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    ^^ I only came across one Japanese news source from the past week that mentioned the Queiroz as a potential candidate. At this points to evens they are just seeing what their options are:

    "Aguirre Leonardo's successor original Brazilian representative MF, and play in Kashima
    FFebruary 4, 2015

    Of course, now is not a final decision at the stage of doing a narrowing from multiple candidates. Other is raised once also the name of Carlos Queiroz supervision of the current Iranian representative who led the Real Madrid and Nagoya Grampus (61). Like Japan, Iran was the best 8 blind in this Asian Cup, that is moving towards the contract cancellation of the same director."

    Last edited by aenima_8; 02-05-2015, 11:29 AM.


      Originally posted by aenima_8 View Post
      ^^ I only came across one Japanese news source from the past week that mentioned the Queiroz as a potential candidate. At this points to evens they are just seeing what their options are:

      "Aguirre Leonardo's successor original Brazilian representative MF, and play in Kashima
      FFebruary 4, 2015

      Of course, now is not a final decision at the stage of doing a narrowing from multiple candidates. Other is raised once also the name of Carlos Queiroz supervision of the current Iranian representative who led the Real Madrid and Nagoya Grampus (61). Like Japan, Iran was the best 8 blind in this Asian Cup, that is moving towards the contract cancellation of the same director."
      CQ won't come to Japan, he doesn't fits their playing-style. Japan is built on offense, it will take another 4 years to transform them into something they don't like at all. CQ and Iran still stay the perfect match if the goddamn IFF start paying his freaking salary which they havent done so for the past six months.



          مخالفت ضمنی سوئد با برگزاری دیدار ایران - شیلی در این کشور

          اتریش، میزبان احتمالی

          کشور سوئد با برگزاری دیدار تدارکاتی تیم های ملی ایران و شیلی در این کشور مخالف است.



            disagree with you 126 degrees for the following Adesorian reasons:

            1, Man Utd were also known to be an attacking team and Sir Alex brought CQ specifically to strengthen the team, which he did and aAn Utd still kept playing attcaking football.

            2. When CQ coached Real Madrid, Real didn't turn into a defensive team.

            3, When CQ coached Portugal (twice), Portugal didnt turn into a defensive team.

            4, Japan on the other hand did have an Italian national headcoach in the passt (who are known for defensive games), and still did not turn defensive.

            meaning = CQ, as he said on navad interveiw, can only bring a football startegy based on what he thinks will suit a particular team well. Based on his judgement, the way we play now, suits us most.

            Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
              مخالفت ضمنی سوئد با برگزاری دیدار ایران - شیلی در این کشور

              It makes sense not to have it in Stockholm based on what they're saying, but why not have it in a different city like Malmo or Gothenburg - keep the revenues in the country and have guaranteed sell-out days for both airlines and trains carrying the Iranian fans between the cities?


                Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                It makes sense not to have it in Stockholm based on what they're saying, but why not have it in a different city like Malmo or Gothenburg - keep the revenues in the country and have guaranteed sell-out days for both airlines and trains carrying the Iranian fans between the cities?[/CENTER]
                Lol, the swedes are afraid that this game will draw attention from Sweden-Iran match and that it could be a sold at venue compared to Swedens game agaisnt us because chileans and Persians are more passionate about there national teams then the swedes are


                  Originally posted by Dejagah#21 View Post
                  Lol, the swedes are afraid that this game will draw attention from Sweden-Iran match and that it could be a sold at venue compared to Swedens game agaisnt us because chileans and Persians are more passionate about there national teams then the swedes are
                  It makes sense. Generally people do not attend two games within few days from each other. There is a lot of hype before each match and having too many will eat away the enthusiasm.
                  .... At the end I am nothing other than ordinary


                    I swear, only in Iran do we get these kinds of excuses for cancellations.


                      Originally posted by CHaMiLLionaire View Post
                      I swear, only in Iran do we get these kinds of excuses for cancellations.
                      Not a cancellation bro and it has actually got nothing to do with Iran. It's the Swedes who don't want a 2nd game there and the venue for the Chile game was never firmed up anyway (i.e. it wasn't supposed to be played in Sweden for sure).


                        nice picture from a while ago, not sure if posted or not

                        Khanzadeh, Pouraliganji, Jahanbakhsh, Azmoun, Ghafouri


                          Originally posted by TheBoss View Post
                          nice picture from a while ago, not sure if posted or not

                          Khanzadeh, Pouraliganji, Jahanbakhsh, Azmoun, Ghafouri

                          This picture should be called:
                          Future of TM, and Khanzadeh.

                          Khanzadeh will probably be next to these guys on the field playing for TM in the near future..



                              Originally posted by Adesor Vafaseya View Post
                              disagree with you 126 degrees for the following Adesorian reasons:

                              1, Man Utd were also known to be an attacking team and Sir Alex brought CQ specifically to strengthen the team, which he did and aAn Utd still kept playing attcaking football.

                              2. When CQ coached Real Madrid, Real didn't turn into a defensive team.

                              3, When CQ coached Portugal (twice), Portugal didnt turn into a defensive team.

                              4, Japan on the other hand did have an Italian national headcoach in the passt (who are known for defensive games), and still did not turn defensive.

                              meaning = CQ, as he said on navad interveiw, can only bring a football startegy based on what he thinks will suit a particular team well. Based on his judgement, the way we play now, suits us most.
                              No Amoo, CQ is certainly well known world-wide as an overall defensive specialist and may be a good counter attacking coach next..!! he was criticized for being too defensive in his stint as portugal coach and his role in ManU was largely helping them defend and counter better..!!
                              in Real Madrid, its not just good enough to get results, Real Coaches are expected to dictate the tempo of the games, entertain offensively as well as winning.
                              Dictating the tempo of the match and taking the game to the opponent is Certainly Not CQ's forte..! he was forced to do so at Real and it backfired with Madrid conceding too many goals and loosing too many vital games in row towards the end of the season and not winning any trophies and that obviously sealed his fate there. TBH, even TM under his tutelage has failed misrebaly to display any sort of consistent offensive rhythm and nearly 80% of our goals has been scored from Set Pieces rather than from us dictating the offensive tempo and possession of the game and scoring from run of play as in Japan's.

                              nonetheless, i do agree that ultimately he is essentially a statistically-sound and for most part an astute, result-driven tactician ..!

                              i suppose i could undrestand if Japanese FA being already confident of their team's offensive fluidity and prowess, would want to choose CQ in order to add more defensive organization and resiliency to their game ..!


                                برنامه ۹۰ معیار خواست عمومی در مورد کی روش نیست

                                وزیر ورزش و جوانان در نشست خبری .

                                برنامه 90 معیار خواست عمومی نیست

                                وزیر ورزش همچنین درباره ماندن کی روش در فدراسیون فوتبال و ادامه همکاری گفت:

                                خواست عمومی را نمی دانم. شما مگر عدد دارید که خواست عمومی چقدر است؟ برنامه 90 که معیار نیست. اگر شما معیار دارید بگویید خواست عمومی چه می خواهد.ما هیچ آماری از موافقان و مخالفان برای ماندن کی روش نداریم.
                                نگاه اگر فنی و تخصصی باشد جوسازی دولتی و رسانه ای هیچ کدام معیار مبتنی بر واقعیت نیست.

                                فدراسیون فوتبال مثل سایر فدراسیون ها مستقل و عمومی است و اساسنامه مستقل دارد. این نهاد می تواند هر کسی را به عنوان سرمربی در رده های مختلف انتخاب کند. نظر من را می خواهید نظر من می شود نظر یک شخصی، اما به عنوان یک مسئول من اجازه ورود به این عرصه را ندارم. آنها خودشان باید به این جمع بندی برسند حالا یا قرارداد می بندند یا نه. تلاش ما این است که از دخالت دوری کنیم.

                                ترکمانچای بودن قرارداد کی روش را قبول ندارم سجادی در ادامه نشست در جواب این سوال گفت:

                                قرارداد کی روش 4 ساله است

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