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Media vs Teammelli BEEF

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    Media vs Teammelli BEEF

    Khiyabani is going off on tm players on irib3 right now again. Outside iran media will get anti tm as we get closer to the wc as well.

    " magheh ba Gari raftin laos" lol
    Responding to biravand interview today.

    I personally don't mind this beef as long as
    The week tm is playing it won't happen.
    This people match eve blast tm. Yeah no one watches irib but the clips go viral fast. So keep the mouth close during fifa days and can start blasting after the match.
    It's treason imo to bash tm night before the match.

    I have watched basically all. He' definitely right in almost 100% of his statement. I'm not big fan of him but one thing is certain, he is genuine when it comes to his feelings for the national team. Although he can be perceived or even be naughty and ass kisser but he's definitely not wron in this context. This national team is not popular. Here are some good clips from today I guess.


      He again criticize the non use of young players, only there to watch the game from bench/stadium or enter at 95min.

      I appreciate Khiabani fire on GN but I don't forget he was defending the idea to have an iranian coach for TM (volleyball understand which mistake they did and are badly trying to recover, same with handball, basketball..)


        Just watched both vids. Khiabani is absolutely right.

        Our current senior players have been heroes long enough that they have become the villain. This isn't faultless though. They feel exalted and untouchable because they have continued to be picked regardless of form or any consequence. Even in the best teams on Earth, no one is fixed. If they fall off form they don't get picked. Mbappe did not get picked for France recently for example.

        We need squad culture to be less 'khodemooni'. The bench should compete for spots. You need to perform to play.

        Explain to me how we lost both coaches halves against North Korea and Kyrgyzstan. It is not a good omen for when we play under the radar teams like Nigeria or Sweden who can mess our team up with their persistence


          Khiyabani contradicts himself big time.
          One day he say why not inviting certain players referring to 35 yo Ramin. Then one day he bashes tm for not having young bucks.

          Khiyabani is a very good guy personally, not corrupt at all, but he has a Hugh ego which you can not find in any other announcer game analyzer tv guy in any sport in the world.
          Overall who ever bashes tm night before the match is wrong... a 24 hours gag order before tm match is must.


            Galenoie went to Hamid estili mom death ceremony....if azizi is there to along with parvin and heshmat khan , outcome might be cease fire.
            Let's see what happend.


              General walked into the ceremony wearing his detective style jacket...some one ran to him sarcasticly loud interduced his entrance and asked for a salavat for him sarcastic way and General right away recognized his enemies send this guy there to make fun of him and refused his handshake


                There are several issues here. Not to say Khiabani is right or wrong, but these have persisted no matter who the coach is, and the reasons are:

                1) There is a football mafia in Iran; when a particular mafia moves in, they bring in their coach, staff, players, etc, which means it leaves others out, and they won't get a piece of the pie, it cuts into their money.

                2) Over the years, IFF has shown how weak and incompetent they are in managing the mafia and the team sometimes there is a mafia within a mafia, and I believe there are individuals and groups within IFF that are part of the part of the main mafia, if not all of them.

                3) lastly but more importantly, there is a benefit in this chaos for IRI to divert attention from issues within the country to these sorts of infighting; they fuel it by adding fuel to the fire.

                Players, reporters, etc, inadvertently get pulled into this play without realizing it.

                IRI = FAILED


                  Hashem bikzadeh defended tm.
                  He said something very good .
                  He said criticism of team melli is OK as long as
                  Is technical, anything beyond that is personal.


                    Jalal cheragpour telling players on nt zir abeh general bezanan?
                    Looking for clip to confirm this


                      For once think to your self , what have we ever really done in actually men’s football ,,,, nothing really … nada

                      futsal TM —- 3rd in the world
                      beach—- 2nd in the world

                      And these team make it to world cups and get out of the groups consistently, if we have the talent pool then why can’t we do anything TM .

                      this is why Khiabani is absolutely​ right

                      we have a bunch of has been players who frankly are at the end of their careers they not in their prime anymore , dictating to GN what to do !

                      GN is a moron at best!

                      we will go to another World Cup loses 3 games and accomplish nothing , same old same old , why can’t we for once actually do the right thing ,
                      if Taremi needs to be kicked out of the TM for meddling too stop ,then so be it , same with other players , change the coach , and actually play players who are in their prime,

                      No one owns TM, and Tm doesn’t owe any players anything, it isn’t theirs to own and lock up a spot for life, it is a revolving door, that is how it should be players come and players go, but we have become accustomed to in Iran that players staying way past their prime and burning the next generation of talent in the process for spite or jealousy or greed or whatever reason they have …


                        Originally posted by a_m View Post
                        For once think to your self , what have we ever really done in actually men’s football ,,,, nothing really … nada

                        futsal TM —- 3rd in the world
                        beach—- 2nd in the world

                        And these team make it to world cups and get out of the groups consistently, if we have the talent pool then why can’t we do anything TM .

                        this is why Khiabani is absolutely​ right

                        we have a bunch of has been players who frankly are at the end of their careers they not in their prime anymore , dictating to GN what to do !

                        GN is a moron at best!

                        we will go to another World Cup loses 3 games and accomplish nothing , same old same old , why can’t we for once actually do the right thing ,
                        if Taremi needs to be kicked out of the TM for meddling too stop ,then so be it , same with other players , change the coach , and actually play players who are in their prime,

                        No one owns TM, and Tm doesn’t owe any players anything, it isn’t theirs to own and lock up a spot for life, it is a revolving door, that is how it should be players come and players go, but we have become accustomed to in Iran that players staying way past their prime and burning the next generation of talent in the process for spite or jealousy or greed or whatever reason they have …

                        Also world champ of 7football.

                        A persian coach unless his name is mohamad mylikohan always runs the team with old also runs it gang style.ramin and hajsafi are not called up not because of age .Ramin is responsible for ac lose defeat plus sardar don't want him. Mehdi don't want hs over capitan armband.

                        Need a forigner coach after ac27
                        Until wc26 general has tm by its balls
                        Until ac 27 these players have tm by balls.

                        Talent is extremely high in pgl among young guys a real forigner hc will do wonder in wc30 ac 31 with them .


                          Originally posted by oracle View Post
                          General walked into the ceremony wearing his detective style jacket...some one ran to him sarcasticly loud interduced his entrance and asked for a salavat for him sarcastic way and General right away recognized his enemies send this guy there to make fun of him and refused his handshake


                            Originally posted by oracle View Post
                            General walked into the ceremony wearing his detective style jacket...some one ran to him sarcasticly loud interduced his entrance and asked for a salavat for him sarcastic way and General right away recognized his enemies send this guy there to make fun of him and refused his handshake
                            I don't know if the people in our football are real or they are extras from Samad


                              Originally posted by oracle View Post
                              Hashem bikzadeh defended tm.
                              He said something very good .
                              He said criticism of team melli is OK as long as
                              Is technical, anything beyond that is personal.
                              Hashem Beykzadeh is the biggest khayemal ever and tbh, nobody in Iran really care what he thinks.

