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Sardar Azmoun @ AS Roma | 2023/2024
Originally posted by Iran_19 View PostCan't believe people bashing a world class striker who will end up again scoring 25+ goals just because our own Sardar not playing!
Some of you are really funny
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Originally posted by Ardalan View Post
Kollan yek va'ze ajibi ast.
Lukaku ke Halaand ya Mbappé nist, in gooneh bazikon nabayad ta'viz beshan chon hatta agar 50% tavanayie khod raa daste bashand mitonand yek baazi raa degargoon konand.
In Lukuku 5-7 baazi poshte sare ham ter mizane va 90 daghighe baazi mikone, va ta harif az balaaye jadval ast mesle yek moosh mishe.
Khob man morrabbi bodam migoftam azemaayesh mikonam bebinim chejoori in va'z raa avaz konam.
Man az bachegi tarafdaare Roma bodam, va aslan az in Lukaku khosham nemiyaad. Paulo Dybala aslan kelaasesh kheili balataare va hargez nabayad ta'viz beshe (amma kheili zood asib mibine).
Omidvaram in Lukaku pas az in fasl goreshoo gom kone, bere Arabestan.
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Originally posted by mehdi13 View Post
Baradar mitonim ta shab rajebe noktehaye zaife Lukaku post konim. Valy Sardar chi? Har vaght mikhast yek toop conterol kone az paash 3 metr fasele migereft!
Man nemigam ke Sardar dar tarkibe asli baashe va Lukaku rooye nimkat.
Migam vaghti yek bazikon 5 baazi poshte sare ham ter mizane, ke dar in fasl Lukaku in kaar raa karde,
khob 90 daghighe har baazi nabayad baazi kone. daghigheye 70 ta'viz beshe ta jaygozinesh shayad ye kaare mofidi kone.
In Lukaku Lewandowski ke nist ke hatta agar ham bad bazi kone mitone golzani kone.DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.
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I get we love Sardar but Lukaku has scored 8 goals in his last 10 gameseven with his problems he still bangs in 1-2 goals a game. It would be irresponsible from a coaching perspective to reduce his time given his relatively good performance all things considered.
I hope to see that kind of fire and selfishness from Sardar more because he's essentially been benched or injured for last 3 years of his career in Europe.
Originally posted by Pluto2000 View PostI get we love Sardar but Lukaku has scored 8 goals in his last 10 gameseven with his problems he still bangs in 1-2 goals a game. It would be irresponsible from a coaching perspective to reduce his time given his relatively good performance all things considered.
I hope to see that kind of fire and selfishness from Sardar more because he's essentially been benched or injured for last 3 years of his career in Europe.
On zamane Inter bood.
Manzoor ine ke vaghti yek mah golzani nemikoni, yek bar ham nabayad ta'viz beshi?
Fekr nakonid ke dar resaanehaaye Italia azash enteghaad nemishe, ke shodeh.
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tbf, Sardar has overall performed quiet admirably in very limited chances afforded to him at Roma..!!
i like many here admit in a 3frontmen, 1 striker system, Lukaku is certainly the more reliable and already established profile striker ...!!
we are just annoyed at how many fking game minutes, the narekhar is afforded as compared to our boy..!!
FFS he doesnt need to be playing 90+min every fking 4days, game after fking game, when it's clear to all that Fatigue has set in and he is just draggin ass out there on the pitch ...!!
Mou to begin with and now DDR kheyli sooresh kardan on that front .... so that can only suggest it has something to do with playing minutes Demands of Lukaku himself..?? or the rumors suggesting him being a diva who wants to be playing all the time or else..!!??
i have no doubt in my mind Sardar woulda amassed way more scorer's stats than the Narekhar if he was afforded same/similar game minutes..! (IF sardar possessed the durability, stamina and fitness of lukaku to begin with ..!!? which he clearly does not..!!) But he sure Also does not deserve to be afforded so fking little Either..!
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Originally posted by fairplay View PostIn a single striker system all top teams want a forward who can hold the ball up the pitch, unfortunately Azmoun is not able to do that well, he plays better with a striker that can besides him--------------------------Beiranvand-------------------
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Originally posted by mehdi13 View Post
First the popular narrative was that Lukaku is washed up and Sardar will take the starting spot very easily. Then he started scoring a lot of goals, and now I’m seeing stories about his character, etc. I guess agenda against DDR is next. Bazikone khashen bud, his nasty attitude not compatible with SA, etc…
You get more emotional than people on other side of spectrum (positive) and throw a hissy fit when they don't play. You don't blame their coaches, fair enough, but you go right to attacking them and suddenly saying they SUCK. Even if they haven't done anything particularly wrong (Sardar) or are experiencing first form dip in 4 years (Mehdi).
Lukaku is critical for them in the run in, he isn't washed up, although definitely not what he used to be. DDR is making a somewhat calculated choice trying to keep him happy I think, because in a few of these games he really didn't do enough to deserve staying on the pitch. And that may also just mean the guy is fkin gassed out! He didn't make a single run into space or pressure one ball the other day... He played 90 on thursday, makes sense hed be tired. In fact lukaku's great game vs Monza and brighton came after sardar had taken over vs Frosinone and Torino! So it makes sense he was fresh.
Personally I think the trio of lukaku dybala and sardar is quite explosive but obviously unbalances the team defensively. In inter lukaku was also rotated heavily by an aging dzeko to great effect, maybe a similar approach can be adopted in the run in here given romas multiple competitions, and the fact the drop off with SA really isn't that much from the evidence we have, in many parts of the game roma gain something (movement in behind defensive line, stretching opposition) although they lose lukaku's focal presence/hold up.
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Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
even last week you admitted sardar was playing great football and showing great attitude. Now he got benched for a week and he sucks, make up your mind! And this is after he played well by all accounts. That is why its difficult to engage with you, mantegh vojood nadare WRT to our guys.
You get more emotional than people on other side of spectrum (positive) and throw a hissy fit when they don't play. You don't blame their coaches, fair enough, but you go right to attacking them and suddenly saying they SUCK. Even if they haven't done anything particularly wrong (Sardar) or are experiencing first form dip in 4 years (Mehdi).
Lukaku is critical for them in the run in, he isn't washed up, although definitely not what he used to be. DDR is making a somewhat calculated choice trying to keep him happy I think, because in a few of these games he really didn't do enough to deserve staying on the pitch. And that may also just mean the guy is fkin gassed out! He didn't make a single run into space or pressure one ball the other day... He played 90 on thursday, makes sense hed be tired. In fact lukaku's great game vs Monza and brighton came after sardar had taken over vs Frosinone and Torino! So it makes sense he was fresh.
Personally I think the trio of lukaku dybala and sardar is quite explosive but obviously unbalances the team defensively. In inter lukaku was also rotated heavily by an aging dzeko to great effect, maybe a similar approach can be adopted in the run in here given romas multiple competitions, and the fact the drop off with SA really isn't that much from the evidence we have, in many parts of the game roma gain something (movement in behind defensive line, stretching opposition) although they lose lukaku's focal presence/hold up.
Btw please don’t talk about emotion when you are the most sensitive when it comes to any sort of criticism about Sardar…
Originally posted by Ardalan View Post
Mehdi jan.
Man nemigam ke Sardar dar tarkibe asli baashe va Lukaku rooye nimkat.
Migam vaghti yek bazikon 5 baazi poshte sare ham ter mizane, ke dar in fasl Lukaku in kaar raa karde,
khob 90 daghighe har baazi nabayad baazi kone. daghigheye 70 ta'viz beshe ta jaygozinesh shayad ye kaare mofidi kone.
In Lukaku Lewandowski ke nist ke hatta agar ham bad bazi kone mitone golzani kone.
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