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Mojtaba Jabbari to Al Ahli

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    Yaaaaa.. Mujtaba!

    Yaaaaaa Jabbaaarii!


      I wish we had a player like Mujtaba!

      Instead of buying Brazilians, Urguayans, and Senegalese people, I wish we had a player like Jabbaaarii!


        I love yoooooooooou! JabbAAAAArriii!

        Mujtabaaaaa laa! Laa! Laa taghsir! La taghsir Al Uzbekistan 5 goal in our ass in the WCQ'ers to eliminate your country Iran, I'm so sOOOOOrrrry!

        Last edited by teammelli91; 02-15-2014, 04:00 PM.


          JabbAAARi! I'm so very sOOOrry!



            ^ pass me that weed ASAP


              ^ Lol there's no weed habibti.


                Originally posted by KiarashM View Post
                ^ pass me that weed ASAP
                He must be tripping on something wayy stronger than weed, probably some good old taryak or shrooms


                  my new quick project on jabbaris best moments with al ahli so far this season. it is only 1 minute and a bit long, but i hope you guys enjoy.


                    AW: Mojtaba Jabbari to Al Ahli

                    Great. Better than a 10 minute clip with 20 backpasses and missed chances...


                      He was sent to the hospital yesterday for a head injury.
                      راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                        I wonder if any more TM players will join Arab teams in view of the lastest virus. In fact those who are to be Haji should avoid saudi ar this year and go to brazil to support TM. They may come back with disease and spread it:

                        KUWAIT (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said people handling camels should wear masks and gloves to prevent spreading Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), issuing such a warning for the first time as cases of the potentially fatal virus neared 500 in the kingdom.
                        Health experts say camels are the most likely animal source of infection for the disease, which the Saudi Health Ministry said on Sunday three more people had caught and four had died from.
                        First reported two years ago in Saudi Arabia, MERS is a coronavirus like SARS, which originated in animals and killed around 800 people worldwide after first appearing in China in 2002. There is no vaccine....
                        The latest news and headlines from Yahoo News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.


                          geeve 0 fcuks about jabbari
                          WE ARE THE UNDER DOGS


                            Couldn't find the Jabbari Al Ahli thread but Jabbari won Player of the month in QSL for August:

                            "Jabari adjudged QSL Player Of The Month
                            September 04, 2014 - 12:00:00 am

                            The Peninsula brings the latest news from Qatar and around the world. We also cover in detail football, cricket, business, entertainment, Bollywood, Hollywood, Science, Technology, Health, Fitness and opinions from leading columnists.
                            Last edited by aenima_8; 09-03-2014, 10:23 PM.


                              Gotta love THE BEST title on the award, looks very professional
                              چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد
                              We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

