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    Originally posted by pas-bedeh View Post
    I just got back from Iran a few days ago - I was there for approximately 5 weeks. What I witnessed and the conversations I had are solely based on MY experiences.

    I had multiple discussions with all types of people during the course of my visit. I spoke with cab drivers, artists, musicians, waiters, shop owners, family members, students... all of whom expressed their frustration with the current regime, in particular how its been affecting their lives.
    Many of my conversations would naturally veer towards the upcoming WC and Iran's chances of succeeding. Not a single person expressed any resentment or apathy towards our TM. In fact, every person I spoke with was excited about the WC and was looking forward to some reprieve from the chaos and hardships going on in society.

    Here's my thing, if those folks, living and surviving in Iran can separate TM from the BS politics swirling around the WC, why can't those siting in their comfy homes in Europe and North America??? Especially those who have never been to Iran or spent any significant amount of time there?

    Here's my suggestion to everyone who wants to accuse our TM players of "not being with the people" or "being pro IR". Get up, purchase a ticket to Iran, go over there and get involved in the demonstrations - I would fully support and respect your actions.
    Thank you for your post, the updates, and glad you were able to visit Iran. It's nice to hear that the majority sampling you mentioned are supporting our players.

    To answer your question in bold: the majority of these expat people you mention have a very biased agenda. They are being fed a very constricted and highly selective line of propaganda by the "news" outlets and social media groups they subscribe to (many without even knowing it). This type of psycho-social training leads to the rabid responses to our TM players/coaches and other expats' views that don't conform to their trained agenda. It's very Pavlovian, actually.


      Originally posted by diz View Post
      Lol. Everyone arguing with Hajsafi already.

      Everyone seems to have their game faces on, quite focused. I'm sure tensions are high for the opener. Best of luck to our TM!

      guys read those comments below the pictures, I hate people who judge without risking anything themselves. It's one thing for "Dokhtar khiaban enghelab" to tell the rest of us how to behave, then some Ozgal or non-active Iranian who knew jack about politics 6 months ago, telling our footballers what to do. Who the hell are we? Are we risking anything? unless we are in exactly the same positions we cannot say anything! Sure we can expect statements but have no right to judge or demand anything.


        It is just abunch of political trolls commenting on these pictures , they need to have the comment section removed .


          Originally posted by diz View Post

          Thank you for your post, the updates, and glad you were able to visit Iran. It's nice to hear that the majority sampling you mentioned are supporting our players.

          To answer your question in bold: the majority of these expat people you mention have a very biased agenda. They are being fed a very constricted and highly selective line of propaganda by the "news" outlets and social media groups they subscribe to (many without even knowing it). This type of psycho-social training leads to the rabid responses to our TM players/coaches and other expats' views that don't conform to their trained agenda. It's very Pavlovian, actually.
          Diz jaan,
          I agree 100%. Sometimes I would watch satellite tv news while in Iran (BBC, manoto, CNN...) - you'd think the whole of the country was on fire. They'd show footage of clashes happening on specific streets in Tehran, places where I was literally standing throughout the day, where it was business as usual. These are "news" agencies with an agenda, being financed by Saudi Arabia and Israel, looping the same footage over and over again but expressing it in a way to make it seem in real time.

          The young generation in Iran are extremely smart and are aware of the motives of these "news" agencies. They know that any significant change has to come from within and not through foreign intervention.


            Originally posted by Under Lahaf View Post

            guys read those comments below the pictures, I hate people who judge without risking anything themselves. It's one thing for "Dokhtar khiaban enghelab" to tell the rest of us how to behave, then some Ozgal or non-active Iranian who knew jack about politics 6 months ago, telling our footballers what to do. Who the hell are we? Are we risking anything? unless we are in exactly the same positions we cannot say anything! Sure we can expect statements but have no right to judge or demand anything.
            some are real, some arent. some arent even in iran. anti tm posts get tons of likes and then someone comment "can you please help my perfume company" and also gets tons of likes. i am sure some are trolls and bots


              Originally posted by pas-bedeh View Post

              Diz jaan,
              I agree 100%. Sometimes I would watch satellite tv news while in Iran (BBC, manoto, CNN...) - you'd think the whole of the country was on fire. They'd show footage of clashes happening on specific streets in Tehran, places where I was literally standing throughout the day, where it was business as usual. These are "news" agencies with an agenda, being financed by Saudi Arabia and Israel, looping the same footage over and over again but expressing it in a way to make it seem in real time.

              The young generation in Iran are extremely smart and are aware of the motives of these "news" agencies. They know that any significant change has to come from within and not through foreign intervention.
              absolutely. i have a friend in iran, i have cousins there. they say things have cooled off immensely, mostly women dont wear scarf anymore. but wannabe heroes on twitter act like iran is in active warfare and think they will be crowned a hero when IR is toppled and they visit their homeland for first time


                Originally posted by Ostad_Goosfand View Post

                absolutely. i have a friend in iran, i have cousins there. they say things have cooled off immensely, mostly women dont wear scarf anymore. but wannabe heroes on twitter act like iran is in active warfare and think they will be crowned a hero when IR is toppled and they visit their homeland for first time
                I'm not exaggerating but probably more than 50% of the ladies I saw are without scarves and fully made up, as if they're on their way to a fancy mehmooni! They would literally pass right in front of the police/officials and nobody even batted an eyelash.

                Extremely proud of these strong and brave sisters!


                  Originally posted by Ostad_Goosfand View Post

                  absolutely. i have a friend in iran, i have cousins there. they say things have cooled off immensely, mostly women dont wear scarf anymore. but wannabe heroes on twitter act like iran is in active warfare and think they will be crowned a hero when IR is toppled and they visit their homeland for first time
                  Hmm interesting how my family members report the exact opposite of yours.


                    Originally posted by IRN View Post

                    Hmm interesting how my family members report the exact opposite of yours.
                    my family is in tehran. they say folks r boycotting purchasing things for 3 days. but there is no active warfare or chaos on streets.


                      Originally posted by Ostad_Goosfand View Post

                      my family is in tehran. they say folks r boycotting purchasing things for 3 days. but there is no active warfare or chaos on streets.
                      My family lives in Northern Iran and Tehran and as I said they reported the exact opposite. Especially during night times the situation escalates. The last two days were very intense and nothing is calm thats why I don’t get the people saying ,,all is well“. Oh and for everyone who wants to see whats going on in Iran just follow @1500tasvir & vahid. All of their videos are legit and authentic. Listening to what my family says and following the news of the two sources I mentioned I would say that nothing is well & I don’t see a turning point anymore.


                        I se that you guys are discussing comments on the pictures and other stuff related, but plz dont go to far off topic or in to dragged out discussions in this thread. I suggest an existing thread for this in the general forum, as reading it is quite interesting aswell.

                        Supporting Team Melli


                          I’d like to invite the ozgals that Under Lahaf mentioned in his post to give their support to USA. They recently killed Soleimani. I know their past is a little weird in regards to Iran but the ozgals don’t care about the past right? The way they pretend IR is a new thing or how today’s millionaire revolutionaries weren’t the khayemaals of yesterday while they were making their millions… Everyone is welcome… America takes everyone.


                            Guys please. For the love of god stop discussing politics in this thread.
                            In addition to the general forum, there are multiple other threads in the football section.

                            I come to this thread to get updates on TM, not opinions about the protests.


                              Sorry Under Lahaf, I know we are not supposed to talk about politics, but it's TM related and thanks to pas-bedeh​,
                              I'm also exchange information regularly with my family in Rasht and Tehran and Iran, at least in these places, is not in a state of war or anything like that, the vast majority of the people go about their normal everyday lives as well as they can. They have not noticed that the majority of Iranians do not support our Team Melli, although there is an aversion within some circles in Iran, but it is certainly not the majority of the population. Heck, in many places the TM-Kits are sold out!
                              Social media is no good as a reference, just look at it, when TM is reported on the usual social media sites, then the comments on Insta are full of anti-TM slogans, that are alternatively 800-1000 likes that are anti-TM, but 90,000 or 100,000 likes the photos of TM and the posts with positive reference. Or looked at another way, in other social media platforms like Facebook, which are less popular, there are very rarely negative posts about TM, they are almost all positive, which shows that the anti-TM people only organise themselves on instagram because they can use Insta's reach better for themselves.

                              In the end let's stay fair, who wants to support TM is welcome, who is not interested to support TM, it's also ok.


                                Originally posted by Prowess View Post
                                This is a forum for team melli supporters. If someone currently doesn’t support team melli, then why do they keep posting on here? I can only assume it’s to create tension, division, and in-fighting on here.
                                Prowess jaan, as far as I know, this is a forum and supporting TM is not one of the guidelines. People need to be civil and abide by the guidelines that include avoiding personal attacks. I support our TM and after meeting with the mass-murderer Ebrahim Raeisi, they are no longer my TM, they are "teameh jomhooree-eh eslami". Taking those jubilant photos at this time don't help either. They look like a group of individuals who don't really care about their compatriots. I am standing for the day when we take our country back including our TM, with a coach who cares about women's and all human rights at a time that people are killed by IR forces on the streets everyday for the simple reason of demonstrating for freedom. Everything I said are within the guidelines and I have every right to post and participate.

                                Woman, Life, Freedom!
                                زن، زندگی، آزادی

