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Jurgen Klinsmann appointed as manager for South Korean national team

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    Originally posted by O-ZoNe View Post
    Stop torturing us!

    No offense man but one of the most inhumane things I have witnessed is animal sacrifice and halal killings in Iran. Talk about animal abuse and cruelty. Have you ever seen a living thing struggle so much in the name of religious killing? Shameful.
    Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
    I don't condone sacrificial slaughter, either. In both cases, the animal is helpless and pleading for life, and "we" take it for food, regardless. I agree with you.


      For those who think Klinsy's words were misinterpreted, here is the full post-match commentary. I respectfully disagree. I don't understand how JKs words can be interpreted without venom and prejudice. He rips in Iranian culture in a not-so-subtle manner, then throws South Americans under the bus in the same way, and in between he brought up CQs "failures" with other national teams, which was totally unnecessary. Even if you here agree that CQ was a failure with Egypt and Columbia, why is that relevant in this particular context? Klinsmann just added it in to insult; there was no other reason.


        Klinsmann said
        his goal as s.k hc is to win the asian cup


          Originally posted by Babak_Shirazi View Post
          Someone who has knowledge about this topic can give the animal release with a clean cut through the throat, i love animals as well and imagining them being killed is horrible but it‘s been part of our cuisine for thousands of years and that‘s not going to change anytime soon… the nature itself is also very cruel and animals slaughter each other pretty bad too. Anyways i hope we bang Korea and Klinsmann, even though I don‘t have anything against the guy because I think his words were wrongly misinterpreted but we should kick his anyways
          Not to derail the topic on Mr. Klansmann, but...

          What you wrote is actually the opposite of reality. The goal of Islamic Slaughter (Zebh) (as well as Jewish....They are the same crap anyways) is to sever the artery without cutting off the spinal cord. The "reasoning" is that the animal will not lose consciousness and will struggle and thus drain its blood, resulting in having "clean" meat. It is scientifically bullshit (Shocking I know...desert dwellers of 2000 years ago were illiterate...who knew).

          Now that we know a few things more than the barefoot Semitic people of 2000 years ago, we know that its completely made-up crap! Not to mention that is very inhumane. While the resulting meat is full of stress hormones released by the animal during its struggles.
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            Originally posted by nisfejahan View Post

            Not to derail the topic on Mr. Klansmann, but...

            What you wrote is actually the opposite of reality. The goal of Islamic Slaughter (Zebh) (as well as Jewish....They are the same crap anyways) is to sever the artery without cutting off the spinal cord. The "reasoning" is that the animal will not lose consciousness and will struggle and thus drain its blood, resulting in having "clean" meat. It is scientifically bullshit (Shocking I know...desert dwellers of 2000 years ago were illiterate...who knew).

            Now that we know a few things more than the barefoot Semitic people of 2000 years ago, we know that its completely made-up crap! Not to mention that is very inhumane. While the resulting meat is full of stress hormones released by the animal during its struggles.
            "Mr. Klansmann".. LOL!!!

            And yes, it is an awful practice.


              Klinsman is a piece of shit. His disrespectful comments on ESPN FC shows his hatred for Iranians.
              The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.

