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Thread to show support for TM players

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    Thread to show support for TM players

    I know the result was disappointing. But I am proud of the TM players nevertheless. Under very difficult circumstances, where different groups are taking potshots at them, they showed up and played.

    Many TM players and/or their family members read these pages. I would like to let them know that we are proud of them regardless. Playing with everything that is going on is brave enough.

    I encourage all to show your support. Let the TM players know we support them, win or lose. The silent majority has always understood that TM plays for its people, and not its government. Don't let the loud and obnoxious minority discourage the players.

    Long live Iran. Long live Team Melli. Long live the brave people of Iran. Long live the courageous women of Iran.
    Sign this petition to show opposition to US/UK support for the Rajavi/MKO cult

    I support the players. They are ATHLETES not politicians or human rights activists. I am for a free Iran so I do not understand what hoping we loose in the world cup will accomplish. We lost, I still feel like shit, IR sucks and needs to be toppled ASAP, i still feel like shit. Maybe if we played nice football we would smile for 90 minutes. PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TEAM MELLI GETTING WORKED AT THE WORLD CUP HELPS THE REVOLUTION???


      I’m still cheering for them. They’re not political leaders and I don’t expect them to be.

      I wish them the best in the next 2 games (and hopefully more after).


        All these turncoat fans! Real madrid is your team!


          Originally posted by persiangodfather View Post
          I support the players. They are ATHLETES not politicians or human rights activists. I am for a free Iran so I do not understand what hoping we loose in the world cup will accomplish. We lost, I still feel like shit, IR sucks and needs to be toppled ASAP, i still feel like shit. Maybe if we played nice football we would smile for 90 minutes. PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW TEAM MELLI GETTING WORKED AT THE WORLD CUP HELPS THE REVOLUTION???
          Honestly it's insulting that they keep getting pressed to weigh in on this. No one is questioning Enligsh players about immigrants or American ones about abortion access. Respect these professionals in the capacity they come before you. But this is exactly what Western media have done to immigrants and people of color in the West for decades, centuries even.


            I support the players and team 100%. I am all in!


              The Iranian mind set will never change unfortunately, we are extremist in everything we do. Cheering today by Iranians for a nation who is the most responsible for all over troubles, mind blowing. One day, we will learn of all the stress this team had to go trough in these days and the truth will haunt all these people who called them bisharaf. Anyone expecting them to do more then they have, buy a ticket and be in Iran to help.
              United We Stand, One nation one heart one goal


                I am 100% behind the team. They are footballers and in due time will speak up. I was glad we scored 2 goals. Hopefully a positive sign. Long live TM. Down with IR


                  Dame tak takeshoon garm. They are under bizarre, immense pressure that no other team has ever felt.

                  I hope they wipe the bad from their minds, take the good, learn the lessons they need to learn and get a win vs wales. That is all that matters. ALL


                    I can’t imagine there’s any team in the WC with this much external pressure on their shoulders. They have so much going on that I think playing soccer is on the bottom of their list. Never seen a team get constantly shamed by their own fans.

                    team melli is for all Iranians. They have always tried to make us happy during difficult times yet this time this has been totally forgotten by our peers. This result hurts, but I’m not mad at the players.

                    Pressure = stress, stress = fatigue and loss of concentration.

                    the nightmare defeat we all dreaded has occurred and will pass. When your worst fear became a reality, it is liberating because you have nothing else left to fear.

                    we can come back. We support our athletes defending IRAN’s name.

                    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                      It’s just so black and white with Iranians. I’ve seen a lot of abuse and vulgarity towards the players today.

                      I made a post on my IG trying to explain the situation regarding the players with more nuance and I got attacked within 20 seconds and accused of being a I.r supporter lol. Decided to delete my post. This is why we can’t have good things.


                        Originally posted by AGC View Post
                        All these turncoat fans!
                        my nephew was in stadium reporting for the Athletic
                        he said it was a bit confusing because many of the same iranian fans who were chanting... Bi-sharaf bisharaf..! as soon as there was a good attacking play or goal by iran then they were also cheering and jumping upNdown...!!! smh

                        most all are a buncha Selfish asshole , wanna be revolutionaries, armchair QBs ....!!

                        faghat mikhan khodesoono khoshhaal konan be har chie ke etefaagh miofteh tooye zamin..!! if we are losing then this is a Bisharaf IR team ...! if we are scoring goals or winning suddenly this is mighty TM..!!
                        Khaake aalam bar sare hamashoon..!! they are the true worthless bisharaf supposed TM Fans..!


                          I'm 100% behind the players as they play for us. I'm not sure what to think of CQ. I want him to make me eat my word but I feel a solid "I told y'all so" might becoming 😞

                          Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk

                          Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                            Originally posted by Azmoun_shireh View Post
                            It’s just so black and white with Iranians. I’ve seen a lot of abuse and vulgarity towards the players today.

                            I made a post on my IG trying to explain the situation regarding the players with more nuance and I got attacked within 20 seconds and accused of being a I.r supporter lol. Decided to delete my post. This is why we can’t have good things.
                            Don't let the bullys win.

                            WHenever my relatives post that sort of stuff, I simply ask them why and most of them can't defend their position, or just say I wasn't trying to start a debate!


                              A friend just reminded me of Greece 2014. We gotta hope England beat both Wales and US, and that one of these sides win tonight.

