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TM U22-Football at the 2016 Summer Olympics

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    TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian national football Olympic team defeated Albania 2-1 in a friendly held in its training camp in Turkey on Tuesday.


      I still haven't seen a single article anywhere that referred to this team as the Albania U-23. Every single article just say Albania, but specifically states Iran U-23/Olympic/Omid team. Even IFF's site did the same.


        Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
        I still haven't seen a single article anywhere that referred to this team as the Albania U-23. Every single article just say Albania, but specifically states Iran U-23/Olympic/Omid team. Even IFF's site did the same.
        Dear in the other thread i posted picture and article claiming U21

        Yes it's their U21

        Ka filluar dje ne Antalia te Turqise, minifaza pergatitore e Ekipit Shpresa. Lojtaret jane vene prej te dieles ne dispozicion te trajnerit Skender Gega per te realizuar programin stervitor. Ekipi eshte akomoduar ne hotel "Pame" te Antalias dhe te henen ka zhvilluar stervitje normalisht. Neser me date 20.01.2014 ekipi 21 vjecar do te zhvilloje miqesoren e pare kunder homologeve te Iranit. Ndeshja do te luhet ne oren 16:00 ne stadiumin "Asat" ne Kundu.

        English Translation

        Monday , 19 January 2015It started yesterday in Antalya , Turkey, minifaza Hope Preparatory Team . Players are put at the disposal of the Sunday, the coach Skender Gega to realize the training program . The team is accommodated in the hotel " Pame " of Antalya and drills Monday developed normally . Tomorrow dated 01/20/2014 21 year old team will conduct the first friendly against Iranian counterparts . The match will be played at 16:00 in the stadium " Aces " in Kundu .


          تمرین ملی پوشان امید+عکس

          صبح امروز تمرینات تیم ملی امید در سالن بدنسازی برگزار شد.

          به گزارش سایت رسمی فدراسسیون، تمرین امروز تیم ملی امید در نوبت صبح از ساعت 10 (به وقت محلی) در حالی پیگیری شد که بر اساس تصمیم و زیر نظر کادرفنی، بازیکنان تمرینات بدنسازی را انجام دادند.
          بر همین اساس کار با وزنه در سالن بدنسازی هتل محل اقامت تیم ملی در دستور کار قرار گرفت و پس از آن بازیکنان با انجام تمرینات کششی تمرین یک ساعته خود را به پایان رساندند.


            TM U22-Football at the 2016 Summer Olympics

            I don't understand why they would be weight training in this camp.


              TM U22

              New Class , New Faces

              Motahari _ Naghoizadeh _ Akhbari _Abdollahzadeh _ Norollahi _ Cheshmi
              Moradmand _ Karimi _ Saghebi _Fazeli _ Heidarieh

              Moradmand _ Karimi _ Salimi _Naghizadeh _ Abedzadeh _Barzay
              Abdi _ Nejat _ Saghebi _ Norollahi _ Heidarieh

              Davari _ Faramarzi _ Niknafs _Majidi _Abdollahzadeh _ Barzay
              Abdi _ Vakily _Pahlevan _ Mohammadi _ Esmaeily

              * Khakpour has played all players in 3 teams.
              * Does not Include Foulad Players.


                St Mark jan will our u23 giants (Sadar, jahanbakhsh, Ezzatollahi) be able to participate in Olympic qualification games? Are clubs able to release them? Also is Mazloum (our u17 star) not invited for camp?


                  Originally posted by navidpersia View Post
                  St Mark jan will our u23 giants (Sadar, jahanbakhsh, Ezzatollahi) be able to participate in Olympic qualification games? Are clubs able to release them? Also is Mazloum (our u17 star) not invited for camp?

                  JB already said he is looking forward. There is no need to be invited for now. They will be invited for last call.

                  TM U22 need Azmoon & JB but not sure about Saied, he is young and may be not ready yet for U22.



                    Iran U22
                    vs Syria U22

                    سوم تا دهم اسفند)

                    Feb 22-March 1

                    Kuwait vs Iran U22

                    ( 18 تا 25 اسفند)
                    March 9-March 16


                      Nice to see my cousins back in the squad


                        Looks like for once in a long time, the team has direction, planning and lots of good friendlies...


                          Would azmoun and jahanbakhsh play in u23 qualifyers in march? Or would they play for tm against chile and sweden?



                            لیست 50 نفره تیم امید در اختیار فدراسیون

                            کادرفني تيم ملي فوتبال اميد ايران ليست 50 نفره اين تيم براي شرکت در مسابقات مقدماتي المپيک را در اختيار فدراسيون فوتبال قرار داد.

                            به نقل از فارس، لیست اولیه تیم ملی امید که شامل 50 بازیکن است از سوی کادرفنی به فدراسیون فوتبال ارائه شد و اسامی 50 بازیکن برای حضور در رقابت های مقدماتی المپیک 2016 برزیل به ثبت رسید.

                            طبق اخبار واصله از فدراسیون بعد از اتمام اردوی کویت در 25 اسفند لیست نهایی تیم ملی امید برای شرکت در مرحله اول دور مقدماتی مشخص می شود.

                            همچنین نام سردار آزمون و علیرضا جهانبخش در این لیست قرار دارد. البته این 2 بازیکن قرار نیست در اردوی کویت و کیش حاضر شوند اما بعد از بازگشت تیم به تهران به اردو دعوت می شوند.

                            تیم ملی امید از 3 فروردین در مرحله اول مقدماتی المپیک 2015 برزیل به میدان می روند. ایران در گروه سوم این رقابت ها با عربستان، نپال، افغانستان و فلسطین هم گروه است.


                              VERY smart choice of friendlies by Khakpour... We had already played Kyrgyzstan and Vietnam that are Pot 3 teams in the Asian games...

                              Since then, we have played the host of the tournament (Qatar), two Pot 2 teams (Oman and Myanmar), two teams with completely different styles of play (Ukraine and Albania) and are planning to play one more Pot 2 (Kuwait) and one Pot 1 team (Syria) before the qualification kicks off.

                              Also very happy to see Azmoun and JB invited to the team and even happier that for once the AFC has scheduled these games on FIFA friendly dates so teams can have access to their best players.


                                مسئولان تیم ملی امید تلاش می‌کنند تا در صورت امکان شرایط حضور سردار آزمون و علیرضا جهانبخش در اردوی کویت را فراهم کنند

