Originally posted by Hosseini
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Taj brought back the PS3 and the handcontrolls.
Then he teamed up with Nabi and Ghalenoi to rigg the competition. Taj lost on purpuse to Majedi and GN betted on Majedi with Taj Money. Then Taj called a friend and got Majedis car toed during the final so he had to leave at halftime, forfeiting the final to Ghalenoi. 😁
Taj Nabi and GN split the money, 100$ entrance, they won each 200 $.. Earned 100$ each in winner takes it all freezout FIFA 22 tournament.
No info about scouting, but they probably plan to start planning for TM trainingcamp in June, sometime in the end of next month or so.
Next competition, throwing rocks, closest to the wall wins.
The date is set on Sunday, after the derby.
10 players tournament
Entrance 400$ best of 10 throws. 2 groups of 5, Then freezout semi final, 3 throws each.
Rumors say, IF Ghalenoi wins the Rocks competition, he will be allowed to invite Ghaedi and Dejagah to the June TM camp.