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TM Uhlsport World Cup Kits

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    None of the Dealers from the Official Uhlsport Page to sell the red away jersey ffs.

    I contacted those shops who at least have the white ones.
    My order from Fifa shop got rejected
    IRI's politics is no different than handling a pressure cooker ..... As the pressure builds up, you slowly let the steam out just a tad bit so that you don't see overflow, and once the pressure from below is less, you put the lid down again and raise the temperature.


      I got a white jersey from delivered yesterday morning - the only problem is that I ordered the red one! I opened the package while our mailman was standing there, so I refused delivery and told him to take it back. While I didn't take it out of the clear bag inside the shipping one, there was nothing authentic or genuine looking about it - it didn't look any different than $17 jerseys we used to buy to play recreational soccer!

      So, I sent them an e-mail and told them the color was wrong and I need the red one in large - they said they didn't have any and would be refunding me the money. I should note that I had pre-ordered the jersey in February!!! Then I went online and tried to find another place to buy it and I noticed that no two jerseys looked the same even though they all said genuine or authentic UHLSport Iran 2014 WC jersey - from suppliers that had them available. There are minor variations that you have to look for. The ones that did match the previous pictures that were released in February were mostly not available in all sizes and colors (usually just S available in red and one size for the white).

      These are some of the variations I notices: Cheetah print is larger than it should be, UHLSport logo missing on one sleeve, the lines on the red jersey are the wrong color, the red stripe on the white jersey's not wide enough (this was the case with the one I received today), the red part on the white jersey is perforated (with holes) in some and not in others. All in all, I think I've seen more than 12 variations being sold and it's starting to get real hard to tell which one is the right one.

      Now, if UHLSport has still not shipped proper quantities of these jerseys to major suppliers, including with only 3 weeks to go to the WC, there's obviously something wrong with their business model and that's all beside the issues going on with TM. Selling these jerseys should be their bread and butter right now and the reason they even sponsored a WC team. And it's not like they've sponsored so many teams, or that we're in the middle of the season for most league and should be behind on manufacturing, they have only one real team to supply at the moment!!!


        As far as the whole TM uniform fiasco, we obviously don't know exactly what has taken place. All we know at this point is that TM did not get quality jerseys. UHLSport has not even confirmed yet that they did indeed ship out the correct uniforms, so it could have been incorrect order entry, manufacturing error, or wrong shipment. If they confirm that the uniforms were ordered properly and shipped correctly, they need to trace the shipment and whether it was sent to their rep., Romario Sport, or directly to the IFF.

        I find it unlikely that someone in Iran would have made the switch, after all to make this scam worthwhile you have to be able to sell the real Jerseys for $90 a piece after the switch and that's harder to do in Iran than in the UAE which is open to all markets. Even the shipping/receiving guys at Romario could have made that switch, since the profit from this scam is NOT enough for a high level official at IFF or executives at Romario or UHLSport to make it worthwhile.



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              Pejman jaan, does it have the tag on both sleeves? If yes, could you please let me know where you got it so I can get one too. Thanks in advance.


                Yes it have tags,

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                  TM got fake jerseys.


                    Is it possible to order the jersey from Uhlsport themselves?


                      Originally posted by Camran khan View Post
                      Is it possible to order the jersey from Uhlsport themselves?
                      Sure, if you want to get a fake one!

                      That was just a bad joke. LOL. I looked and looked yesterday and couldn't find any, but I know someone mentioned earlier in the thread that they ordered one - there was something about having to pray to get it before the WC though!


                        Also, TM will recieve all real genuine jerseys now when they are in Austria in the upcoming days.


                          Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                          I got a short response from the Uhlsport Sales manager this morning saying noone having purchased the jersey outside Iran from a serious retailer should be worried about the kits being fake.

                          I guess by outside of Iran he is referring more to Western countries rather than Afghanistan though .


                            AW: TM Uhlsport World Cup Kits

                            The sales rep was in Austria Monday and Tuesday to sort some things out. Also directly with the players who probably have been fooled by wrong infos too.

                            Only thing I can accuse Uhlsport of is having been naive. They should have foreseen IFF's unprofesionalism.


                              Originally posted by Pejman161 View Post
                              i should get mine soon too..!!
                              same size and from the same place..!!
                              how is the fit ?? and overall quality..??

                              whats your first impression ? how does it compare to quality of Nike and Adidas kits..? does it look fake..??


                                Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                                The sales rep was in Austria Monday and Tuesday to sort some things out. Also directly with the players who probably have been fooled by wrong infos too.

                                Only thing I can accuse Uhlsport of is having been naive. They should have foreseen IFF's unprofesionalism.
                                Maybe IFF, but more likely this sounds to be a Romario sports issue, particularly since IFF makes its name and money through it's teams. Why would they f themselves over? Romario, a for profit organization has a lot of answering to do, and they have been very quiet about all this...and we all know Jaffari is quick to go on the offensive when Uhlsport or his company is under attack.
                                Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan

