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Sardar Azmoun @ Al Shabab Al Ahli | 2024/2025

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    Enjoy while it last having a forward in his caliber!! Yes, it sucks to see him in UAE but Brazil, Portugal and many other top nations have players in Saudi, Qatar, etc
    at the end if he keeps banging the ball to the back of the net in NT i am satisfied!


      Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
      Enjoy while it last having a forward in his caliber!! Yes, it sucks to see him in UAE but Brazil, Portugal and many other top nations have players in Saudi, Qatar, etc
      at the end if he keeps banging the ball to the back of the net in NT i am satisfied!
      I've come to realize this is his level. He couldn't make it in Leverkusen or Roma, so he should just stay here and have fun and extend his career for 1-2 years! Dude has the professionalism of a sock.


        Originally posted by Pluto2000 View Post

        I've come to realize this is his level. He couldn't make it in Leverkusen or Roma, so he should just stay here and have fun and extend his career for 1-2 years! Dude has the professionalism of a sock.
        His caliber is indeed higher than UAE!! We are not talking about Moghanlou, Azadi or any other random dude in UAE! We are talking about second best scorer in NT history!
        he killed it in Russia which was still quite competitive in Europe and not this shit version!
        we all know he is lazy, and his work ethic is not the best otherwise with such a talent he should have still kept playing at highest level!
        To me joining L’Kuzen directly from russia was huge jump of career for him! And i didn’t have good feeling about from the start! same as Roma!
        even Uzbak dude played couple seasons in smaller team in Italy before joining Roma and was in loan to smaller teams couple times!


          Originally posted by Ardalan View Post

          Ini ke az kesi digar pishnahad nagereft khode Sardar gofte? Jaayi mishe dar in mo'red chizi khaand?
          Chon agar khodesh gofte harfi nist, amma agar bekhaim hads bezanim be nazaram
          manteghitar ast ke yek bazikoni ke dar Roma va Leverkusen baazi karde va sennesh 29-30 ast
          daste kam 2-3 pishnhahad az teamhaayi dar sathe Lyon ya Bologna betone daryaft kone.
          dooste aziz. Footbalist baraye POOL ham bazi mikoneh va inkeh BAZI koneh na tamrin o nimkat. Digeh baad az 20 sal gedaee midooneh shabe jomeh key hast. Agar offer khoobi dasht hatman miraft. Hanooz ham dir nashodeh chon javooneh hanooz pas sabr kon.
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          We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented

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