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Rules say: tm must be declared winner 3-0 vs u.s

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    Originally posted by rouzbahani View Post

    i guess you dont like competition then.
    I am all for following tournment rules.
    so we have a real champion.


      Originally posted by kateb View Post

      I am all for following tournment rules.
      so we have a real champion.
      so for you it would be OK if a team wins because of a breach of rules like that in the final? cmon man. you cant be serious! This has nothing to do with "a real champion". Lets play football and see how is actually better.


        Originally posted by rouzbahani View Post

        so for you it would be OK if a team wins because of a breach of rules like that in the final? cmon man. you cant be serious! This has nothing to do with "a real champion". Lets play football and see how is actually better.
        that's not what the tournament rules say.
        all members must obey fifa rules per fifa.

        We shall see if the new fifa is corrupt or not?
        Old fifa was booted due to corruption.
        Let's see if the replacement is any better.


          Originally posted by kateb View Post

          that's not what the tournament rules say.
          all members must obey fifa rules per fifa.

          We shall see if the new fifa is corrupt or not?
          Old fifa was booted due to corruption.
          Let's see if the replacement is any better.
          excuse me but it wont happen. corrupt or not it wont happen. you'll have to live with it. maybe they'll get a fine but thats it. And of course Fifa is corrupt.


            Originally posted by rouzbahani View Post

            excuse me but it wont happen. corrupt or not it wont happen. you'll have to live with it. maybe they'll get a fine but thats it. And of course Fifa is corrupt.
            Even if there is 1% chance of
            We wait.
            rules say 3-0


              It should be declared 1-0 in favor of the USA for standing up to gutless government of Iran in this case imho.


                Originally posted by Firooz View Post
                It should be declared 1-0 in favor of the USA for standing up to gutless government of Iran in this case imho.
                If that's what the rules say
                I am all for it


                  This is not good. Why would you guys want a cheap declared victory?? Let them play. We got this.

                  And I LOVE the fact that they took the evil symbol off. Bunch of hypocrites. All religious zealots are hypocrites. Bloody cult leaders.


                    mashsaeed love you to death bro but this is CRAZY talk! Beyond crazy talk even.....there is about as good as chance of Reza Pahlavi being named the new ayatollah as USA being sanctioned like this
                    The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer. ~Edward R. Murrow


                      No way man
                      been looking forward to this match since the groups announced..!
                      no worry’s Mashti we will still get you the 3-0 win your wanting..! 💪

                      For a long while now yanks been dreading getting their asses handed to them again by TM on the world stage, hence been trying hard to instigate our WC banning first & then by using their cronies in variety of media outlets in order to politicize our presence @ WC as much as possible, stress out our players, coaches & shaming TM fans & turn them against the players …etc. etc. etc.

                      this latest stunt is just another pathetic efforts along accomplishing the same objectives as mentioned above ..!
                      these fkers don’t give a flying fk about our people’s/ women’s civil rights etc. They know that they are safe from any direct retaliatory measures by the virtue of their geographical location & military’s superiority, so they go around the world instigating chaos & in-fighting amongst people of countries that they may deem as enemy/rival or any resource rich place that they would like to pillage ..!
                      This is Just another attempt of Distraction of TM from the main Task @ hand on Tuesday ..!

                      Doubt Carlito would let that happen..!

                      Personally don’t want a forfeit or cancellation of the game but it would be nice if FIFA did fine or punish their program done other way..! But fat chance of that happening with so much $$ flowing into fifa pockets from American advertisers & etc.
                      Last edited by BacheLot; 11-27-2022, 10:03 PM.


                        If something happens I will reopen this thread but for now it is closed.
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