GN once failed as TM coach and he lost Asian cup for stupid multiple offside reasons ofone of his players.
Anyway the recent noise he has made was to make IFF to choose him and it shows he has wanted to be in place of CQ . is it for salary or glory which he could not ever achieve.
But to make him quiet here is an answer that everyone can give him and he will close his mouth forever.
Mr. GN you are right CQ should not have complained about Asian Cup referees and he should have kept his mouth shut and we would have won the cup, and you would have stayed calm and you would have won the cup. Now, you have to stop saying anything bad about IPl referees. In fact you Daei and some other coaches kept on complaining every year about IPL referees and this is what CQ picked up and learned from you.
Anyway the recent noise he has made was to make IFF to choose him and it shows he has wanted to be in place of CQ . is it for salary or glory which he could not ever achieve.
But to make him quiet here is an answer that everyone can give him and he will close his mouth forever.
Mr. GN you are right CQ should not have complained about Asian Cup referees and he should have kept his mouth shut and we would have won the cup, and you would have stayed calm and you would have won the cup. Now, you have to stop saying anything bad about IPl referees. In fact you Daei and some other coaches kept on complaining every year about IPL referees and this is what CQ picked up and learned from you.