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      Kaffashian's latest interview re: CQ and the Asian Cup... 70-80% CQ will stay on as TM coach regardless of the results (if you have problems watching the video, you can just download it):


        Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
        Kaffashian's latest interview re: CQ and the Asian Cup... 70-80% CQ will stay on as TM coach regardless of the results (if you have problems watching the video, you can just download it):
        I have a feeling there will be a replay of the post-World Cup CQ contract signing saga. IFF offered CQ a contract till after the Asian Cup, let's not forget that. Even if we win the Asian Cup CQ might leave.


          Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
          Kaffashian's latest interview re: CQ and the Asian Cup... 70-80% CQ will stay on as TM coach regardless of the results (if you have problems watching the video, you can just download it):

          It took 3 months to re-sign CQ when Kaffashian was 99% sure. God knows what 70-80% means.


            Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
            I have a feeling there will be a replay of the post-World Cup CQ contract signing saga. IFF offered CQ a contract till after the Asian Cup, let's not forget that. Even if we win the Asian Cup CQ might leave.
            As far as I know Kiarash jaan, his contract is until the end of WC 2018. There are however provisions in the contract for IFF to terminate it after the Asian Cup. So, they don't need to renegotiate anything and CQ will just continue as TM coach, unless IFF decides to terminate the contract. Let's hope we do really well, so we don't have to even worry about those possibilities.


              Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
              As far as I know Kiarash jaan, his contract is until the end of WC 2018. There are however provisions in the contract for IFF to terminate it after the Asian Cup. So, they don't need to renegotiate anything and CQ will just continue as TM coach, unless IFF decides to terminate the contract. Let's hope we do really well, so we don't have to even worry about those possibilities.
              Pretty sure he only signed till February 2015. If CQ really does well, IFF wil sign him till 2018.


                Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                Pretty sure he only signed till February 2015. If CQ really does well, IFF wil sign him till 2018.
                Press TV:



                  Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                  Pretty sure he only signed till February 2015. If CQ really does well, IFF wil sign him till 2018.
                  He signed with us till 2018.

                  There are clauses in the contract such as, if we fail in AC, IFF has the right to terminate his contract without paying him extra, or if we dont qualify to WC 2018 then the contract is automatically terminated. etc.


                    The more I read the articles on Iran from australian news papers, the more it becomes clear to me that they don't a damn thing about Iran.

                    I was just reading this article from a reputable aussie paper, talking about iran vs iraq friendly and and also the war, saying the two "persian" neighbors have bad blood between them.

                    even when they try to get it right, they make it wrong somehow.

                    Iran is the ancient Persia

                    Iraq is the ancient babylon

                    Iran means "land of the aryans" in avestan an ancient iranian language

                    Iraq means "city" in babylonian

                    Iran and iraq are not the same country and have very different histories. check your facts, you are journalists, for fuc* sake.


                      Latest :
                      TM Practice before game vs Iraq.



                        BBC video of tm training in australia


                          Is that the official TM facebook page?

                          Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

                          PS : Damn, the federations of Holland, US, England, Cameroun, Switzerland, Greece, France, Spain, Ecuador, Japan, Germany, Algeria, Colombia, Russia, Belgium, Brazil, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Mexico, Uruguay, italia, Argentina like this page, and we can't get a damn decent friendly?!?!


                            در مورد عدم همراهی علی کریمی با تیم ملی گفت:

                            در هر صورت ما در قراردادمان با کیروش اعلام کرده بودیم که یک دستیار ایرانی در کنارش باشد اما متاسفانه اتفاقی که برای مجید صالح قبل از جام جهانی افتاد این بار هم برای کریمی افتاد.

                            ما دوست داریم یک مربی ایرانی حتما کنار کادر فنی باشد تا از نزدیک تجربه لازم را کسب کند اما چون کریمی در لحظات آخر از همراهی تیم ملی صرفنظر کرد و حتی این تصمیمش را نیز به ما نگفته بود دیگر امکان جایگزینی مربی ایرانی برای وی وجود نداشت.

                            کفاشیان افزود: تا شب قبل از اعزام تیم به استرالیا با کریمی صحبت کرده و حتی در مورد قراردادش نیز صحبتهایی به میان آمد و هیچ بحثی در مورد نرفتنش نشد اما لحظه آخر نرفت و ما باز هم در جام ملتها مربی ایرانی نداریم.

                            رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال یادآور شد:

                            با این حال پس از بازگشت تیم ملی

                            اگر قرار باشد
                            همین کادر فنی به کارش ادامه دهد نیاز داریم تا یک مربی ایرانی در کنار کادر فنی باشد و کار کند. وی در پاسخ به این سوال که چرا در مورد قرارداد مربیان ایرانی، فدراسیون کوتاهی میکند گفت: ما کوتاهی نکردیم قرار شده بود تا قراردادها پس از تنظیم به دست آنها برسد و حتی در مورد دستیاران خارجی کیروش نیز همین چند روز قبل قراردادهایشان را تحویل دادیم. در هر صورت برای علی کریمی نیز منتظر شرایط بودیم و قرارداد وی را نیز آماده کرده بودیم که به خاطر برگزاری اردوها این اتفاق نیفتاد


                              Originally posted by TheBoss View Post
                              The more I read the articles on Iran from australian news papers, the more it becomes clear to me that they don't a damn thing about Iran.

                              I was just reading this article from a reputable aussie paper, talking about iran vs iraq friendly and and also the war, saying the two "persian" neighbors have bad blood between them.

                              even when they try to get it right, they make it wrong somehow.

                              Iran is the ancient Persia

                              Iraq is the ancient babylon

                              Iran means "land of the aryans" in avestan an ancient iranian language

                              Iraq means "city" in babylonian

                              Iran and iraq are not the same country and have very different histories. check your facts, you are journalists, for fuc* sake.

                              Iran ...Iraq....only a N and Q separates the names. People look the same. Both are majority Muslims. Its like comparing Cambodia to Laos.


                                رکیب 11 نفره تیم ملی فوتبال ایران برابر عراق از سوی کارلوس کی روش اعلام شد.

                                به گزارش سایت رسمی فدراسیون؛

                                علیرضا بیرانوند، مرتضی پور علی گنجی، امید ابراهیمی، کریم انصاری فرد، وریا غفوری،
                                وحید امیری، رامین رضائیان، سروش رفیعی، سردار آزمون، هاشم بیگ زاده و مهرداد پولادی

                                بازیکنانی هستند که از ساعت 10:30 امروز 14 دی ماه به مصاف تیم ملی عراق می روند.

