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    Originally posted by diz View Post

    bro has broken his nose, his jaw, concussed in WC…how is he still functional

    on a serious note, wish him a speedy and full recovery

    Beira in the next PP team photo
    Supporting Team Melli


      Originally posted by BacheLot View Post

      how's he doing there..?
      sko and his U-21 team currently losing to UKarine 0-1 at HT. First match of Euro U21 in Group B along with Spain and Romania


        Originally posted by diz View Post

        bro has broken his nose, his jaw, concussed in WC…how is he still functional

        on a serious note, wish him a speedy and full recovery
        way too excitable and overzealous in his often erratic high ball exits........has only himself to blame too...!!
        koskhol e kale khar....!!

        so saeed injured his head on that play..?



          Niazmand -
          Should be number 1 and I hope that he will play in friendly matches in September and October.
          Beiranvand - This guy has given all Iranians almost a heart attack, twice versus England and Uzbekistan. Should be demoted to backup keeper. He is jinxed to start
          Pourhamidi - So little game time, he needs to be tested in upcoming friendlies
          Abedzadeh, Hosseini, Akhbari - In my opinion should not be called up for Team Melli


          RB Position is somewhat safe: Rezaeian, Moharrami
          LB Position is exposed and at times shaky!!!: Jalali should be starter,
          Mohammadi and Haji Safi as back ups
          CB Position is exposed and at times shaky!!!:​ Hosseini (at times clumsy), Pour Aliganji (invisible man no where to be seen), Khalilzadeh (prone to injury), Kanaanizadegan (Hot head, can get red card and reduce Team Melli to 10 players!!!). Who else can be tested in this vulnerable position besides Amin Hazbavi? Are Mohammad Reza Khanzadeh​ and Vafa Hakhamaneshi good options?


          Somewhat safe with so many options: Ezzatolahi, Nourollahi
          ​, Cheshmi, Mohammad Karimi, Noorafkan, Sarlak, Jahanbakhsh, Gholizadeh, Ghoddos, Mohebbi, Ghayedi, Torabi, Amiri
          Alizadeh, Mehri, Hosseinzadeh: should be out


          Azmoun, Taremi: best available
          Asadi, Barzegar, Moghanlou: should be out

          Two out of Ansarifard, Sayyadmanesh, Zahedi, Kaveh Rezaei should be backup


            So many countries with reasonable FIFA ranking (higher than Uzbekistan) have direct diplomatic relations with Iran (having embassies). For September & October, it should not be difficult arranging friendly with Mexico (15), Senegal (18), Tunisia (28), Algeria (34), Nigeria (40), Turkiye (43), Côte d'Ivoire (45), Burkina Faso (50), Mali (53), Ghana (60), North Macedonia (65), South Africa (66), Congo DR (70).

            Even Guinea (79), Uganda (89), Armenia (97) would be good too, all of them have higher rank than Kenya.

            Ministry of Foreign Affairs promised match with Ghana last year. Few years back match versus Mali was canceled. Maybe they can arrange those matches this time.

            Even among countries with no embassies in Iran or vice versa: Costa Rica (39), Panama (58), Jamaica (63), Montenegro (69), Honduras (80), Haiti (87) would be good as well.

            CONMEBOL teams and most UEFA teams are unavailable for September & October.


              We should bring down our expectations of TM to 0, look ar the squad, we dont produce talents or the talents are given no chance.

              i mean even the new call ups are old tm players who are shitty.......look at the ages...


                Originally posted by Rooyintan View Post
                So many countries with reasonable FIFA ranking (higher than Uzbekistan) have direct diplomatic relations with Iran (having embassies). For September & October, it should not be difficult arranging friendly with Mexico (15), Senegal (18), Tunisia (28), Algeria (34), Nigeria (40), Turkiye (43), Côte d'Ivoire (45), Burkina Faso (50), Mali (53), Ghana (60), North Macedonia (65), South Africa (66), Congo DR (70).

                Even Guinea (79), Uganda (89), Armenia (97) would be good too, all of them have higher rank than Kenya.

                Ministry of Foreign Affairs promised match with Ghana last year. Few years back match versus Mali was canceled. Maybe they can arrange those matches this time.

                Even among countries with no embassies in Iran or vice versa: Costa Rica (39), Panama (58), Jamaica (63), Montenegro (69), Honduras (80), Haiti (87) would be good as well.

                CONMEBOL teams and most UEFA teams are unavailable for September & October.
                For September yes for October No
                Iran confirmed Game in October against Jordan and against winner between Iraq and Qatar


                  Originally posted by allan123 View Post

                  For September yes for October No
                  Iran confirmed Game in October against Jordan and against winner between Iraq and Qatar
                  I know but they need to pull out of that useless tournament and we all know that Iran won't send bench/new players to the tournament, will bring Full Squad and god forbid lose most of star players due to injury, then R16 exit at AFC Asian Cup will be the result. Better to face teams from UEFA, CAF and CONCACAF.


                    Originally posted by Artaxerxes View Post

                    Bro are you just trying to act that you dont get what I am saying or is it that your typical iranian pride prevents you to get my clear point through your scull just so you can have the last word?

                    What Rezaei did in AC 2004 was WRONG like i said 5678 times now.

                    Against Mexico, yes he did a mistake, but if it wasent for that bum Mirzakour amateur goal kick we would never concede that goal.

                    Yes against Uzbekistan he and the GKs lack of communication led to that own goal.

                    STILL, the fact remains that he played REGULARY for seven years in Italy , you know Italy, serie a , the worlds best defensive leauge? And still to say that he cant teach our players anything about defense is ignorant and biased agha Peiman.
                    Seems i missed this post lol…

                    Are you trying some sort of reversed psychology as a last way out? Baba i have been explaining to you time after time but you just don’t get it.

                    ”What Rezaei did in AC 2004 was WRONG like i said 5678 times now.”

                    Lol. It wasn’t just WRONG, he should have been banned FOREVER after that. But you don’t get this.

                    Most of his mistakes were mistakes a division 1 player in Iran wouldn’t make, not ordinary mistakes lol.

                    After 3 years in Italy: Oman incident.
                    After 5 years in Italy: Mexico incident.
                    After 6 years in Italy: Uzbekistan incident.

                    This is what he learned in Italy lol. Kick this guy out of TM now.
                    Esteghlal 💙💙


                      برای شهریور در حال مذاکره با دو تیم در شأن نام ایران هستیم

                      مهدی محمدنبی در گفت‌و‌گو با خبرنگار «فرهیختگان» درباره حضور تیم ملی در تورنمنت کافا و قهرمانی تیم ملی ایران در این رقابت‌ها گفت: «این بازی‌ها در تقویم کافا و کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا ثبت شده و حضور تیم ملی ایران در این رقابت‌ها به‌ویژه در دیدار فینال از سوی کادرفنی بسیار مثبت ارزیابی شده و این ضرورت وجود داشت که با فضای مسابقات رسمی، تیم ملی خودش را از حالا آماده کند و ان‌شاءالله خروجی آن را در جام ملت‌های آسیا شاهد خواهیم بود.» وی ادامه داد: «به هر جهت ما امسال تقویم فشرده‌ای داریم و علاوه بر دیدارهای تدارکاتی که در شهریور ماه و تورنمنت اردن که در مهرماه برگزار می‌شود، رقابت‌های مقدماتی جام جهانی 2026 را هم در پیش داریم و اساسا این رویدادها و حضور در مسابقات رسمی نیازمند آن بود که کادرفنی در مسابقاتی که در کافا برگزار شد تیمش را هماهنگ کرده و با برنامه‌ریزی به میدان بفرستد.» نایب‌رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال یادآور شد: «خروجی این رقابت‌ها علاوه بر اینکه منجر به قهرمانی تیم ملی ایران در نخستین دوره آن شد، به لحاظ فنی هم بسیار مهم بود و دستاوردهای آن برای آینده در جام ملت‌های آسیا مثمرثمر خواهد بود.» نبی درباره اهمیت برگزاری این رقابت‌ها و همچنین میزبان بعدی این رقابت‌ها اظهار داشت: «این رقابت‌ها در هر صورت اهمیت خاص خودش را داشت تا جایی که با حضور مهمانان ویژه فوتبالی از کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا و فیفا برگزار شد. ضمن اینکه کمیته اجرایی این رقابت‌ها قرار است تشکیل جلسه داده و میزبان دوره بعدی را مشخص کند.» مدیر تیم ملی درباره سایر برنامه‌های این تیم تا قبل از جام ملت‌های آسیا 2023 قطر اظهار داشت: «فعلا در گام اول دو دیدار تدارکاتی را در شهریور برگزار می‌کنیم که احتمالا این دیدارها‌ در تهران برگزار خواهد شد. به همین منظور در حال رایزنی و پیگیری هستیم تا برای برگزاری دو دیدار در این زمان به توافق برسیم. طبق برنامه‌ریزی کادرفنی به دنبال آن هستیم که بازی‌های دوستانه خوبی را برای تیم ملی تدارک ببینیم. با چند جایی صحبت شده و بعد از نهایی شدن اسامی این کشورها مشخص و اعلام خواهد شد. در تلاش هستیم تا تیم‌های خوبی را برای این دیدارها تدارک ببینیم



                        سوال روز/ حریفان تدارکاتی ایران چه تیم‌هایی هستند؟

                        پایگاه خبری فوتبالی- مدیر تیم ملی فوتبال درباره برنامه فیفا دی شهریور توضیحاتی ارائه کرد.

                        مطهری: قلعه‌نویی دنبال رنکینگ نیست، ما هم دوست داریم با بزرگان دنیا بازی کنیم خبر مرتبط

                        به گزارش فوتبالی، تیم ملی فوتبال ایران در حالی توانست قهرمان مسابقات کافا شود که شرکت در این تورنمنت انتقادات زیادی را متوجه امیر قلعه نویی و فدراسیون فوتبال کرد. با این حال گروهی بر این باورند که این قهرمانی ساده اما روحیه بخش می‌تواند کمک زیادی به ادامه مسیر آماده سازی جام ملت‌ها داشته باشد.

                        همزمان با مصاف تیم ایران با افغانستان، قرقیزستان و ازبکستان در تورنمنت کافا، سایر کشورهای رقیب از این فرصت فیفا دی برای انجام مسابقات دوستانه با تیم‌های مطرح دنیا استفاده کردند و حالا انتظار می رود مسئولان فدراسیون فوتبال ایران هم برای فیفا دی شهریور چنین برنامه‌ای را اجرا کنند.

                        هر چند به نظر میرسد این موضوع فعلا در حد یک مطالبه از جانب اهالی فوتبال است چرا که مهدی محمدنبی مدیر تیم ملی در توضیح سایر برنامه‌های این تیم تا قبل از جام ملت‌های آسیا 2023 صرفا از رایزنی و پیگیری برای انجام دو دیدار تدارکاتی صحبت کرده است. او البته این توضیح را هم داده که احتمالا این دیدارها در تهران برگزار شود.

                        نبی بدون اینکه از کشوری نام ببرد اعلام کرده با فدراسیون چند کشور صحبت‌هایی انجام شده اما هنوز هیچکدام نهایی نشده است. این در حالی است که اخیرا برخی خبرهای غیررسمی از تیم‌های ملی روسیه و عربستان به عنوان حریفان تدارکاتی ایران در شهریور حکایت داشتند. هر چند به این نکته هم باید توجه کرد که شاید روی کاغذ، روسیه حریف خوبی به شمار برود اما این تیم مدت قابل توجهی است که بازی رسمی و دوستانه نداشته و عملا از شرایط قبلی خود خارج شده است.

                        با این حال باید منتظر ماند و دید دیدارهای تدارکاتی تیم ملی ایران تا قبل از آغاز جام ملت‌ها مقابل چه حریفانی خواهد بود.

                        تیم ملی بر اساس برخی خبرها قرار بود در فیفا دی شهریور در تورنمنت اردن با حضور تیمهای عراق، اردن و قطر شرکت کند و گفته شده این حضور قطعی شده است.


                          Originally posted by peiman92 View Post

                          Seems i missed this post lol…

                          Are you trying some sort of reversed psychology as a last way out? Baba i have been explaining to you time after time but you just don’t get it.

                          ”What Rezaei did in AC 2004 was WRONG like i said 5678 times now.”

                          Lol. It wasn’t just WRONG, he should have been banned FOREVER after that. But you don’t get this.

                          Most of his mistakes were mistakes a division 1 player in Iran wouldn’t make, not ordinary mistakes lol.

                          After 3 years in Italy: Oman incident.
                          After 5 years in Italy: Mexico incident.
                          After 6 years in Italy: Uzbekistan incident.

                          This is what he learned in Italy lol. Kick this guy out of TM now.
                          My god.....🤦‍♂️.

                          Chashp harchi shoma migin 👍


                            Iran media is doing bad when the little good for nothing is everywhere on iran newspapers front page and iran tv


                              Originally posted by Artaxerxes View Post

                              My god.....🤦‍♂️.

                              Chashp harchi shoma migin 👍

                              I'm amazed that Rezaei didn't make more sootis when his international colleague was Mirzapour.

                              For a central defender, having a decent goalkeeper is crucial. Anyone who knows football knows this. ​ I was nervous just watching Mirzapour about to enter the pitch, can't imagine what the defenders felt.

                              As to Rezaei's legacy in Europe - there is no debate. The guy was nominated in 2020 in the category of Asia's best Serie A player of all time (although now he will be surpassed by the Korean defender). He played 200 games consistently in Italy, where our other defenders go in and out of Turkish teams or end up in Qatar. People should just give a little credit ffs

                              Compare the confidence which Rezaei had in Italy with when he had Mirzakoor behind him. - even the best central defender in the world would have the same situation, you can't trust a single thing which is happening. Once again khak too sareh branko for leaving talented goalkeepers to fester and keeping this mess between the sticks consistently for his entire tenure.


                                Yeah ok. Rezaei slapped Badavi because Mirzapour was in goal.
                                And the fantastic own goal vs Uzbekistan? Was Mirzapour perhaps in the stands provoking Rezaei?

                                Rezaei was a nobody before he went to Italy and i don’t remember him getting get a single call up to TM. Branko made a big mistake inviting that guy just because he went to Italy, and it cost us dearly.

                                Be prepared to see more Kannani incidents when Rezaei is around.
                                Esteghlal 💙💙

