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Sardar Azmoun @ AS Roma | 2023/2024

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    Leverkusen is at the top of the BL table. Boniface with 9 goals and 7 assists. See what happens when you play with a dorost hesabi striker? Its the second time a club chose a Nigerian over SA and its looking like a good decision on their part.


      Originally posted by mehdi13 View Post
      Leverkusen is at the top of the BL table. Boniface with 9 goals and 7 assists. See what happens when you play with a dorost hesabi striker? Its the second time a club chose a Nigerian over SA and its looking like a good decision on their part.
      Having Wirtz healthy and happy is the key for them. He'll be out of Leverkusen if he doesn't want the loser odor to stick on him.


        Did Schick disappear? He was the golden child a couple of years ago.


          Originally posted by Tarsal Claw View Post
          Did Schick disappear? He was the golden child a couple of years ago.
          Even he has scored more goals than Azmoun this season… Hlozek too. Not sure if SA even has a place in Leverkusen next season. I don’t think Roma is interested in paying €10m+ on a player who isn’t physically capable of playing a 90 min game.


            Originally posted by mehdi13 View Post
            Leverkusen is at the top of the BL table. Boniface with 9 goals and 7 assists. See what happens when you play with a dorost hesabi striker? Its the second time a club chose a Nigerian over SA and its looking like a good decision on their part.
            Again this happens when you just look at the stats and not the actualy game. Bayer has made huge changes and got rid of some players that let the team down including mousa diaby.

            Wirtz is on fire this season and I really beleive that sardar would've played much better football in bayer than Roma. The team is all attack exactly similar to How zenit played. Sardar doesn't fit defensive teams like Roma where he has to join Defense line and deffend. He is too goshad for that.


              Leverkusen team is revolutionized compared to last year. Funny to compare the orgy of frimpong/diaby, still cm being ran by demirbay, and having an oaf like bakker to one of the most creative/technical LWBs in europe (grimaldo), xhaka/palacios at base of midfield, and removal of diaby khore bazi for a classic link first RW in hoffman, plus of course the most key element, a fully fit wirtz from start of the season.

              Last year neither schick, hlozek, or sardar were scoring goals. The CF was just not involved properly in their game play at all and chance creation was at a serious minimum besides individual runs from diaby/frimpong.

              In terms of boniface comparision to be objective, while sardar has serious quality (even if some dont want to admit it bc of personal vendetta) that mou has now even confirmed, boniface gives leverkusen reliability in a physical sense that sardar and schick could not. He is not a superior CF technically than either of those 2, his linkup play and football IQ is not on their level, but he will give you 90 mins of being a physical presence and running the channels, sometimes his goalscoring will be hot and with the amount of chances leverkusen are creating that has been more often than not this season.

              And as we see with sardar at roma, the quality is really not an issue. It all comes down to his fitness/physical reliability bc the quality is not really in question. If he can prove that fitness in the second half of the season I think there is a good chance roma take the 10 million option. Hard to find a CF of his quality for that price in the current market.


                Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post

                And as we see with sardar at roma, the quality is really not an issue. It all comes down to his fitness/physical reliability bc the quality is not really in question. If he can prove that fitness in the second half of the season I think there is a good chance roma take the 10 million option. Hard to find a CF of his quality for that price in the current market.
                6 goals since leaving Zenit in January 2022. Its almost January 2024. Yeah…. quality. I willing to bet money that every striker in top leagues you & others have tried to shit on or say Serdar is superior to has scored more goals in that time period. Instead you and his other fans are getting so desperate you’re celebrating a through ball like he scored a hat trick. (Btw I don’t see how any man could not get sick thinking about this kid.) Behetun bar khord? Be darak!


                  Originally posted by mehdi13 View Post

                  6 goals since leaving Zenit in January 2022. Its almost January 2024. Yeah…. quality. I willing to bet money that every striker in top leagues you & others have tried to shit on or say Serdar is superior to has scored more goals in that time period. Instead you and his other fans are getting so desperate you’re celebrating a through ball like he scored a hat trick. (Btw I don’t see how any man could not get sick thinking about this kid.) Behetun bar khord? Be darak!
                  Beside the injury, the quality he showed in Roma and Leverkusen and also the self confidence is not that good. We can celebrate a good pass, forget what he does wrong (like the two dangerous passes to Bolonia..) and find him countless excuses but even that crap Belotti or el shawarmi managed to score when they were given playing time


                    Mas'ale ine ke agar natoni bishtar az min saat baazi koni va ba'desh az nazare jesmi kam biyaari, bayad beri Qatar.

                    Nime fasle ayande agar tonerst khodesho az nazare jesmi besaaze yek chansi hanooz hast, agar na ta footbaal baazi mikone

                    hamin ettefaghaayi ke mibinim khaahim did. Va be nazar dige on moghe bayad bi-khialesh beshim.
                    DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.


                      quality means nada if you aint got the fitness, stamina and durability to last even 45min before pooping out and clearly breathing out chor azzz ..! we already witnessed that with AK8 and countless other fancy footed irooni footballers..!
                      Modern game of football revolves most around physicality, peak fitness and stamina and durability ....if you got those prerequisites then your quality and tactical mastery could elevate your game to Elite Levels in europe's top competitions .... if not forggeaboutit..! non of that quality means jack squat if you aint got the Stats to back it... and you can't get the Impressive enough stats if you can't muster enough game minutes ..!
                      (shiiit , i wouldnt even say Modern game of football, seems to me its been that way for over 2 decades+ now..!)


                        This is true. His fitness is better than earlier this year but I don't know what he is doing in training for 2 years now that he can't last more than 35 minutes in a game? Surely Leverkusen/Roma dieticians and physiotherapists must be in awe at Sardar? Or maybe he's sneaking in some kabab barg and tadig with maste-musir every international break? At the pace his fitness is improving he might be able to play 90 minutes in 2025 if he doesn't suffer another 3-4 calf injuries


                          He's never been a 90-minute player, even at his peak.


                            Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                            quality means nada if you aint got the fitness, stamina and durability to last even 45min before pooping out and clearly breathing out chor azzz ..! we already witnessed that with AK8 and countless other fancy footed irooni footballers..!
                            Modern game of football revolves most around physicality, peak fitness and stamina and durability ....if you got those prerequisites then your quality and tactical mastery could elevate your game to Elite Levels in europe's top competitions .... if not forggeaboutit..! non of that quality means jack squat if you aint got the Stats to back it... and you can't get the Impressive enough stats if you can't muster enough game minutes ..!
                            (shiiit , i wouldnt even say Modern game of football, seems to me its been that way for over 2 decades+ now..!)
                            Exactly right. Fitness is the most important thing otherwise no team wants your inconsistency and constant injury troubles. Same thing goes for every profession. If you're not reliable your career is over despite the amazing talent you may have!

                            Sadly with Sardar is it appears his calf injury is completely chronic. It goes back to what I was saying with him possibly needing surgery/a definitive solution (which is worth it if it gives him another 5 years of good playing days rather than being out every month and going to Turkey to ride the bench if this keeps up)
                            Last edited by Hosseini; 12-20-2023, 03:43 PM.


                              Originally posted by Pluto2000 View Post
                              This is true. His fitness is better than earlier this year but I don't know what he is doing in training for 2 years now that he can't last more than 35 minutes in a game? Surely Leverkusen/Roma dieticians and physiotherapists must be in awe at Sardar? Or maybe he's sneaking in some kabab barg and tadig with maste-musir every international break? At the pace his fitness is improving he might be able to play 90 minutes in 2025 if he doesn't suffer another 3-4 calf injuries
                              His calf tear is obviously chronic. Playing through the WC was a fucking disaster and he shouldn't have done it, it made it way worse. This is a good warning for players to stop playing through injuries and let it adequately heal or you'll end up with something that is incredibly difficult to shake off without surgery


                                Originally posted by Hosseini View Post

                                Exactly right. Fitness is the most important thing otherwise no team wants your inconsistency and constant injury troubles. Same thing goes for every profession. If you're not reliable your career is over despite the amazing talent you may have!

                                Sadly with Sardar is it appears his calf injury is completely chronic. It goes back to what I was saying with him possibly needing surgery/a definitive solution (which is worth it if it gives him another 5 years of good playing days rather than being out every month and going to Turkey to ride the bench if this keeps up)
                                Dybala get injured every two months. But he delivers between 2 injuries

