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GN and thuggery?

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    Originally posted by rugs View Post
    fixed, for some reason it would show up as a youtube clip on my phone but not pc.

    Lol, although I agree that the foul on Talebloo was the right call, putting out a video of your own analysis is completely unnecessary by GN.

    You won, don't draw more attention to it... honestly it was kind of a nothing play. Move on to the next game. Looks pretty dumb to put out a video calling out Fanaei (who also isnt that good TBH)

    If this warrants a video, CQ should have put out a 2 hour cinematic movie on the Pouladi red card :P


      Originally posted by Ando Teymourian View Post
      If this warrants a video, CQ should have put out a 2 hour cinematic movie on the Pouladi red card :P


        Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
        I guess we differ in opinion, but in my books there is nothing wrong for a coach to bring his son to one of his practices and perhaps even let him play in one of its unimportant friendly matches against which probably featured lots of youngsters from both sides anyway. That does not justify the abuse of a thug in the stands/sideline. btw I didn't even know, but apparently (from your own post) his son plays in Esteghlal's youth, which makes it even less controversial (despite of what your friend's little brother says, which might even be out of jealousy perhaps).
        ......... .
        So we are comparing AK8 the GR8 with this never was GoNer!!!!
        There is nothing wrong with him playing his son in a practice game, only if it were on a segment of the SNL, Jon Stewart, . . . , or the vatani Mehran Modiri show.
        قلعه نویی: آقای فنایی با احساس ۳۰ میلیون هوادار بازی نکن!!!!
        "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage and hard work."


          Biggest piece of dump in Iran's football is MR.Gohlenoei. I am a SS fan but this guys is not only a horrible coach but also a low life.


            They say so much about him but he brings esteghlal back to the top of the table even guys Roshan called it impossible. He is without doubt best Iranian coach.


              Originally posted by DireStraits View Post
              They say so much about him but he brings esteghlal back to the top if the table even guys Roshan called it impossible. He is without doubt best Iranian coach.

              He is a good coach but an awful person. I am Estaghlali and i want him to lose so he is fired. He is too Egotistical and full of himself.

              He still has that old persian man mentality that has brought our country to where it is today.

              Mansourian, Golmohammadi, Faraki are way better coaches than him anyways.




                  Originally posted by TM homeboy View Post
                  He is a good coach but an awful person. I am Estaghlali and i want him to lose so he is fired. He is too Egotistical and full of himself.
                  He still has that old persian man mentality that has brought our country to where it is today.
                  Mansourian, Golmohammadi, Faraki are way better coaches than him anyways.
                  Remember how they treated him when he was TM coach. Iran lost on PK to South Korea and Zolfaghar nasb attacked him so badly on TV which is why he attacks CQ so much. He doesn't understand why people love forign coach. For that lose he got fired but CQ is still the coach. I personally support CQ on every aspect but GN always prove to be a good coach. Being Egotistical and full of himself is a good property for a coach. Remember CQ was so mad at the Australian ref that Ansarifard was afraid he beats him up. Mansourian and Faraki have better teams better players. Take Sepahan for instanse Khalatbari in right Haj Safi in the left Sharifi op front. They can't avoid being a top team no matter who is the coach.


                    if Ghalenoei is labelled as a good Iranian coach, then you know how high the standard of Iranian coaches really is...
                    TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                      Pahlevan, Sultan, Genral, Emperor (Empratour).... These hallow and baseless titles are a reflection of our weak culture. One which constantly looks for leaders in all wrong places. No wonder we came out of a hole (monarchy) just to fall in a deeper dump (IRI). We can't do without worshiping others.

                      Football in Iran is just a tell tale sign of who we really are.
                      .... At the end I am nothing other than ordinary


                        Originally posted by NYNJA View Post
                        So we are comparing AK8 the GR8 with this never was GoNer!!!!
                        There is nothing wrong with him playing his son in a practice game, only if it were on a segment of the SNL, Jon Stewart, . . . , or the vatani Mehran Modiri show.
                        قلعه نویی: آقای فنایی با احساس ۳۰ میلیون هوادار بازی نکن!!!!
                        ?? What are you talking about?! Where did "AK8" suddenly come from?! lol

                        Anyway I'm not sure why you bring this old post up and frankly I don't even want to get into this again. But from what I remember apparently his son, who played in one of Esteghlal's youth teams, was allowed to play in an unsignificant practice match with most probably many other youngsters. Then some thug in the stands kept on bashing and insulting him after which GN had some guys taken care of the guy in the stands. What I said is that it was wrong from GN to have the guy beaten up by others, but I do understand that one gets angry if your 15-16 year old son is playing a football match and some thug is constantly bashing and insulting him. btw I have seen many coaches take their kids to practices or even unsignifcant practice matches, it really isn't such a big deal!

                        I too would have had a hard time controlling myself if my son was playing a football match and some lowlife thug kept insulting him all the time or constantly saying fohshe kharmadar or whatever. The difference is that I would take care of the guy myself instead of sending in some other people to take care of him
                        Last edited by Amin_; 02-13-2015, 01:44 AM.
                        Persian Pride running through my veins!

                        Esteghlal for life!!


                          Is QN losing is mind? the man is doing interviews left and right, denouncing all CQ supporters, calling them "Ajnabi parast" I so despise that word, reminds me of the IR thugs. A few weeks ago he also claimed that he introduced Azmoun to the Iranian football, which Azmoun himself in an interview with Adel politely denied the claim. He has been challenging everyone who does not approve of him. Here is his recent interview:

                          سرمربی تیم فوتبال استقلال گفت: من با تیم ملی به کره جنوبی باختم اما قلم* و میکروفن به دستان اجنبی*پرست به من گفتند خیانتکار اما مربی که به عراق می*بازد قهرمان ملی می*شود.

                          به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس،*امیر قلعه*نویی پس از پایان تمرین امروز تیمش در جمع خبرنگاران گفت: در ابتدا به باشگاه نفت تبریک می*گویم که به لیگ قهرمانان آسیا صعود کرد و ۴ سهمیه ایران در آسیا را حفظ کرد و تشکر می*کنم از هوادارانی که این تیم را تنها نگذاشتند.

                          قلعه*نویی در مورد وضعیت استقلال پیش از بازی مقابل گستر*ش*فولاد تبریز گفت: خوشبختانه شرایط تیم ما خوب است و تمرینات بانشاطی انجام می*دهیم و منیت*ها از تیم ما رفته و کسانی در تیم حضور دارند که استقلال و مردم را دوست دارند و دنبال پول نیستند و سیاه*بازی هم انجام نمی*دهند.

                          وی ادامه داد:*بازیکنان قدیمی و جدیدی که در استقلال حضور دارند پولی نگرفتند و بزرگان تیم دور هم جمع می*شوند و می*گویند که برای مردم بازی می*کنیم اما قبلا این طور نبود و بازیکنانی بودند که پول می*گرفتند و سیاه بازی هم می*کردند.

                          سرمربی تیم استقلال تصریح کرد:*برای بازی روز جمعه دو سه بازیکن را نداریم و محرومیت کرار هم برای من جای تعجب دارد چون نه گزارشی در این باره وجود دارد و نه ماده قانونی به حکم می*خورد اما من چون مربی استقلال هستم این اتفاق می*افتد و شاید اگر من مربی نبودم و کسی دیگری جای من بود کرار محروم نمی*شد و فکر می*کنم او چوب مرا می*خورد.

                          قلعه*نویی درباره گسترش*فولاد هم تصریح کرد: باشگاه گسترش*فولاد و شخص کمالوند و آذرنیا کار بزرگی کردند که به ما زمین دادند و در فوتبال ایران از این اتفاقات کم داریم و به نظرم کمالوند مربی خوبی است که در حقش جفا شده است. آنها حتی ساعت تمرین*شان را هم به خاطر ما تغییر دادند و این مسائل در فوتبال ما گم شده و باید به دنبال اخلاق و منش باشیم. درباره بازی هم باید بگویم که بازی با گسترش*فولاد یکی از سخت*ترین بازی*های ما خواهد بود و تیم*های کمالوند معمولا ۵۰ متر رو به جلوی زمین خطرناک هستند ما هم برای این بازی از نظر روحی روانی خوب هستیم و فقط ۳ بازیکن در اختیار نداریم که یعقوب کریمی مصدوم است،*آرش برهانی سه کارته شده و کرار هم محروم است.

                          وی درباره اینکه به دنبال تفاضل گل و صدرنشینی است، خاطرنشان کرد: ما دنبال تفاضل نیستیم بلکه به دنبال ۳ امتیاز هستیم و مهمتر از تفاضل گرفتن سه امتیاز است.

                          سرمربی تیم استقلال درباره حضور بازیکنان ایرانی در لیگ قطر گفت: اگر من در باره لیگ قطر و بازیکنان بخواهم حرف بزنم قلم و میکروفن به دستان اجنبی*پرست به من حمله می*کنند. من برای تیم ملی گفتم که این تیم به شانس نیاز دارد اما بعد از بنجامین ویلیامز باخت را گردن من انداختند. پس حرف نزنم بهتر است.

                          وی در پاسخ به این سؤال که حضور بازیکنان ایرانی در لیگ*های خلیج فارس چه عواقبی برای فوتبال ما دارد گفت:*این مسائل را از قلم* به دستان و میکروفن به دستان اجنبی*پرست بپرسید. آنها مسلمانان عمروعاصی هستند که ماهی یک بار هم حمام نمی*روند و اگر حرفی بزنم آنها به من حمله می*کنند.

                          قلعه*نویی تصریح کرد: آن زمان که من مربی تیم ملی بودم با رفتن بازیکنان تیم ملی به امارات مخالف بودم اما الان شرایط فرق می*کند به طوری که من به کره جنوبی باختم اما به من خیانتکار گفتند اما یک نفر دیگر به عراق می*بازد و قهرمان ملی می*شود و باید دید قلم*به دستان و میکروفن به دستان اجنبی*پرست مردم را به کدام سمت می*برند و به همین دلیل در این باره حرفی نمی*زنم.

                          سرمربی تیم استقلال در پایان از کرمی مربی تیم ملی فوتبال دانشجویان کشورمان تشکر کرد.

                          مدیر رسانه‌ای باشگاه استقلال با انتشار یادداشتی به اتفاقات برنامه شب گذشته نود واکنش نشان داد


                            He's totally crazy. Doesn't he have a job he should concentrate on? His bosses should remind him.


                              He's basically full of oghdeh. That's it. I red an interview with Simoes (former Iran assistant coach ) yesterday on Fars. I remember GN always talked positively about him. In this interview, Simeos said that GN thinks that Coaching National team of Iran should be his.


                                Originally posted by Keano View Post
                                Is QN losing is mind?
                                No, he has definitely lost it already. After he put up those still photos in response to Ferdowsipour where you couldn't even see what the hell he was talking about and called them video analysis on top of it, there was no doubt anymore he had gone over the edge.

                                Things have been getting worse since then and will get even worse going forward.

