Originally posted by TM4LIFE
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Our players have zero incentive to do these things you see elsewhere.
Who was the last player who did a Summer training and came back a vastly improved player?
The start of the training is poor in Iran and largely based off of individual talent with the few exceptions.
Technique building is a bit different than a lack of classical conditioning.
Have you seen players in PGL take long shots/volleys?
For the last 20 yrs I have not seen any improvement in the technique of shots from outside the box or volleys.
If a ball is bouncing upward they still shoot it launched into the sky. Such a simple concept they dont get. Hajsafi is almost our most capped and still does it wrong.
I know Semipro people who have quicker learning curves with shooting.
These are the basics that keep countries competitive. The things countries like Japan and Croatia teach everyplayer not just striker.