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    He will be back 18 esfand or march 9th and tm will leave for austria on march 22nd


      Originally posted by ali alipour View Post

      He will be back 18 esfand or march 9th and tm will leave for austria on march 22nd
      He's not even pretending to be watching the league anymore. When is he going to discover our golden generation like he promised 4 years ago?


        Originally posted by clipsport View Post
        He's not even pretending to be watching the league anymore. When is he going to discover our golden generation like he promised 4 years ago?
        What are you even talking about....

        There is such a thing known as recording games and scouts who can do the majority of the watching for him, also he has a system which he uses to keep an eye on all IPL players as he once explained on Navad. Do you think he wakes up one day and just says, meh lets see whos good in IPL this week?

        Don't be childish.


          Originally posted by pres80 View Post
          What are you even talking about....

          There is such a thing known as recording games and scouts who can do the majority of the watching for him, also he has a system which he uses to keep an eye on all IPL players as he once explained on Navad. Do you think he wakes up one day and just says, meh lets see whos good in IPL this week?

          Don't be childish.
          Sure. he has some matrix system that he explained to Keyrsohipour . Sorry I don't buy it.
          And if you think there are people in IFF sending him video tapes of Gostaresh Foolad v. Rah Ahan and CQ is watching it on his well deserved vacation, then you are very childish.


            Originally posted by clipsport View Post
            Sure. he has some matrix system that he explained to Keyrsohipour . Sorry I don't buy it.
            And if you think there are people in IFF sending him video tapes of Gostaresh Foolad v. Rah Ahan and CQ is watching it on his well deserved vacation, then you are very childish.
            You are right, Ramin Rezaeian's name was pulled out of a hat.
            راه یکی است و آن راستی است


              Originally posted by rugs View Post
              You are right, Ramin Rezaeian's name was pulled out of a hat.

              CQ's staff plaster pictures of players on the wall and CQ rapid fires darts at them. Rezaeian was just lucky his picture was hit with a dart.


                طبق برنامه کادرفنی
                تیم ملی فوتبال بدون کمپ تمرینی در تهران راهی قاره سبز می*شود

                تغییر برنامه سفر

                تیم ملی ایران بدون برگزاری کمپ تمرینی در تهران راهی اردوی اروپایی خود می شود.

                بر همین اساس ابتدا قرار بود طبق اعلام برنامه قبلی تیم ملی دوم فروردین ماه راهی اتریش شود تا پنجم همین ماه در این کشور به مصاف تیم ملی شیلی برود،
                اما با تغییر برنامه انجام شده شاگردان کی روش یک روز زودتر راهی اتریش می شوند.
                همچنین طبق برنامه در نظر گرفته شده، قرار است با توجه به در پیش بودن تعطیلات نوروزی، تیم ملی
                بدون برگزاری کمپ تمرینی در تهران راهی اردوی اروپایی خود شوند.


                  قرارداد کی روش مرحله به مرحله پیش می رود

                  رئيس فدراسيون فوتبال شايعه خداحافظي کي روش را بعد از اردوي سوئد تکذيب کرد و گفت :

                  قرارداد او مرحله به مرحله پيش مي رود.

                  به گزارش "ورزش سه" و به نقل از فارس،

                  علی کفاشیان درباره انتخابات امروز هیأت تهران و اینکه شایعه شده همه چی به نفع شیرازی است و رئیس جلسه هم گرشاسبی است، گفت: رئیس مجمع من هستم خیلی طول کشید اما بالاخره امروز انتخابات برگزار می شود و هر شخصی که رأی بیاورد از نظر ما رئیس هیأت تهران است، ما از کسی حمایت نمی*کنیم.

                  کفاشیان درباره انتخابات AFC و اینکه از شما حمایت خواهد شد یا نه افزود: بالاخره انتخابات انجام می شود اما حمایت نه.

                  وی در پاسخ به این سؤال که
                  کی روش کی به ایران می آید و شنیده شده بعد از سوئد خداحافظی می کند اظهار داشت:

                  او تا هفته دیگر می آید اما قراردادش تا جام جهانی است.

                  کفاشیان در پاسخ به این سؤال که شما اعلام کرده بودید قرارداد کی روش مرحله به مرحله تمدید می شود و او گفته اگر امکانات نباشد نمی آید تصریح کرد:

                  قرارداد ما تا جام ملت های آسیا بود که او را نگه داشتیم در حال حاضر هم دو مرحله انتخابی جام جهانی است. امکانات را هم برایش فراهم می کنیم.

                  رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال درباره شایعه نرفتن نفت به ازبکستان عنوان کرد: قیمت نفت بالا آمده (با شوخی) نیامده !

                  وی درباره اینکه شنیده شده کویت از میزبانی ایران حمایت می کند، گفت: من چیزی در این مورد نشنیده ام.

                  کفاشیان در پایان درباره مشکل مالی فدراسیون و نامه به صدا و سیما خاطرنشان کرد: هنوز پولی به ما نداده ند اما فکر کنم این پول را تا پایان سال بدهند.


                    So, the members of CAFA (Central Asian Football Association) which was founded by Iran had their first meeting. The headquarters will be at Uzbakistan. Iran got a cool deal out of it though, Kafashian became the vice president of AFC.


                      ^^ it's better than dealing with arabs, but man look at that picture. even the goofy Kafashian looks like a man among boys. we are so much more advanced than them. it seems that they are just happy to be there and have a football team.


                        Did he become vice president of AFC or CAFA?


                          Originally posted by Abtin View Post
                          Did he become vice president of AFC or CAFA?
                          vice president of the AFC.



                            Where did you get the news about Kafashian from?


                              Originally posted by 04041374 View Post
                              Where did you get the news about Kafashian from?
                              BBC Persian

                              همچنین در این نشست اعضای این حوزه به این نتیجه رسیدند که علی کفاشیان رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال ایران به عنوان معاون در کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا به نمایندگی از این حوزه معرفی شود


                                Originally posted by TheBoss View Post
                                So, the members of CAFA (Central Asian Football Association) which was founded by Iran had their first meeting. The headquarters will be at Uzbakistan. Iran got a cool deal out of it though, Kafashian became the vice president of AFC.

                                So many ..stan

