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    Originally posted by Ghermez Agha View Post

    agreed, I understand he is in a tough spot with these questions but he could have even answered with something high level like “I’m proud to represent the Iranian people” or something like that.
    cq will not coach tm after wc.
    I want u to hear it first from me
    FARHAD MAJIDI will take over tm.

    Enjoy cq for the next couple weeks


      Its not a legit question at all. CQ could have just as easily asked the sky journo if he feels ok representing a british broadcasting entity that typically tows the government line after the scores of atrocities committed by the british around the world, including starving 4 million people to death in bengal, comitting coup in same iran whose issues he is so keen to mention, for years giving weapons to saudis who are comitting genocide in yemen (ongoing).Ofc, such a question would have little legitimacy bc these things may have nothing to do with said journalist who is there on an unrelated matter trying to do his job that he is paid for.

      The same prinicple applies to a foreign football manager. Nobody is asking renard what he thinks about coaching Saudi Arabia either, actively killing civilians in yemen for 8 years now, or sentencing local tribespeople to death bc they dont want to relocate for latest plastic city in the middle of the desert.

      None of this is to absolve IR, it just isnt a reasonable question to ask a football manager who signed a contract before recent turn of events, and is likely spending every waking hour analyzing his WC opponents and trying to do his job as somebody with professional values would. No wonder he is pissed, trying to get him to give political commentary on situation he no doubt wants little to do with.

      If somebody wants to analyze the pros and cons from the regimes point of view of having TM at the WC, they are free to do so, but to ask the coaches and players involved to focus on giving excellent account of themselves and a nuanced take on political situation that keeps their paying bosses and masses happy so they are left alone for a month seems a bit unrealistic.

      Now, if we had an iranian coach, who wants to give his take as a national of our country on our country's domestic situation and feels comfortable doing that, by all means he should. IF a foreigner, who signed a contract with this governments football association wants to focus strictly on his job and not be asked to give political commentaries, his right to that should be respected.

      One issue at the heart of the problem is that some people do not see the footballer and coaches as professionals, but rather tools to achieve their own political agendas. This is the case for IR, and people against IR. In no other unrelated profession, are people expected to immediately give opinions on political matters before performing their job.

      You wouldnt show up to your neurosurgeon to have your brain tumor removed and start by asking him what he thinks about protests in x y or z the second before he takes out the knife. Its irrelevant and has nothing to do with what is about to happen.


        Originally posted by bozghaleh View Post

        1) The whataboutism isn't accurate: We are not talking about historical wrongs about an empire that is long past its glory, but blood that is flowing on the streets as I type this, so yes it is legitimate. If UK was still still colonizing India, as an example, then yes, it would be a legit question of Southgate as well.
        2) TM, while representing the people, also does represent the government: hence, the national anthem, the flag, the pressure on the team from the government, etc.
        My friend, I think the point was somewhat missed as I did not use the best example or I didn't express myself well.

        I am not trying to engage in whataboutism. My point was that it is unfair in principle to direct this question to the managers - it was not about the specific example I chose since I can easily change the example to a current one and I think the point still stands. For example, how about the British government supplying weapons and even military support (in terms of training) to Saudi which uses these weapons in Yemen, and has created an awful famine? So does the English team represent this? Or perhaps they will ask the USA manager about the US sanctions on Iran, and how he feels to represent the US government which oppresses totally innocent Iranian civilians with these cruel sanctions?

        But as I said, the point is not to engage in whataboutism - the issues here are really important to all of us and I think all of the questions must be raised. I just disagree with the target of these questions (the managers). You might disagree and I can understand your perspective also.

        I think what annoys me is the selective questioning - that these questions would not be asked of the managers 'representing' Western countries. To be fair, I would be less annoyed if I actually saw these questions asked to Gareth Southgate and the USA coach, but I still think it might be unfair to them.


        Edit: In fact thinking about the US sanctions on Iran just makes it all the more infuriating. The reporter asked about the oppression of women in Iran. Will this same reporter who cares so much about the oppression of Iranians ask the USA manager about the cruel US sanctions that are causing the indiscriminate oppression of Iranians? I assume this reporter will also care so much about all those oppressed by the sanctions (including women) and I will eagerly await his question to the USA manager.


          Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
          Its not a legit question at all. CQ could just have easily asked the sky journo if he feels ok representing a british broadcasting entity that typically tows the government line after the scores of atrocities committed by the british around the world, including starving 4 million people to death in bengal, comitting coup in same iran whose issues he is so keen to mention, for years giving weapons to saudis who are comitting genocide in yemen (ongoing).Ofc, such a question would have little legitimacy bc these things may have nothing to do with said journalist who is there on an unrelated matter trying to do his job that he is paid for.

          The same prinicple applies to a foreign football manager. Nobody is asking renard what he thinks about coaching Saudi Arabia either, actively killing civilians in yemen for 8 years now, or sentencing local tribespeople to death bc they dont want to relocate for latest plastic city in the middle of the desert.

          None of this is to absolve IR, it just isnt a reasonable question to ask a football manager who signed a contract before recent turn of events, and is likely spending every waking hour analyzing his WC opponents and trying to do his job as somebody with professional values would. No wonder he is pissed, trying to get him to give political commentary on situation he no doubt wants little to do with.

          If somebody wants to analyze the pros and cons from the regimes point of view of having TM at the WC, they are free to do so, but to ask the coaches and players involved to focus on giving excellent account of themselves and a nuanced take on political situation that keeps their paying bosses and masses happy so they are left alone for a month seems a bit unrealistic.
          I was so busy trying to express my second response that I did not see this, but thank you for expressing so clearly exactly what I was trying to say!


            Originally posted by bozghaleh View Post

            1) The whataboutism isn't accurate: We are not talking about historical wrongs about an empire that is long past its glory, but blood that is flowing on the streets as I type this, so yes it is legitimate. If UK was still still colonizing India, as an example, then yes, it would be a legit question of Southgate as well.
            2) TM, while representing the people, also does represent the government: hence, the national anthem, the flag, the pressure on the team from the government, etc.
            What I Think many are tired of is the hypocrisy. At the 2002 and 2006 World cup, did any journalist ask the usa or England team what they felt about their government bombing Iraq and Afghanistan. They didnt and nor should they. They are not the one who should answer that at a football tournament.
            Its not whataboutism, its just people getting tired of middle eastern people having too take responsibility for stuff nobody else have to do.
            I dont know where you live, but where I live there was alot of pressure on muslims to come out and take distance for ISIS and other terrorist groups. Its the double standard we are tired of


              Question 1 was legit. most common intrepretation of his answer was that Iranian players may express themselves at the WC in the world media. Made headlines.
              Question 2 was not legit..mostly a trap and vicious...But answered poorly by CQ. If he had said nothing, it would have been better. His comment on immigration was a poor choice too.


                Originally posted by koorosh View Post
                Question 1 was legit. most common intrepretation of his answer was that Iranian players may express themselves at the WC in the world media. Made headlines.
                Question 2 was not legit..mostly a trap and vicious...But answered poorly by CQ. If he had said nothing, it would have been better. His comment on immigration was a poor choice too.
                Yep as others have said, he should have kept it simple and said we play and fight for the Iranian people. to come back and try to compare to england/british system was dumb. honestly it is so ridiculous how laser focused people are on iran for now. its like IR magically got bad after mahsa amini, its like hello??? where have u been for past


                  Originally posted by Ghermez Agha View Post

                  agreed, I understand he is in a tough spot with these questions but he could have even answered with something high level like “I’m proud to represent the Iranian people” or something like that.
                  Yes exactly bro ..... Sadly It has backfired so bad in iran . Opened my social media profiles and its all over iranian social media. People now calling him "pool parast ". Things doesn't look good for CQ and I hope this doesn't have any effect on our performance.

                  Sky news reporter got what he wanted.


                    Carlos Queiroz: "How much you pay me to answer that question? How much you pay me?" he said. "Talk to your boss and at the end of the World Cup I can give you the answer if you make me a good offer. Don't put in my mouth words that I don't say. I'm asking how much money to answer."

                    Translation: I hate the Mullahs and I have worked against them for years, but they pay me. Pay me more and I will reveal all.​
                    "This is a totalitarian system whose presence people feel in their blood and in their flesh on a daily basis. And it’s one that does not grant freedoms of any kind, or accommodate people’s demands in any way. What is increasingly clear is that there is clear demand for change in the regime. What the people want is regime change, and no return to the past. There is a very real possibility of regime change." - Nasrin Sotoudeh


                      Shaka Hislop I think is only the second person of many at ESPN that say Iran is going through. He believes the political situation in our country will give us extra motivation.


                        Tough situation is surrounding Iran's team at the moment. There is a lot of pressure on the coach and players. And we football fans are also at the crossroad of what is the right action. I wish I knew the answer but one thing I know for sure is that there is nothing more important than having integrity and standing for what is right, even if that means we are going to miss out watching our country's team play football at the highest level - something that every nation dreams to be part of. I feel bad that our young men and women have put their lives on the palm of their hands to free our nation from tyranny and we are sitting at the comfort of a peaceful democratic society wanting to watch and enjoy football. I don't know what to do with the shame!


                          Originally posted by koorosh View Post
                          Question 1 was legit. most common intrepretation of his answer was that Iranian players may express themselves at the WC in the world media. Made headlines.
                          Question 2 was not legit..mostly a trap and vicious...But answered poorly by CQ. If he had said nothing, it would have been better. His comment on immigration was a poor choice too.
                          Everyone is losing it, including CQ. He is between a rock and a hard place at the moment. I am sure he knows what is right, but he has his own dreams of being in the world cup for 4th time.


                            Second question was stupid, what you want Queiroz say there? Yes, they torture people.
                            His answer was stupid as well.
                            Stupid question and answer!

                            Sent from my MAR-LX3A using Tapatalk




                                Originally posted by milad_b View Post

                                Yes exactly bro ..... Sadly It has backfired so bad in iran . Opened my social media profiles and its all over iranian social media. People now calling him "pool parast ". Things doesn't look good for CQ and I hope this doesn't have any effect on our performance.

                                Sky news reporter got what he wanted.
                                The higher you go the harder the fall. Cq could have answered this question much more wisely. Even deflecting the question was better than asking for payment. He got confrontational quickly.

                                Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk

                                Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan

