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    Originally posted by Leopard View Post
    the jerk should be sent back home. What is he trying to be soldier of fortune...
    we do not need to waste money on such a foreigner for a team that will get relegated anyway
    Actually I was wrong, Melziddinov got a red card in that game for kicking Makani in the chest as you can see here at 4:36

    Not sure who injured Gabriel now lol


      I hope Sadeghian can pick up the slack and step in for Gabriel.


        Originally posted by Leopard View Post
        Naft masjed soleiman should be penalized. 3 matches with no spectators and let them relegate. I hope they get demolished in every upcoming game. Throwing rocks on players may deserve putting the jerk's fingers in toilet and then asking him to eat his lunch. Maybe he will prefer this over fingers getting chopped off. By this he won't do it again. What if Hatami had become blind by the rock?
        Hope Gabriel will recover with no eye problem.
        Why should they be relegated? They have great supporters, but some showed some bad actions, they do not deserve it and I hope they stay up


          گابریل: بعد از 4 هفته برمی*گردم/ از بازیکنان خواستم به خاطر من النصر را ببرند

          هافبک برزیلی پرسپولیس می*گوید امیدوار است هم*تیمی*هایش به خاطر او دیدار مقابل النصر را با برد پشت سر بگذارند.

          فرناندو گابریل در گفت*وگو با خبرنگار ورزشی ایسنا، درباره آخرین وضعیت خود اظهار کرد: شرایطم بهتر شده و امروز از بیمارستان به خانه رفتم. می*خواهم از مجموعه باشگاه پرسپولیس تشکر کنم. در این مدت کوتاه فکر می*کنم همه اعضای باشگاه بخصوص آقای نژادفلاح و حمید درخشان به ملاقات من آمدند و حال من را جویا شدند. نژادفلاح که تماما از طریق کارمندان باشگاه پیگیر وضعیت من بود. از او و باشگاه پرسپولیس تشکر می*کنم که برای درمان من سریعا اقدامات لازم را انجام دادند.

          او ادامه داد: خودم هم فکر نمی*کردم اینقدر زود مقدمات عمل جراحی*ام انجام شود اما خوشبختانه با درایت باشگاه پرسپولیس و نژاد فلاح سریعا من را در بیمارستان آتیه پذیرش کردند و روز جمعه عمل جراحی من انجام شد. البته باشگاه از مصدومیت من ناراحت بود و دوست داشت من زود به میادین بازگردم. همین طور نگران سلامت من بود. ضربه*ای که به پیشانی من خورد کمی با عصب چشم من فاصله داشت و امکان داشت باعث کوری چشم من شود.

          گابریل در ادامه درباره غیبتش در دیدار مقابل النصر نیز گفت: واقعا دوست داشتم در این دیدار برای پرسپولیس بازی کنم. این موضوع را نیز به بازیکنان گفتم. خیلی ناراحتم که در ترکیب تیم نیستم اما از بازیکنان خواسته*ام تا به خاطر من مقابل النصر به پیروزی برسند. امیدوارم این اتفاق رخ دهد و دل هواداران شاد شود.

          هافبک برزیلی پرسپولیس در پاسخ به این سوال که آیا مشکلات مالی*اش با باشگاه پرسپولیس حل شده؟ گفت: مشکلات من حل شده و باشگاه مقداری پول به من داده و یک خانه هم برای من گرفته است. خانواده* من هم به تهران آمده*اند و در حال حاضر در کنار من هستند. درست است که پزشکم اعلام کرده 5 هفته باید از میادین دور باشم اما با توجه به روحیه*ای که دارم فکر می*کنم با گذشت 4 هفته دوباره بتوانم برای پرسپولیس بازی کنم.
          __________________________________________________ ________________________________________
          We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented

          __________________________________________________ ________________________________________


            Derakhshan is gone. Party time



              Originally posted by irani1378 View Post
              Not yet, only if he loses against Al Nasr in Azadi.


                I smell a 4:0 win against Al Nassr just like the game against Lekhwiya


                  Originally posted by 04041374 View Post
                  I smell a 4:0 win against Al Nassr just like the game against Lekhwiya
                  Keep smelling then LOOL

                  Vallah khoda az dahanet beshnave my fellow Perspolisi. With the current state of chaos with our team, and given the absense of Nouri, Bengar, Gabriel and a reliable GK, the odds aren't looking that good my brotha!


                    Originally posted by Keano View Post
                    Keep smelling then LOOL

                    Vallah khoda az dahanet beshnave my fellow Perspolisi. With the current state of chaos with our team, and given the absense of Nouri, Bengar, Gabriel and a reliable GK, the odds aren't looking that good my brotha!
                    Well against Lekhwiya it was botox's last chance to prove something and we all know what happened, that's what i meant to say



                      That's what you call professionalism


                        branko might arrive to tehran any hour or day now


                          Having branko would be the best belated eidi we could ever ask for.
                          Team Meli Iran
                          Perspolis FC
                          Malavan Bandar Anzali

                          "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


                            Aghayoon Persepolis ra nabood kardan


                              Now that branko has been signed and is the new boss we finally have so much to look forward to. Expect some attractive football from this team that will finally be able to utilize it's offensive potential. It will certainly take time for the guys to get used to him but at this point our main focus is the ACL and finishing off the season on a good note.

                              guys like taremi, Gabriel, abbasszadeh, and alishah will thrive in his system, that is if we see similar tactics to the ones we saw when he was in charge of TM.

                              The only major concern for me is how he'll deal with this child sadeghian, he was never good at handling AK8 when he had his outbursts so I hope payam doesn't take the opportunity to be even more of a bishour than he already is.
                              Team Meli Iran
                              Perspolis FC
                              Malavan Bandar Anzali

                              "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


                                I expect Sadeghian will play a big role under Branko, personally I wouldn't mind a line up like this:
                                Norouzi (or Sadeghian)---------Taremi--------------Alishah

