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TM U22-Football at the 2016 Summer Olympics

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    تیم فوتبال امید کشورمان در راستای برنامه‌های آماده‌سازی خود پیش از حضور در رقابت‌های انتخابی المپیک اردویی ۱۰ روزه را در نایمخن هلند خواهد داشت

    The u23 team is going to try to have a 10 day camp in the Netherlands and wants to play NEC and the Netherlands u23 team. If it happens, it will start September 3rd which is the day iran plays guam so they will either be missing players or there will be another conflict between Khakpour and Queiroz.

    This also mentions that tm omid will play in the west asia football tournament but the next one seems to be in 2016 so not sure if there is a misunderstanding or it's a different tournament than the waff championship.

    Also, they have sent friendly requests to Korea and Japan but haven't heard back yet. They want to play these two teams after the west asian tournament but there's no mention of when this tournament is supposed to be.


      There is no conflict at all. A competitive match is more important at the higher level. The conflict before elwas Olympic qualifying vs a friendly. This is qualifying for two tournaments. World cup is more important than Olympics.


        Originally posted by ali alipour View Post
        The u23 team is going to try to have a 10 day camp in the Netherlands and wants to play NEC and the Netherlands u23 team. If it happens, it will start September 3rd which is the day iran plays guam so they will either be missing players or there will be another conflict between Khakpour and Queiroz.

        This also mentions that tm omid will play in the west asia football tournament but the next one seems to be in 2016 so not sure if there is a misunderstanding or it's a different tournament than the waff championship.

        Also, they have sent friendly requests to Korea and Japan but haven't heard back yet. They want to play these two teams after the west asian tournament but there's no mention of when this tournament is supposed to be.
        no there will be no conflict, khakpour said if TM has a competitive game he won't invite players on CQ's list. that one time only happened because Omid had a COMPETITIVE game and TM had a FRIENDLY match.


          Originally posted by irani1378 View Post
          no there will be no conflict, khakpour said if TM has a competitive game he won't invite players on CQ's list. that one time only happened because Omid had a COMPETITIVE game and TM had a FRIENDLY match.
          yup and that whole Holland trip sounds more like khakpoor day-dreaming..! aint gonna happen


            برگزاری قرعه کشی مرحله دوم مقدماتی المپیک در شهریور

            اردوی تیم ملی امید در ایتالیا منتفی شد
            طبق برنامه ریزی های انجام شده قرار است مرحله دوم رقابت های انتخابی فوتبال المپیک ۲۰۱۶ برزیل در شهریور قرعه کشی شود.

            تیم ملی فوتبال امید ایران در مرحله اول مقدماتی المپیک 2016 موفق شد مجوز حضور در مرحله دوم را به دست بیاورد.مرحله دوم این رقابت ها دی ماه و با حضور 16 تیم برتر آسیا که مجوز حضور در این مرحله را به دست آوردند برگزار می شود.میزبانی این مرحله با کشور قطر است.

            در همین راستا طبق اعلام امیرحسین حسینی روابط عمومی فدراسیون فوتبال به خبرنگار فارس قرعه کشی این مرحله در شهریور ماه برگزار می شود. البته مسئولان مسابقات هنوز روز رسمی این قرعه کشی را اعلام نکردند.

            به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس، تیم ملی امید ایران برای برگزاری یک اردوی 10 روزه در کشور ایتالیا رایزنی هایی انجام داد که در نهایت این مسئله منتفی شد.
            فدراسیون فوتبال ایتالیا با این اردو مخالفت کرد تا مسئولان فدراسیون فوتبال به دنبال گزینه دیگری برای برگزاری اردوی تیم امید باشند.قرار بود تیم ملی امید شهریور ماه اردویی در ایتالیا برگزار کند.



              Good News for Khakpour ( May Be).

              Kafashian said he has find solutions for Khakpour problem and will announce it later.

              /اختصاصی فارس/
              با تایید AFC مشکل خاکپور برای هدایت تیم ملی امید ایران برطرف شد
              پس از بررسی مسئولان کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا، مشکل سرمربی تیم امید برای هدایت این تیم برطرف شد.
              کفاشیانهمچنین در حاشیه این جلسات و در رایزنی هایی که با مقامات مسئول در فوتبال آسیا داشت، توانست مشکل مربیگری محمد خاکپور برای هدایت تیم امید در مرحله نهایی انتخابی المپیک را برطرف کند تا از این پس خاکپور و سایر اعضای کادرفنی بدون دغدغه برای موفقیت تیم امید در راه صعود این تیم به المپیک 2016 ریو تلاش کنند.
              فارس: گویا مشکل محمد خاکپور هم برای نشستن روی نیمکت تیم امید حل شد.
              مذاکرات و رایزنی ها خوبی را انجام دادم و جلسات مفیدی را نیز امروز در این راستا با مقامات مربوطه AFC از جمله دبیرکل و اندی روکسبورگ مدیرفنی این کنفدراسیون برگزار کردم و راه حل هایی را برای حل این مشکل پیدا کردیم که راه های دقیق آن را بعداً اعلام خواهیم کرد.

              در هر صورت این مشکل خاکپور تا فردا به صورت کامل حل می شود و او دیگر دغدغه ای برای حضور روی نیمکت تیم ملی امید نداشته باشد.


                only thing that matters for TM omid is if they can use SA and JB in final matches. As of the looks right now yes they can but JB needs to stay in Holland and SA in russia


                  U22 Team is going to Holland ( training ) from 8/30/15 to 9/11/15

                  While there there is a chance of friendly game.

                  Kkakpour must rely on several new players because clubs will not release their star players.

                  He have plenty of options and choices. I complied list of All IPL under 22 Players ( Excluding Azadegan) and there are enough options.

                  انگشت نگاری از بازیکنان تیم ملی امید برای سفر به هلند

                  بازیکنان تیم ملی فوتبال امید ایران برای گرفتن روادید هلند مورد انگشت نگاری قرار گرفتند

                  به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس، تیم ملی فوتبال امید ایران برای حضور در اردویی تدرکاتی از 8 تا 20 شهریور به هلند سفر می کند.
                  بازیکنان این تیم به سفارت هلند رفتند تا برای گرفتن روادید کارهای مربوطه را انجام دهند.
                  در همین راستا بازیکنان تیم ملی امید و اعضایی که قرار است در این سفر شرکت کنند مورد مصاحبه و انگشت نگاری قرار گرفتند تا مراحل اداری برای گرفتن روادید انجام شود.تیم امید قرار است بعد از اردوی هلند به قطر برود و در مسابقات غرب آسیا شرکت کند.
                  این تیم دی ماه در مسابقات مرحله دوم انتخابی المپیک 2016 به میدان می رود


                    Originally posted by St_Mark View Post

                    U22 Team is going to Holland ( training ) from 8/30/15 to 9/11/15

                    While there there is a chance of friendly game.

                    Kkakpour must rely on several new players because clubs will not release their star players.

                    He have plenty of options and choices. I complied list of All IPL under 22 Players ( Excluding Azadegan) and there are enough options.

                    انگشت نگاری از بازیکنان تیم ملی امید برای سفر به هلند

                    بازیکنان تیم ملی فوتبال امید ایران برای گرفتن روادید هلند مورد انگشت نگاری قرار گرفتند

                    به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس، تیم ملی فوتبال امید ایران برای حضور در اردویی تدرکاتی از 8 تا 20 شهریور به هلند سفر می کند.
                    بازیکنان این تیم به سفارت هلند رفتند تا برای گرفتن روادید کارهای مربوطه را انجام دهند.
                    در همین راستا بازیکنان تیم ملی امید و اعضایی که قرار است در این سفر شرکت کنند مورد مصاحبه و انگشت نگاری قرار گرفتند تا مراحل اداری برای گرفتن روادید انجام شود.تیم امید قرار است بعد از اردوی هلند به قطر برود و در مسابقات غرب آسیا شرکت کند.
                    این تیم دی ماه در مسابقات مرحله دوم انتخابی المپیک 2016 به میدان می رود

                    Where in Holland? I will go watch them train.


                      ^Not sure Now as their plan change.
                      Previously said they plan ( Hope) to have two friendly games there even possibility of one versus JB team & Netherlands national under-19 football team.
                      Nothing specific yet.

                      مسئولان تیم ملی ایران در حال رایزنی برای تدارک دیدن دیدار دوستانه در اردوی هلند هستند.

                      در همین رابطه شنیده می شود مسئولان تیم امید با باشگاه نایخمن که در لیگ برتر هلند حضور دارد و در لیگ برتر این کشور به میدان میرود مذاکره کردند
                      احتمال دارد این تیم بازی دوستانه ای مقابل تیم ملی امید ایران داشته باشد.

                      همچنین تیم ملی امید ایران احتمال دارد با تیم ملی زیر ۱۹ سال هلند هم بازی دوستانهی انجام دهد.


                        Fantastic news. If they do get to play it'd be the best way to showcase the talent of an age category that the Dutch (and a league) put great emphasis on and invest in.
                        Who knows, if they do manage to play some clubs, and if the lads manage to put up a good showing, they'd find some suitors.


                          TM U22-Football at the 2016 Summer Olympics

                          It's so disappointing that our youngsters have missed out on the under 17, 20 world cups.

                          This is our one chance to get into this big tournament (rio 2016) and it looks like we are going to ruin that chance like we have done for so long.

                          I mainly blame CQ for this. Wasn't part of his contract to be look after team omid? What happen to that.

                          My personal opinion is that if CQ wanted to help this team out he would. He has all the power necessary to do so.

                          Maybe stick around for a few training sessions would'nt be a bad start. As a young player it would do them a world of confidence to have a coach of his stature overlooking them train. It would really motivate them.

                          It'll be a shame if we miss out on under 17, 20 WC and rio 2016 as well. The first two comps are history and we must move on from, but destiny is in our own hands to reach the Olympics.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            ^ i also recall working with our young footballers being part of his original responsibilities up on signing with IFF, but from the get go Carlos seemed unconcerned and apathetic towards those duties..!! in general i think thats his way of saying " You guys dont pay me Enough for that..!"
                            after IFF's dismissal of his utter-failure, countryman Viganda from Omid against his advices, he used that excuse to further dissociate himself from our young footballers programs.
                            if i didnt know any better, id say that not only CQ doesnt give a fk about the Omid's progress, he would like nothing more than to see them fail miserably in final round of Olympic qualifications..!!
                            his retarded pissfight with the current Omid caretakers over the services of Azmoun and ARJ for the earlier round of Olympic qualifiers, should be a clear cue of that obvious resentment...!!


                              Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                              ^ i also recall working with our young footballers being part of his original responsibilities up on signing with IFF, but from the get go Carlos seemed unconcerned and apathetic towards those duties..!! in general i think thats his way of saying " You guys dont pay me Enough for that..!"
                              after IFF's dismissal of his utter-failure, countryman Viganda from Omid against his advices, he used that excuse to further dissociate himself from our young footballers programs.
                              if i didnt know any better, id say that not only CQ doesnt give a fk about the Omid's progress, he would like nothing more than to see them fail miserably in final round of Olympic qualifications..!!
                              his retarded pissfight with the current Omid caretakers over the services of Azmoun and ARJ for the earlier round of Olympic qualifiers, should be a clear cue of that obvious resentment...!!
                              I have never heard of a National Team Coach to worry about the U22 of that same nation. Thats why they have their own coach. Obviously they get to work together when it comes to inviting players and so on but thats about it... but the national team comes first all the time before U22 team. Khakpour got Azmoun and ARJ but he was always on the bench!!

                              KHakpoor is not qualified to be a coach to begin with!


                                Originally posted by zare3900 View Post
                                I have never heard of a National Team Coach to worry about the U22 of that same nation. Thats why they have their own coach. Obviously they get to work together when it comes to inviting players and so on but thats about it... but the national team comes first all the time before U22 team. Khakpour got Azmoun and ARJ but he was always on the bench!!

                                KHakpoor is not qualified to be a coach to begin with!
                                like i said before its widely rumored that his contract with Iran also requires him to help with development of our youth football and he has hardly done much with them so far in his tenor..!!(dont know the specifics of his demanded assistance, so its hard to know just how much has he neglected that aspect of his job duties..?? )
                                ARJ came to Khakpoor U22, unfit, semi-injured...!! hence wasnt used..!

                                Participation in OFFICIAL OLYMPIC QUALIFIERS FAR OUTWEIGH the need to play in couple badly ill-timed friendlies with CQ's senior TM..! Especially considering the Fact that these 2 are simply are the 2 best and most experienced available player STILL ELIGIBLE to play for our Omid team..!
                                Khakpoor Still agreed that CQ would have the First choice of the two if TM needed them for an Official match..!!

                                obviously Khakpoor isnt a qualified and good enough coach for our Omid (he apparently even lacks the coaching credentials to sit on our bench per fifa/afc) but thats not his fault for volunteering to work with our youth for little money when our retarded, broke-ass Federation obviously couldnt sucker anyone else into doing the job for little appreciation or money ..!!

                                LIKE I SAID
                                IF actually CQ has a clause in his contract to help our Omid team, then CLEARLY he hasnt lived up to it ...!! and thats saying it mildly..!!

