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TM U22-Football at the 2016 Summer Olympics

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    فراد مقبول کفاشیان در نشست حضور داشتندرغبتی: کرانچار صددرصد رأی منفی گرفت؛ از بیان مصداق ها معذورم

    خبرگزاری تسنیم: دبیر کمیته تأیید مربیان خارجی در وزارت ورزش گفت:
    افرادی که مقبول رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال بودند در نشست امروز به کرانچار رأی منفی دادند.

    ضو کمیته تأیید مربیان خارجی در وزارت ورزش و جوانان تصریح کرد: ا
    ز بیان مصداق ها معذوریم چراکه از نظر شرعی و دینی کار درستی نیست اما به هر حال تمامی اعضا با توجه به برخی گزارش ها به این مربی رأی منفی دادند.

    Not sure the reasoning but afraid has to do with his alleged habits.
    My post few years ago (2011)

    The members of this forum are selected by the F+ members of this site according to the quality of their posts,their disciplinary measures and relative activities. Members can not apply to be able to post and only admins will add and invite members.


    PFDC Hall of Famer
    Football+ Member

    Join DateJan 2005
    Thanks23Thanked 5,503 Times in 2,293 PostsRep Power36989407

    Few years ago when Zlatko was Perspolis head coach there were rumors he had showed up for practice not quiet sober There were discussion , report and denial at the time given sensitive issue. He left Perspolis not for that reason but that accusation did not help.

    New accusation from Montenegro indicate Kranjcar problem with alcoholism may be over yet. According to this report which was published in little Iranian newspaper too alcoholism was reason he was fired from his job.

    Hosseini of Sepahan made several huge and costly mistakes because his animosity and resentment of Amir GN.
    He forced GN out and hired Luka. He fired Luka then Sepahan hired Zlatco. Problems with Luka's attitude, and Zlatko's dependencies were no secrets and have consequences of their own.
    Hosseini lost his Job although still with sepahan, but Sepahan will suffer for years to come because of his unprofessional conducts.

    So far Zlatko's Alcoholism has not been an issue with Sepahan and more likely will not be serious issue as long as he can win but when he start losing that will become an issue


      عربستان، نپال، فلسطین و افغانستان حریفان ایران در راه المپیک

      The AFC U-23 Championship 2016 will serve as the Olympics qualifiers in every alternate edition. The top three teams from the 2016 edition will represent Asia at the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil.
      Groups for the AFC U-23 Championship 2016 Qualifiers
      Group A
      Iraq, Oman, Bahrain, Lebanon, Maldives

      Group B
      Jordan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan

      Group C
      Saudi Arabia,
      Iran, Nepal, Palestine, Afghanistan.
      Group D
      UAE, Yemen, Tajikistan, Sri Lanka

      Group E
      Syria, Uzbekistan, India Bangladesh

      Group F
      Australia, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei

      Group G
      DPR Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines

      Group H
      Korea Republic, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Brunei Darussalam

      Group I
      Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Macau

      Group J
      China, Laos, Singapore, Mongolia


        Sv: TM U22-Football at the 2016 Summer Olympics


          what a debacle....


            Originally posted by hzv View Post
            what a debacle....
            Why? Its not so hard.


              Originally posted by AllStarMomo View Post
              Why? Its not so hard.
              the whole fiasco with kranjar not getting the "votes" after reaching an agreement with iff.


                Originally posted by Iman_Joon View Post
                Have u people discussed which 3 players over 21 we should invite for the olympics?!
                ^^ Daie, Karimi, Mirzapour



                  Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                  ^^ Daie, Karimi, Mirzapour
                  Daie and Karimi don't get along, I'd suggest Karimi, Kia, and Bagheri!
                  He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt, for he has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice. Albert Einstein

                  Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, and the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most that has made it possible for evil to triumph.


                    It seems Marzban is a serious candidate for U22.
                    He used to work with Zlatko at Sepahan.

                    ادامه مذاکره کاشانی با مرزبان بعد از بازی پدیده در جام حذفی

                    خبرگزاری تسنیم: علیرضا مرزبان مذاکره در مورد پذیرفتن هدایت تیم فوتبال المپیک را به بعد از بازی تیمش در جام حذفی موکول کرد.


                      That would be a good alternative to not having zlatko.....definitely one of the better Iranian candidates
                      Team Meli Iran
                      Perspolis FC
                      Malavan Bandar Anzali

                      "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


                        Mohammad Khakpour has been offered the Head Coaching job and will decide in the next 2-3 days. Source: a well-placed friend: He is a true gentleman and well-qualified.


                          برنامه اردوهای تیم فوتبال امید مشخص شد

                          Jan 26 2015
                          Iran U23 _Denmark U23

                          خبرگزاری تسنیم: برنامه اردوهای تیم فوتبال امید ایران مشخص و اعلام شد.

                          برنامه اردوهای تیم فوتبال امید ایران مشخص شد که طبق این برنامه،

                          اردوی اول در کیش،

                          اردوی دوم در کشور امارات یا کویت

                          اردوی سوم در کشور ترکیه

                          برپا خواهد شد.
                          طبق این برنامه، قرار است در اردوی ترکیه و در تاریخ 6 بهمن، تیم امید ایران دیداری دوستانه با تیم زیر 23 سال دانمارک برگزار کند.


                            Ebrahimzadeh or Khakpour

                            ابراهیم زاده یا خاکپور سرمربی تیم فوتبال امید ایران می شوند

                            خبرگزاری تسنیم: از بین منصور ابراهیمزاده و محمد خاکپور یک نفر به عنوان سرمربی تیم فوتبال امید ایران انتخاب می شود

                            شست کمیته فنی و توسعه فدراسیون فوتبال از ساعت 15 امروز (یکشنبه) برای انتخاب سرمربی تیم فوتبال امید کشورمان برگزار شد که در نهایت مقرر شد از بین محمد خاکپور و منصو ابراهیم زاده یک نفر به عنوان سرمربی تیم فوتبال المپیک

                            انتخاب شود.

                            کمیته فنی و توسعه فدراسیون فوتبال برای هدایت تیم امید کشورمان سه گزینه محمد خاکپور، منصور ابراهیم زاده و مهدی تارتار را مدنظر داشت که با توجه به حضور تارتار در رأس کادر فنی تیم صبای قم، انتخاب کمیته فنی بین دو گزینه خاکپور و ابراهیم زاده محدود شد.
                            قرار است سرمربی تیم فوتبال امید کشورمان تا امشب از بین دو گزینه یاد شده انتخاب شود.

                            Khakpour, Ebrahimzadeh Shortlisted for Iran Olympic Coaching Job

                            December 07, 2014 - 18:51


                              Kashani resigned as director of the Olympic team.
                              Thanks to sazmane varzesh and their pointless feuds. shameful.


                                Ebrahimzadeh please

