Originally posted by Nokhodi
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yet w/o his positive presence on the attacking front and sadly RARE Shots on actual Frame.!! we woulda been lucky to even muster a scoreless draw..!! 2points is essentially all thanks to him and him alone..!!
he was one of less than handful of our players who had an OVERALL above average performance..!! Both our supposed superstar Attackers underperformed compared to Omid ..!!
Only others i recall having a decent overall performances were, Torabi, Gholi, Shoja, that youngster on the RW did ok enough too barring his final touches/passes/crosses which were repeatedly utter shittt and pissed away many golden upportunities ..!!
by comparison to other veterans like Saman who performed Avg at best and ARJ who was utter rubbish..!
can we fkn practice some crosses into box in our trainings... we are so fkn shit in that dept... nearly 90% of our crosses and CK totally miss the mark .... no matter who is fkn attempting it either from veterans to the rookies..!!
