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TM U22-Football at the 2016 Summer Olympics

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    this team can be good not as good as the 2004 team but jahanbakash and azmoun in the team, if khakpour can organize the team well


      TM U22-Football at the 2016 Summer Olympics

      Yes let's not completely ignore the fact that this crop talent for this age bracket failed miserably at a previous tournament so they're nothing special.

      The fact is that even our so called 'golden generation' couldn't qualify for the Olympics, so if this average squad doesn't qualify I wouldn't necessarily blame the coach or the technical director.

      It's fair to say that after the dismal showings at the Asian games, this under 22 squad is simply not up to the standards of olympic football.


        Originally posted by Ando Teymourian View Post
        CQ wins Champions League with Man Utd 5 years ago. Loses to eventual world champs Spain by 1 goal in unbelievably tight affair 4 years ago. Yet when anyone brings it up, they are deemed sheep and blind fools.
        First of all, the last time ManU won the CL was 7 years ago and secondly you can't credit CQ as an assistant manager for what Ferguson did. ManU was a great team with or without CQ and there was certainly no shortage of controversy surrounding CQ during his tenure there.

        If you want to evaluate CQ's coaching, you look at his coaching career... Worst league finish for Real since the 2000/01 season! And if you want to look at international football only, he had major problems with the S. Africa football federation as well as major problems at UAE and Portugal football federations.

        To be fair, he did have a great resume with the Portugal U-20 more than 20 years ago and no one is going to take that away from him. And if he can repeat some sort of success now with TM, all the power to him and afterward he should be judged on merit.

        That's the catch phrase, he should be judged on merit. And that's exactly what I said about MK. I didn't say TM Omid is going to be amazing simply because MK had a good record before and we should be blind to what happens going forward. I said let's wait and see TM's performance and judge them (Khakpour and CQ) on merit.


          Originally posted by xerexes View Post
          He didn't introduce those guys, BH jan.

          Daei had already been named Asian MVP for the 94 WC qualifiers and was a full-fledged star by the time MK took over.

          Azizi had been a star too and had shined for Perspolis in the ACL the same year MK called him up. There were calls for him to start for TM as early as 92-93 but he had left the TM camp on his own. MK wasn't even willing to start him until we lost the first game against Iraq in AC 96 and he was forced to make drastic changes to avoid elimination.

          Kia was also a Perspolis prodigy and was seen pretty much in the same light as present day Sadeghian or Taromi. But MK did switch him from forward to right wingback (in 3-5-2) when our starter, Saadavi, was banned. I would give him credit for this at least.
          Correct me if I'm wrong bro, but after the 93 qualification, Daei was pretty much dropped from TM. It was MK who brought him back after a nearly two year hiatus and that's when his career at TM took off.

          As far as Azizi, I don't remember the exact sequence of events TBH with you, but I'm pretty sure he got the call up to TM before playing in the AFC CL. In fact if I recall correctly, his team success started as a result of being called up to the national team. Don't forget, he was a pretty difficult personality to deal with. But even if he got the TM call-up a few weeks after his goals at the AFC CL, MK decided to include him in the Asian Cup squad right away and take a chance with him. Since you brought up Taromi, I wish I could say the same thing about CQ and this kid.


            پیروزی تیم ملی امید در اولین حضور خاکپور/ مشکل گلزنی همچنان گریبانگیر تیم امید
            تیم ملی امید فوتبال ایران در اولین دیداری که محمد خاکپور هدایت آن را بر عهده داشت موفق به کسب پیروزی شد.

            به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس، تیم ملی امید فوتبال ایران از ساعت 18 امروز در دیداری دوستانه به مصاف تیم منطقه آزاد کیش رفت.این مسابقه در نهایت با نتیجه یک بر صفر به سود تیم ملی امید به پایان رسید.
            تک گل این مسابقه در دقیقه 32 توسط مرتضی اقاخان به ثمر رسید.

            بازی کاملا در اختیار شاگردان محمد خاکپور بود و ایران موقعیتهای زیادی را روی دروازه حریف ایجاد کرد اما این توپ ها به گل تبدیل نمی شد تا همچنان مشکل گلزنی یکی از اصلی ترین مشکلات تیم امید باشد

            .تیم ملی با ترکیب اولیه

            امیر عابدزاده، صائب محبی، وحید حیدریه، حسین مرادمند، آرام عباسی، امیرحسین امیری، علی کریمی، علی چوپانی، میلاد محمدی، امیر درویشی و مرتضی اقاخان

            به میدان رفت.این اولین مسابقه ای بود که محمد خاکپور به عنوان سرمربی در تیم ملی امید حضور داشت که در نهایت مسابقه با پیروزی ایران به پایان رسید.هواداران بسیار کمی از این بازی دیدن کردند.


              گزارش تصویری دیدار دوستانه تیم ملی امید با تیم منطقه آزاد کیش

              Moradmad _ Abedzadeh _ Amiri _ Saeb Mohebi _ Abbasi _ Karimi
              Choopani _ Aghakhan _Keshmarzi _Darvishi _ Heidarieh


                New invitation. Some players in this list are young for U22 class. This list is mix of U18,19,20,21,22 players.

                به گزارش سایت رسمی فدراسیون،
                اسامی 35 بازیکن دعوت شده به اردوی تدارکاتی تیم ملی فوتبال امید از سوی خاکپور

                گودرز داودی، محمد مدلیسی، سیدجلال عبدی، علی کیانی فر، ستار دراجی، میلاد ربانی فر، فرزاد جعفری، حمداله ابرام، علی سینا ربانی، بهمن جهان تیغ از خوزستان
                میلاد احمدیان، سیامک نعمتی، علی محسن زاده، میثم جودکی، آرش رضاوند، میلاد کندانی، سیدمجید حسینی از تهران
                محمدرضا قدرتی پور، داود بهادری، امید قربانی از قم
                مسیح زاهدی، علیرضا علیزاده، مهدی ترابی از البرز
                حجت حق وردی، دانیال اسماعیلی فر، امیرحسین کریمی از اصفهان
                مهیار زحمتکش ، صادق محرمی، محمدرضی پور از گیلان
                پیمان کشاورز، شاهین ثاقبی، سعید آقایی، علیرضا نقی زاده، محمد محمدی، یوسف سیدی از آذربایجان شرقی

                Farzad (EsteghlalAhwaz is Sarbaz)


                  Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                  Correct me if I'm wrong bro, but after the 93 qualification, Daei was pretty much dropped from TM. It was MK who brought him back after a nearly two year hiatus and that's when his career at TM took off.
                  As far as Azizi, I don't remember the exact sequence of events TBH with you, but I'm pretty sure he got the call up to TM before playing in the AFC CL. In fact if I recall correctly, his team success started as a result of being called up to the national team. Don't forget, he was a pretty difficult personality to deal with. But even if he got the TM call-up a few weeks after his goals at the AFC CL, MK decided to include him in the Asian Cup squad right away and take a chance with him. Since you brought up Taromi, I wish I could say the same thing about CQ and this kid.
                  Daei was only dropped from TM under MK after the first round of WCQ in 97 (after the Tehran game against Syria) and was brought back shortly before the start of the final round. He was never dropped before that. He was a starter in the 94 Asian Games and got injured in the first game, but was a huge star by the time MK took over.
                  As for Azizi, he was called up for the 94 WCQ before MK, and many thought he should have been a starter even then but he left the camp on his own. He always has been a difficult personality but MK didn't even plan to start him until we lost the first game against Iraq at AC 96. Azizi became a starter only after that game and was benched again by MK during the 97 WCQ when he was the reigning Asian Player Of The Year.


                    Originally posted by St_Mark View Post

                    New invitation. Some players in this list are young for U22 class. This list is mix of U18,19,20,21,22 players.

                    به گزارش سایت رسمی فدراسیون،
                    اسامی 35 بازیکن دعوت شده به اردوی تدارکاتی تیم ملی فوتبال امید از سوی خاکپور

                    گودرز داودی، محمد مدلیسی، سیدجلال عبدی، علی کیانی فر، ستار دراجی، میلاد ربانی فر، فرزاد جعفری، حمداله ابرام، علی سینا ربانی، بهمن جهان تیغ از خوزستان
                    میلاد احمدیان، سیامک نعمتی، علی محسن زاده، میثم جودکی، آرش رضاوند، میلاد کندانی، سیدمجید حسینی از تهران
                    محمدرضا قدرتی پور، داود بهادری، امید قربانی از قم
                    مسیح زاهدی، علیرضا علیزاده، مهدی ترابی از البرز
                    حجت حق وردی، دانیال اسماعیلی فر، امیرحسین کریمی از اصفهان
                    مهیار زحمتکش ، صادق محرمی، محمدرضی پور از گیلان
                    پیمان کشاورز، شاهین ثاقبی، سعید آقایی، علیرضا نقی زاده، محمد محمدی، یوسف سیدی از آذربایجان شرقی
                    Farzad (EsteghlalAhwaz is Sarbaz)

                    Farzad was eeplaced bu Fazeli.


                      Khakpour knows his stuff... I remember him from France '98. He'll do good with U-23.



                        one of the biggest accomplishments of MK, was his leadership skills, as he steered the team towards a rozeh khooni session during a major tournament.
                        “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


                          Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                          In case you need a reminder, MK was charge of TM Omid for the 2004 qualifiers, which also happens to be our most successful showing in the Olympic qualifiers in the past 20 years!
                          We won as many games that year as we did in all the other 4 qualifiers of the past two decades, combined! Not to mention that we scored more goals in the two 2nd round games in that tournament than we did in the eight 2nd round games we have played since!
                          If i recall correct, that whas mobali and kazemyan team who played in u20 world cup! That was a special Omid team and not even close to this years mess of a team. missing olympic with that team was a blow

                          edit. i think even navidkia played in that team in CM with mobali?


                            3 more players invited to training camp.

                            دعوت از ۳ بازیکن جدید به اردوی تیم ملی امید

                            به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس و به نقل از سایت فدراسیون فوتبال،
                            باقر هاشمی و علی اکبر آهکی از استقلال خوزستان و رضا علیاری از نفت تهران

                            به اردوی تیم ملی امید که روز یکشنبه هفتم دی ماه آغاز می شود، دعوت شدند.


                              Habib said davari and dejagah are the over age players in rio + 1 more


                                Originally posted by Ab-Gosht View Post
                                Habib said davari and dejagah are the over age players in rio + 1 more
                                He Is one of Pakhmeh in charge.
                                مدیرعامل پیشین باشگاه پرسپولیس ادامه داد:

                                سردار آزمون و علیرضا جهانبخش هم در زمان مسابقات به این تیم اضافه خواهند شد ضمن اینکه قصد داریم بازیکنانی که در خارج از ایران حضور دارند و شرایطی همانند دژآگه و داوری را دارند به تیم المپیک دعوت کنیم.

