Here you find photos of our TM within the last 7 decades since 1942. Unfortunately due to the war TM was inactive
in 80’s and most of 90’s, I believe. If you know of any picture within that period (war) please post. Also, please post
your favorite photo of TM if not posted here. If you have a favorite photo taken during a TM game please post, too.
I posted the pics in a given decade in the order of the year taken the best I could.
TM IN 40'S
TM IN 50'S

TM IN 60'S

TM IN 70'S

TM IN 90'S

TM IN 2000'S

TM IN 2010'S
in 80’s and most of 90’s, I believe. If you know of any picture within that period (war) please post. Also, please post
your favorite photo of TM if not posted here. If you have a favorite photo taken during a TM game please post, too.
I posted the pics in a given decade in the order of the year taken the best I could.
TM IN 40'S

TM IN 50'S

TM IN 60'S

TM IN 70'S


TM IN 90'S

TM IN 2000'S

TM IN 2010'S
