoning it in. He has to be present.

                              No domestic coach wants the job let alone a world class coach. What's ironic is IFF pays really well and the situation in Iran wasn't so messed up we could probably get strama, carvahal or Renard.

                              For now we need to just keep the team alive with someone at the helm. Heck I would be fine throwing the AC and bringing in youth and rebuilding using the tournament as an experience opportunity for youth.

                              I had a post that seems to have gotten deleted when the servers went down the other day but basically it said:

                              We can't compare Iran with Japan or SK. The US team is a perfect case study of what happens when you invest in youth, professionalism and infrastructure. These things will never happen in Iran under the current system.

                              We haven't produced a midfielder who can make a heads up pass in over a decade. The system needs to be gutted from the bottom up. It doesn't matter who the coach is. Learning basic passing triangles and game fundamentals are learned in the youth system not at the national team level.

                              It's the same thing we have been discussing since 2006. The difference is the rest of asia has been making an investment in their football and we have been relying on talent.... They have caught up and are surpassing us.

                              Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk


                                Keeping CQ is a no brainer. Who’s a better coach that would accept the job under present circumstances?

                                We missed on the 2nd round because of 1 goal. If CQ had stayed since 2019, we definitely would’ve had younger players in our squad, and I’m sure that would’ve been enough to push us through to the Round of 16.

                                We have to remember this WC22 squad wasn’t CQ’s “team.” He inherited it, without the ability to significantly contribute to player development. Thus, he was forced to rely on the backbone of “his” aged WC18 squad.

