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    Originally posted by mahestan View Post

    Nokhodi we agree on a lot of the same points but this one I sadly disagree with you on the fact that if the styles are different then it’s up to the coach to adjust and get the team set up differently. CQ failed again on doing that. The dude took 4 GKs. Are you telling me we didn’t have one single field player, even at average levels, that he could’ve took from our domestic league? Our coach is a stubborn individual that doesn’t want to change his mindset and keep thinking that brute forcing his way will get results.
    CQ definitely shared fault too.
    He was stubborn with his selections. Even if he wanted to play a defensive style I don’t understand why he picked players that were clearly not fresh. Especially in midfield and re: Azmoun.
    His style demands a lot of hustle and running, but he picked players that weren’t physically ready and that’s on him considering he took only 25 with him.


      Originally posted by Dubxl152 View Post
      I agree completely but I don't think anyone in their right mind would want to live in IR right now to coach TM. And that's what we need a legit coach that isn't phoning it in. He has to be present.

      No domestic coach wants the job let alone a world class coach. What's ironic is IFF pays really well and the situation in Iran wasn't so messed up we could probably get strama, carvahal or Renard.

      For now we need to just keep the team alive with someone at the helm. Heck I would be fine throwing the AC and bringing in youth and rebuilding using the tournament as an experience opportunity for youth.

      I had a post that seems to have gotten deleted when the servers went down the other day but basically it said:

      We can't compare Iran with Japan or SK. The US team is a perfect case study of what happens when you invest in youth, professionalism and infrastructure. These things will never happen in Iran under the current system.

      We haven't produced a midfielder who can make a heads up pass in over a decade. The system needs to be gutted from the bottom up. It doesn't matter who the coach is. Learning basic passing triangles and game fundamentals are learned in the youth system not at the national team level.

      It's the same thing we have been discussing since 2006. The difference is the rest of asia has been making an investment in their football and we have been relying on talent.... They have caught up and are surpassing us.

      Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk

      i fully agree to the Bold especially...!! in fact been telling this forever... Proper MOVEMENT W/O THE fking BALL thus creating smart passing Triangles ALL OVER THE PITCH (not just MF) has been and continuing to be our football's Biggest Achilles Heel..! Along with adequate Team Fitness Levels..!
      However i dont believe CQ is one capable of addressing the passing and movement w/o the ball issue.. and it takes him months long fitness camps to address the others..!
      against the US, contrary to popular opinion here, (similar to Wales) CQ actually tried to play an attacking game, however we couldnt pass ourselves out of a paper bag, because he fked up yet again selecting his starting 11 ..!
      CQ is a 1 trick pony coach and by now every other manager in the world knows that ....!
      he only knows how to park the bus and rare counter tactical overall game plans...!!
      Fails miserably over and over trying anything different..!
      CQ's teams get raped thoroughly once they come outa their Park the bus defensive stance, especially vs good passing and composed teams.. ... see england, japan, hell even Wales/US with a bit more clinical finishings coulda punished and put us away quickly..... and so far as making a Come Back in matches with CQ.... forgaaboutit..!!

      we are badly in Need of a New , More balanced, favoring Attacking approach to playing football and someone like Carlos Carvahal/ Renard are far far more apt to achieve that .... perhaps many other coaches that im not all too familiar with right now, can achieve such a thing with TM..!!

      and yea, i used to be one of those who subscribed to Well CQ is the best we can hope to get considering the fked up govermental and grass root football situations ... but NO not anymore with CQ...!! he has had plenty of time and chances and Can not offer us anything more than he has already..!!
      rather take a chance on alternatives ..!


        Originally posted by Damavand View Post

        Did we watch the same game ?? Japan would attack when they had the chance while we were sitting back on our half the entire time.
        We dominated the 2nd half versus the US.

        Japan played a true catenacio against Spain and Germany. They took their chances but didn’t have very many.
        Go look at the stats and games themselves. I was surprised too at how conservative Japan is now.




            Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post

            We dominated the 2nd half versus the US.

            Japan played a true catenacio against Spain and Germany. They took their chances but didn't have very many.
            Go look at the stats and games themselves. I was surprised too at how conservative Japan is now.
            Japan has players in midfielder, off the wings and attack who can make difference, we don't.
            We only have Taremi, and Sardar who wasn't half player he was before due to injury.
            Our wingers and CM are extremely poor
            Even for Asian top teams standard.
            Lets be honest we have only 1 1/2 world class player while Japan has way more.
            I was reading other day they have over 40 players in different european leagues

            I wasn't impressed by our 2nd half vs usa tbh. We had chances but not as many as for a team which was desperate to get a goal and advance.
            Sent from my MAR-LX3A using Tapatalk


              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post

              We dominated the 2nd half versus the US.

              Japan played a true catenacio against Spain and Germany. They took their chances but didn’t have very many.
              Go look at the stats and games themselves. I was surprised too at how conservative Japan is now.
              We dominated the 2nd half vs US because we had fell behind otherwise CQ would have stayed the same way.

              Regarding Japan they had all the right tools like fast midfielders and wings to implement into their attacks.

              CQ on the hand did not start any speedy midfielders which is why we were handicapped.

              Which makes you think did we really need 4 goalkeepers and one less player.

              Players like Mohebi could have been useful against US.


                Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post

                We dominated the 2nd half versus the US.

                Japan played a true catenacio against Spain and Germany. They took their chances but didn’t have very many.
                Go look at the stats and games themselves. I was surprised too at how conservative Japan is now.
                You watched the game, most of the others are speaking out of thin air.

                The first half of Japan vs Spain was horrendous. It was basically a copy and paste of our match against the US in the first half. They didn't play very well first half, then second half took advantage of their chances with some luck. That just didn't happen for us.


                  Also folks here are acting like if we played open attacking football first half against the US, we would've won. No one can say that for certain. The US team NEEDED a win and went full throttle. It's only after they conceded they sat back and let us attack.

                  They had the momentum first half because they were the better team. Berhalter then chose to defend. If we played attacking it's likely we could've conceded more too


                    Originally posted by Hosseini View Post
                    Also folks here are acting like if we played open attacking football first half against the US, we would've won. No one can say that for certain. The US team NEEDED a win and went full throttle. It's only after they conceded they sat back and let us attack.

                    They had the momentum first half because they were the better team. Berhalter then chose to defend. If we played attacking it's likely we could've conceded more too
                    Again no one said we should have played open attacking football. All we asked is for the team not to sit back deep in their half the entire time. We were playing the US, not Brazil. That is suicide against a team that is in a must win situation.

                    I had hoped the US-Netherlands game would have convinced everyone that CQs formation and tactics were dead wrong.


                      Originally posted by Damavand View Post

                      Again no one said we should have played open attacking football. All we asked is for the team not just sit back deep in their half. We were playing the US, not Brazil. That is suicide against a team that is in a must win situation.

                      I had hoped the US-Netherlands game would have convinced everyone that CQs formation and tactics were dead wrong.
                      It isn’t that man look this is a video from a former Iraqi , yes you heard it IRAQ PLAYER EXPLAIN HOW THEIR NATIONAL TEAM IS RUN …


                      Look in Iran we are exactly the same way , when Skocic was there the Team Melli was full of dalal , Estilli they were running the show not Skocic they hurt the quality and the level of the team all those important games that the best players should have played we have weaker plays in those games hurting us but also cause us to lose value time …


                        One thing I wonder, why is everyone so sure that CQ wanted to play super defensively? To be honest, it seemed more like the team was just powerless and didn't really play offensively and wasn't mentally up to scratch. I watched the game again in phases on Re Live. In the moments when Iran was in the back or not playing forward, it was CQ who was angry, who kept saying to the players, come out, play forward. He keeps making the hand gesture that they should not play defensively. To me, it seems more like the team didn't play the way CQ wanted, and his plan was nowhere near as defensive as they played in reality. Otherwise, CQ wouldn't be permanently upset about the way they played in the coaching zone. I rather think the team was just not up to it mentally and played passively themselves. Because in reality we didn't play "Park the Bus"-defensively, but apathetically and passively, and that was definitely not the match plan.


                          Originally posted by Damavand View Post

                          Again no one said we should have played open attacking football. All we asked is for the team not just sit back deep in their half. We were playing the US, not Brazil. That is suicide against a team that is in a must win situation.

                          I had hoped the US-Netherlands game would have convinced everyone that CQs formation and tactics were dead wrong.
                          I think it was less ultra-defensive tactics and more just getting outplayed.

                          First 10 minutes we actually had US on their heels, and then they had us on our heels for the rest of the half. They were better on the ball, more explosive, and dictated.


                            Originally posted by Hosseini View Post

                            I think it was less ultra-defensive tactics and more just getting outplayed.

                            First 10 minutes we actually had US on their heels, and then they had us on our heels for the rest of the half. They were better on the ball, more explosive, and dictated.
                            Well if we were outplayed I think that is on CQ for not having the right lineup with speedier players like Amiri and Torabi.

                            Also Milad Mohammadi was absolutely terrible and should not have played. The goal we conceded was his fault for not marking his man.

                            In Summary what I am saying is that just because the lineup worked for Wales it does not mean it will work for the US. You have to set each up accordingly.

                            That is why many of us feel that CQ coaching has become very one dimensional


                              The problem here is CQ is a defensive mastermind not and offensive mastermind ..

                              louis van gaal Showed today how you beat the USA team today with out needing to match their athleticism or running way too much he showed no matter what you need to have a correct lay out ….


                                Originally posted by a_m View Post
                                The problem here is CQ is a defensive mastermind not and offensive mastermind ..

                                louis van gaal Showed today how you beat the USA team today with out needing to match their athleticism or running way too much he showed no matter what you need to have a correct lay out ….
                                Frankie DeYoung (Barca) and Virgil VanDyke (Liverpool), Memphis Depay (Barca) and De Licht (Bayern Munich), and Dumfries (Inter).

                                That is why the Dutch beat USA and we didn't. Talent.

                                Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

