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Time to take action against fifa & uae league | PERSIAN GULF

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    John Baird is an asshole. He hates Iran and does this on purpose, nothing else. I spit on him.


      I just called 1800 267 8376 Canada's ministry of foreign affairs and complained,

      at first the lady told me to email, i said the email is a tactic to brush me off please listen to me and let him know what I am going to tell you,
      I was so angry , I told her that someone in his caliber must know that there is no such thing as ara^& gulf and using that term is using racism against the iranian people, the correct term is persian gulf , using racism in the 21 century against the iranian people and altering historic and geographic facts to please arabs for economic affairs is unacceptable and I do not want to see him make the same mistake again because there are over 300 000 iranains living in canada and the harper government will certainly hear from them

      she said ok sir I understand your frustration and we apologize, I will definitely write and email right away and reflect your complaints

      call 1800 267 8376 options 1 , 1 , 8
      there will be operator after short music

      only if all of us started calling, because emails are easily ignored but as the anger in your voice will remain in their heads and will force them to change their behaviour


        I urge you all to take action ,

        the email template that Kaveh11 kindley provided us, my hats off to you brother

        His Office : 613-990-7720
        Phone: 1800 267 8376 options 1 , 1 , 8


        Dear Minister Baird

        I was concerned to notice the use of the incorrect term "Arabian Gulf" in Your recent speech to the US Chamber of Commerce. Please note that the term "Arabian Gulf" was first coined by pan-Arab nationalists in the 1960s as an offensive and racist term used primarily to irritate their Iranian neighbours. This is an inflammatory term and an attack on both history and Iran's national identity; it is a political agenda with which a respectable politician should not be associated.

        In stark contrast, the term "Persian Gulf" has been used to label the waterway between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula since the time of geographers Strabo and Ptolemy. More than 2000 ancient books and maps belonging to the past three millennia proof that this is the correct nomenclature. These maps are all listed in the book "Persian Gulf: Atlas Of Old & Historical Maps (3000BC - 2000AD)".

        This fact is acknowledged by the following authoritative institutions, which officially recognize "Persian Gulf" as the correct name:

        1) United Nations: A group of experts on geographical names was set up by the UN secretary-general in 1959, which in 2006 in Vienna endorsed "Persian Gulf" as the official name for this body of water. The group further declared that "any change, destruction, or alteration of the names registered in historical deeds and maps is like the destruction of ancient works and is considered as an improper action".

        2) The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO): An international body for provision of hydrographic information for world-wide marine navigation and other purposes, uses the name "Gulf of Iran (Persian Gulf)" for this body of water. This is outlined in reference S-23 (Limits of Oceans and Seas), section 41.

        3) The United Kingdom government's Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for Official British Use (PCGN) has endorsed the "Persian Gulf" as the correct name for this body of water.

        Consequently, not only was Your misuse of the term "Persian Gulf" a direct attack on the national identity of every Iranian, but an attack against history itself - an act with which a respectable politician should not be associated.

        Please respond immediately and accordingly.


          Originally posted by arseces View Post
          I just called 1800 267 8376 Canada's ministry of foreign affairs and complained,

          at first the lady told me to email, i said the email is a tactic to brush me off please listen to me and let him know what I am going to tell you,
          I was so angry , I told her that someone in his caliber must know that there is no such thing as ara^& gulf and using that term is using racism against the iranian people, the correct term is persian gulf , using racism in the 21 century against the iranian people and altering historic and geographic facts to please arabs for economic affairs is unacceptable and I do not want to see him make the same mistake again because there are over 300 000 iranains living in canada and the harper government will certainly hear from them

          she said ok sir I understand your frustration and we apologize, I will definitely write and email right away and reflect your complaints

          call 1800 267 8376 options 1 , 1 , 8
          there will be operator after short music

          only if all of us started calling, because emails are easily ignored but as the anger in your voice will remain in their heads and will force them to change their behaviour
          Will also call them tomorrow, his FB page is also being bombarded with PG
          Humans of Tabriz | Humans of Tehran | Humans of Ardebil | Humans of Isfahan | Humans of Shiraz | Humans of Yazd


            I have emailed him and my MP.
            John Baird is in love with the Persian Gulf Arab states so I am not surprised by his behavior at all. He genuinely hates Iran.
            And khak to sare Nazanani Afshin Jam. Her husband is buddies with this punk and they pull shit like this. All that "IRAN IRAN IRAN HUMAN RIGHTS" stuff was just a ploy for her to land a husband it seems.


              my email to him

              recently you used the racist term of Arabian gulf instead of Persian Gulf, the following must have been happening in your head while making that speech

              1-you made a simple mistake, and therefore you must apologize to Iranian people

              2-you didnt make a mistake and you think that the racist term of a**** gulf is the correct term, in that case you are a racist, and demanding an apology from a racist is like asking a cow to stop mowing and speak like humans

              3- you made a mistake because you assumed the term arabian gulf could be used as well as the correct legal term ''persian gulf'' , this can only happen due to your lack of education in history and geography , which I am willing to educate you so after this email you would go and apologize to the iranian people and also not to repeat the same pathetic mistake again.

              the term 'Arabian Gulf' was first coined by Pan-Arab nationalists in the 1960s as an offensive and racist term used primarily to irritate their Iranian neighbours. This is an inflammatory term, and an attack on Iran's national identity and sovereignty; it's a political agenda with which Canada should not be associated.

              In stark contrast, the Persian Gulf and its equivalents in different languages have been continuously used for 3000 years in all languages, cultures, and civilizations across the world. More than 2000 ancient literature, books and maps belonging to the past three millennia contain this name as proof of the Persian Gulf as the correct nomenclature.

              The correct, legal, terminology recognized by the United Nations is the 'Persian Gulf'. The group of Experts on Geographical Names was set up by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in pursuance of Economic and Social Council Resolution 715A(XXVII) on April 23, 1959 and has endorsed 'Persian Gulf' as the official name for this body of water.

              The use of the name 'Arabian Gulf' was described to be 'faulty' by the eighth United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, Berlin, 27 August September 2002.

              4- you used the racist term for economic benefits canada will have from the arabs, in that case you are an opportunist and a racist, and again demanding an apology from an opportunist and a racist is like demanding a pig to behave clean

              please tell me and the 300 000 iranians that live in canada which one of the options above have happened? and take the appropriate action

              Because of your mistake the harper government will hear from the iranian people very soon!


                Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                I have emailed him and my MP.
                John Baird is in love with the Persian Gulf Arab states so I am not surprised by his behavior at all. He genuinely hates Iran.
                And khak to sare Nazanani Afshin Jam. Her husband is buddies with this punk and they pull shit like this. All that "IRAN IRAN IRAN HUMAN RIGHTS" stuff was just a ploy for her to land a husband it seems.
                Email of nazanin afshin jam


                  John Baird's OFFICE PHONE NUMBER 613-990-7720 call and leave a message I just left a message tomorrow the operator will be there


                    I re-sent with arseces's updated email version to


                      I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


                        Originally posted by arseces View Post
                        Thank you brother,
                        I'm a girl.

                        But anyway, thank you for all your effort in making these filthy organizations realize that they can do whatever shit they want and expect people to sit back and keep their mouth shout.

                        I have sent my daily email again.


                          Originally posted by IranForTheWin View Post
                          I'm a girl.

                          But anyway, thank you for all your effort in making these filthy organizations realize that they can do whatever shit they want and expect people to sit back and keep their mouth shout.

                          I have sent my daily email again.
                          thank you sister


                            ^ shir zane irooni, damet garm ke gheyratet az kheilia ke faghat harf mizanan o amal nemikonan bishtare!


                              Originally posted by arseces View Post
                              Egyptians remained in tahrir square for months until they toppled hosni mubarak, because they believed they can change the regime, despite having seeing regime bring tanks to the streets , on the other hand we must be more like them, if we think they will hand us our rights in a silver platter we are wrong , we must unite and fight wether its fifa or ir or anyone else that violates our rights

                              I hope the many others here in this forum join the rest of us , because i believe we can do any thing if we unite in mass
                              You only have to watch this video in order to understand that what kind of selfish people we are.

                              and to understand what unity can achieve!


                                Time to take action against fifa & uae league

                                Called again and got the correct number: 1 613 995 1851 and also a new email address

                                The guy on the phone listened and said he will certainly pass it on

                                We need Few more callers anyone?
                                We demand apology

